V Jyothi has Published 82 Articles

What is the difference between ++i and i++ in C++?

V Jyothi

V Jyothi

Updated on 08-Sep-2023 23:00:20

32K+ Views

There is a big distinction between the suffix and prefix versions of ++.In the prefix version (i.e., ++i), the value of i is incremented, and the value of the expression is the new value of i. So basically it first increments then assigns a value to the expression.In the postfix ... Read More

How to specify that the audio/video will start over again, every time it is finished in HTML?

V Jyothi

V Jyothi

Updated on 24-Jun-2020 11:42:44


Use the loop attribute to specify that the audio/ video will start over again. You can try to run the following code to implement loop attribute −Example                                        Your browser does not support the video element.          

How to call a virtual function inside constructors in C++?

V Jyothi

V Jyothi

Updated on 24-Jun-2020 06:17:10


Calling virtual functions from a constructor or destructor is dangerous and should be avoided whenever possible. This is because the virtual function you call is called from the Base class and not the derived class.In C++ every class builds its version of the virtual method table prior to entering its ... Read More

What is a lambda expression in C++11?

V Jyothi

V Jyothi

Updated on 24-Jun-2020 06:06:07


C++ STL includes useful generic functions like std::for_each. Unfortunately, they can also be quite cumbersome to use, particularly if the functor you would like to apply is unique to the particular function. So this function that you'll create will be in that namespace just being used at that one place. ... Read More

When should static_cast, dynamic_cast, const_cast and reinterpret_cast be used in C++?

V Jyothi

V Jyothi

Updated on 23-Jun-2020 13:57:11

3K+ Views

const_castcan be used to remove or add const to a variable. This can be useful if it is necessary to add/remove constness from a variable.static_castThis is used for the normal/ordinary type conversion. This is also the cast responsible for implicit type coersion and can also be called explicitly. You should ... Read More

What are the best online tutorials for C++?

V Jyothi

V Jyothi

Updated on 23-Jun-2020 13:25:11


There are many resources on the web that can help you learn C++. I've tried to give you a compiled list of some of the best resources out there to learn C++ −http://www.tutorialspoint.com/cplusplus/ − This is a great place to learn C++ as it covers almost all basic and intermediate ... Read More

How to allow long and unbreakable words to be broken and wrap to the next line in JavaScript?

V Jyothi

V Jyothi

Updated on 23-Jun-2020 11:44:49


Use the wordWrap property in JavaScript to allow long words to be broken and wrap to the next line.ExampleYou can try to run the following to learn how to work with wordWrap property −                    #box {           ... Read More

Which event occurs in JavaScript when an element's content is cut?

V Jyothi

V Jyothi

Updated on 23-Jun-2020 09:11:38


The oncut event occurs when an element’s content is cut. You can try to run the following code to learn how to work with an oncut event in JavaScript −Example                          function cutFunction() {             document.write("Text cut!");          }          

How to add properties and methods to an object in JavaScript?

V Jyothi

V Jyothi

Updated on 23-Jun-2020 08:32:13


To add properties and methods to an object in JavaScript, use the prototype property.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to work with prototype −           JavaScript prototype property                function book(title, author) {   ... Read More

What is the role of special characters in JavaScript Regular Expressions?

V Jyothi

V Jyothi

Updated on 23-Jun-2020 07:21:43


The frequency or position of bracketed character sequences and single characters can be denoted by a special character. Each special character has a specific connotation. The +, *, ?, and $ flags all follow a character sequence.Sr.NoExpression & Description1p+It matches any string containing one or more p's.2p*It matches any string ... Read More

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