Sharon Christine has Published 433 Articles

Resource Crunch: A Nightmare for Project Managers during Deadline

Sharon Christine

Sharon Christine

Updated on 17-Jan-2020 12:25:17


When everything goes well, nobody cares about the project’s resources, they become a dime a dozen. And smart project managers always keep their resource plan with them for any unwanted situation. But, the problem comes when the project is hitting the deadlines and some of your activities are far away ... Read More

Real Estate Technology Trends in 2017

Sharon Christine

Sharon Christine

Updated on 17-Jan-2020 12:22:13


Technology is pervading into all aspects of real estate, making its functioning easier and quicker. And with the rising need to manage client demands, converting leads into sales, along with the requirement for broad property research, it is becoming all the more imperative to make use of multifaceted technologies that ... Read More

Rainbow Stream – An Advanced Command-line Twitter Client for Linux

Sharon Christine

Sharon Christine

Updated on 17-Jan-2020 11:50:44


Rainbow Stream is a free and open source Twitter-consumer for Linux command-line, released under MIT License. It is competent of showing Rea ltime tweet stream, compose a tweet, search, favorite, etc.It is written in Python and built on high of Twitter API and Python Twitter Tool. To run this application ... Read More

Preview into eCommerce Careers

Sharon Christine

Sharon Christine

Updated on 17-Jan-2020 11:41:28


Do you wish to have a unique mix of business as well as marketing career? If yes, then you look no further! The right career path for you is the eCommerce Industry.In the modern age, eCommerce partners are fast growing companies, they are ready to transform the future of online ... Read More

Popular Public Clouds

Sharon Christine

Sharon Christine

Updated on 17-Jan-2020 11:37:16


Cloud computing plays a crucial role in information and technology sector. It has changed the dimension of the society. Most of the companies are moving towards cloud due to its cost efficiency and scalability. Moving towards a new technology shouldn’t be an additional burden for the organization. Complete analysis on ... Read More

Planning and Scheduling Tools for Project Management

Sharon Christine

Sharon Christine

Updated on 17-Jan-2020 11:30:05


We are living in a fast paced competitive world, where everybody wants his work to be completed as soon as possible. The industries across the world also have not escaped from this mindset. The customers who buys the products and services; the companies who provides those, and the employees who ... Read More

Performance Monitoring with Monitorix on Ubuntu 16.04

Sharon Christine

Sharon Christine

Updated on 17-Jan-2020 11:17:36


Monitorix is a free, open source, lightweight system monitoring tool designed to monitor as many services and system resources as possible. It has been created to be used under the production of Linux/UNIX servers but due to its simplicity and small size it can be used on embedded devices as ... Read More

Outlook Tips and Tricks for Efficient Work Productivity

Sharon Christine

Sharon Christine

Updated on 17-Jan-2020 10:58:56


Millions of people use Microsoft Outlook for managing their email, meetings, and contacts. It offers so many features but few of us really know how to make the most of its features. When you use these useful features effectively, Microsoft Outlook enables you to do your work seamlessly and as ... Read More

Online Tutoring Trends

Sharon Christine

Sharon Christine

Updated on 17-Jan-2020 10:52:57


If you want to succeed in your career, you need to keep learning and be up-to-date with the new technologies. To remain in touch with the upcoming technologies and concepts, you need to learn. The easiest and best way to learn new skills is to learn in your own time ... Read More

Nginx WebServer Best Security Practices

Sharon Christine

Sharon Christine

Updated on 17-Jan-2020 10:48:08


NGINX is a free, open-source, high-performance HTTP server and a reverse proxy, also known as IMAP/POP3 proxy server. NGINX is famous for its high performance, stability, rich feature set, simple configuration, and low resource consumption. In this article, we will explain about ” Nginx WebServer Best Security Practices”.sysctl.conf is a ... Read More
