Varma has Published 69 Articles

Execute a script when an element has been dragged to a valid drop target in HTML?



Updated on 31-May-2020 00:20:20


When an element has been dragged in HTML to a valid drop target, the ondragenter attribute fires.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to implement the ondragenter attribute −                    #boxA, #boxB {             float:left;padding:10px;margin:10px; -moz-user-select:none; ... Read More

How to include groups of table columns in HTML?



Updated on 30-May-2020 22:13:25

1K+ Views

Use the tag to include groups of table columns.The HTML tag is used for specifying properties for a group of columns within a table. If you need to apply different properties to a column within a colgroup, you can use the HTML col tag within the colgroup tag.The ... Read More

What is the purpose of a default constructor in Java?



Updated on 12-Mar-2020 05:21:59

2K+ Views

Default constructors in Java:A constructor initializes an object when it is created. It has the same name as its class and is syntactically similar to a method. However, constructors have no explicit return type. There are two types of constructors namely −parameterized constructors − Constructors with constructors − Constructors ... Read More

Is it possible to style HTML5 audio tag?



Updated on 04-Mar-2020 04:50:27

4K+ Views

HTML 5 audio tags can be styled. By using the audio tag with “controls” attribute, the default browsers player is used. You can customize by not using the browsers controls. By removing the controls attribute, you can hide the built in browser user’s interface −    Play    Pause    Vol+ ... Read More

How do we add document title in HTML?



Updated on 02-Mar-2020 12:28:36


Use the tag to add document title. The HTML tag is used for indicating the title of the HTML document. The body title is placed between the and the tags.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to add document title in HTML ... Read More

Why use Java annotations?



Updated on 24-Feb-2020 10:15:44


Annotations provide information about java elements. Annotations can be interpreted by compiler or IDE at compile time or by JVM at runtime. Annotations can be usedto show attributes of an element: e.g. @Deprecated, @Override, or @NotNullto describe the purpose of an element of the framework, e.g. @Entity, @TestCase, @WebServiceto describe ... Read More

Covariant return types in Java



Updated on 24-Feb-2020 09:02:18

8K+ Views

Covariant return type refers to return type of an overriding method. It allows to narrow down return type of an overridden method without any need to cast the type or check the return type. Covariant return type works only for non-primitive return types.From Java 5 onwards, we can override a ... Read More

What are the different types of keywords in Java?



Updated on 18-Feb-2020 11:33:18

2K+ Views

Following are the different types of keywords in java—Access modifiers − private, protected, public.Class, method, variable modifiers− abstract, class, extends, final, implements, interface, native, new, static, strictfp, synchronized, transient, volatile.Flow control− break, case, continue, default, do, else, for, if, instanceof, return, switch, while.Package control− import, package.Primitive types− boolean, byte, char, ... Read More

What environment variables do I need to set up before I start running Java programs on my machine?



Updated on 18-Feb-2020 11:03:23


Before running Java programs on your machine you need to set two environment variables namely, PATH − The path environment variable is used to specify the set of directories which contains execution programs.When you try to execute a program from command line, the operating system searches for the specified program ... Read More

Can we use MySQL GROUP BY clause with multiple columns like MySQL DISTINCT clause is used?



Updated on 14-Feb-2020 09:54:56

9K+ Views

Yes, it is possible to use MySQL GROUP BY clause with multiple columns just as we can use MySQL DISTINCT clause. Consider the following example in which we have used DISTINCT clause in first query and GROUP BY clause in the second query, on ‘fname’ and ‘Lname’ columns of the ... Read More
