Sravani S has Published 86 Articles

Set the font size with CSS

Sravani S

Sravani S

Updated on 30-Jan-2020 10:18:12


The font-size property is used to increase or decrease the size of a font. The font-size property is used to control the size of fonts. Possible values could be xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large, smaller, larger, size in pixels or in %.             ... Read More

Usage of background-color property in CSS

Sravani S

Sravani S

Updated on 30-Jan-2020 09:20:25


The background-color property is used to set the background color of an element.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to work with the background-color property:                         This text has a blue background color.    

HTM5 checkValidity() method

Sravani S

Sravani S

Updated on 30-Jan-2020 07:08:40


The HTML5 checkValidity() works in Google Chrome and Opera as well. This works as well:                    .valid { color: #0B7866; }          .invalid { color: #0B6877; }                 ... Read More

Draw a circle filled with random color squares on HTML5 canvas

Sravani S

Sravani S

Updated on 30-Jan-2020 06:59:59

1K+ Views

When we need to fill a circle with 1x1 pixels, all with different colors in a browser, we can use a simple approach like this: Drawing all pixels with some random colors in a 200x200 grid on a canvas Changing composite mode Drawing circle on topLet us seen an example:var canvas1 = document.getElementById('canvas'), ... Read More

Adding HTML5 Validation to Visual Studio

Sravani S

Sravani S

Updated on 29-Jan-2020 10:25:41


For HTML5 validation, you need to install IntelliSense and validation support to Visual Studio. HTML5 is supported by Visual Studio 2012.VS 2010 had IntelliSense support, but VS 2012 added corresponding snippets making it fast and easy to write markup.Follow the steps: Launch Visual Studio 2012 Go to Tools > Options menu When Options ... Read More

Positioning HTML5 SVG in the center of screen

Sravani S

Sravani S

Updated on 29-Jan-2020 10:20:13


To center SVG, add the following CSS:# svgelem {    margin-left:auto;    margin-right:auto;    display:block; }The following is our SVG:    

HTML5 IndexedDB Example

Sravani S

Sravani S

Updated on 29-Jan-2020 10:13:33


The following function is an example of IndexedDB to add data:function add() {    var request = db.transaction(["employee"], "readwrite")    .objectStore("employee")    .add({ id: "001", name: "Amit", age: 28, email: "" });    request.onsuccess = function(event) {       alert("Amit has been added to your database.");    };   ... Read More

How to get last day of the current month in MySQL?

Sravani S

Sravani S

Updated on 29-Jan-2020 05:17:54


With the help of following MySQL query, we can get the last day of the current month −mysql> SELECT LAST_DAY(now()) AS 'LAST DAY OF CURRENT MONTH'; +---------------------------+ | LAST DAY OF CURRENT MONTH | +---------------------------+ | 2017-10-31                | +---------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

In MySQL, how can I convert a number of seconds into TIMESTAMP?

Sravani S

Sravani S

Updated on 28-Jan-2020 10:44:24


It is exactly reverse of UNIX_TIMESTAMP() and can be done with the help of FROM_UNIXTIME() function. For example, 11576070 seconds would be TIMESTAMP ‘1970-05-15 05:04:30’.mysql> Select FROM_UNIXTIME(11576070); +--------------------------------+ | FROM_UNIXTIME(11576070)        | +--------------------------------+ |      1970-05-15 05:04:30       | +--------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Why JavaScript Data Types are Dynamic?

Sravani S

Sravani S

Updated on 16-Jan-2020 10:18:32


JavaScript also has dynamic types. That would mean the same variable used for holding different data types in JavaScript.Example                    var val;          val = "Amit";          document.write("String: "+val);          val = 20;          document.write("Number: "+val);          val = 40.90;          document.write("Number with decimals: "+val);                  
