Swarali Sree has Published 74 Articles

How to create an Array in Java?

Swarali Sree

Swarali Sree

Updated on 19-Feb-2020 10:03:30

2K+ Views

In Java, you can create an array just like an object using the new keyword. The syntax of creating an array in Java using new keyword −type[] reference = new type[10];Where, type is the data type of the elements of the array.reference is the reference that holds the array.And, if you want ... Read More

Hiding SAP ABAP table control column

Swarali Sree

Swarali Sree

Updated on 18-Feb-2020 06:51:09

3K+ Views

You can use the structure CXTAB_CONTROL that has the following components:INVISIBLE C(1) Flag (X or blank) for visibility of entire table control.You can use sample program: RSDEMO02 that allow you to modify properties of table control and view the results.When you use this Table control INVISIBLE, this changes the content ... Read More

Getting number of rows in table in an itab in SAP

Swarali Sree

Swarali Sree

Updated on 18-Feb-2020 05:40:41


There is a function “LINES” that can be used to get the number of lines in a table. Here is the code that can be used −DESCRIBE TABLE LINES VR1The variable VR1 will contain the number of rows.

What does a semicolon do after a C++ class name?

Swarali Sree

Swarali Sree

Updated on 11-Feb-2020 07:51:53


If you have statements like −Class Person;This is a forward declaration. It lets the following code know that there is are classes with the name Person. This satisfies the compiler when it sees these names used. Later the linker will find the definition of the classes.

How does MYSQL control flow function CASE works?

Swarali Sree

Swarali Sree

Updated on 11-Feb-2020 06:29:36


MySQL CASE statement is a flow control function that allows us to build conditions inside a query such as SELECT or WHERE clause. We have two syntaxes of CASE statementSyntax-1CASE val WHEN compare_val1 THEN result1 WHEN compare_val2 THEN result2 . . . Else result ENDHere in this 1st syntax, if ... Read More

Which function in MySQL is used to add white spaces between two strings?

Swarali Sree

Swarali Sree

Updated on 10-Feb-2020 06:25:50


MySQL SPACE() function is used to add white spaces between two strings. The argument passed in SPACE() function is an integer which specifies how many white spaces we want to add.SyntaxSPACE(N)Here, N is an integer specifies the number of white spaces we want to add.Examplemysql> Select 'My Name is', Space(5), ... Read More

How to replicate a string for a specified number of times in MySQL?

Swarali Sree

Swarali Sree

Updated on 10-Feb-2020 05:37:30


With the help of MySQL REPEAT() function, we can replicate a string for a specified number of times.SyntaxREPEAT(Str, No.)Here Str is the string which is to be replicated for a specified number of times.No. is the numerical value which indicates that how many times the string would be repeated.Examplemysql> Select REPEAT('#*', ... Read More

What happens if the position of insertion, in MySQL INSERT() function, is out of range?

Swarali Sree

Swarali Sree

Updated on 06-Feb-2020 06:37:37


MySQL INSERT() function performs no insertion if the position of insertion is out of range. The position of insertion can be out of range in the case when we pass a negative or 0(zero) value or the value goes beyond the value of a total number of characters in an ... Read More

How can we create a table from an existing MySQL table in the database?

Swarali Sree

Swarali Sree

Updated on 28-Jan-2020 12:20:27


With the help of CTAS i.e. “Create Table AS Select” script we can create a table from an existing table. It copies the table structure as well as data from the existing table. Consider the following example in which we have created a table named EMP_BACKUP from already existing table ... Read More

How to check statement of creating a particular MySQL database?

Swarali Sree

Swarali Sree

Updated on 28-Jan-2020 10:38:25


With the help of CREATE DATABASE db-name command, we can check the statement of creating any MySQL database.mysql> SHOW CREATE DATABASE Sample; +----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Database | Create Database                                             ... Read More
