Sharon Christine has Published 433 Articles

How can iOS Causes Breakdown in Great Devices?

Sharon Christine

Sharon Christine

Updated on 24-Jan-2020 08:11:48


Every iPhone user has an unusual habit of displaying their Apple logo so that onlookers can check it out. If someone owns an iPhone and wants to take pride in it, it’s okay for few minutes, but dude- why the show-off? The entire world knows of iPhone, which is more ... Read More

How 3D Printing Technology is Helping Education Industry?

Sharon Christine

Sharon Christine

Updated on 24-Jan-2020 08:08:01


3D printing technology has been redefining how education is given. Educational institutions have been evolving from traditional methodologies like books, practical classes and field visits to something that students find exciting. It is not that traditional methods are being shunned. Probably the biggest contribution of 3D printing so far has ... Read More

Google Talk - An Old Friend Now Rested In Peace

Sharon Christine

Sharon Christine

Updated on 24-Jan-2020 07:57:31


Have you felt sad when you heard for the first time that the days of Google Talk chat service is over? Many long-time users of Google Talk felt the same; they feel nostalgia remembering the days when they used to chat hours with their friends and families. Just like the ... Read More

Google Photos Powered with AI can Share Your Photos Automatically

Sharon Christine

Sharon Christine

Updated on 24-Jan-2020 07:54:30


How often your friends and family members call you to share their photos you have photographed on your mobile in a barbecue party or family function? Many times, isn’t it? It is quite common that in our busy schedule we often forget to share the photos with them. We keep ... Read More

Go Cashless – No Internet (no signal) No Problem ???

Sharon Christine

Sharon Christine

Updated on 24-Jan-2020 07:46:48


The cashless world after demonetization is no longer imagination for all of us, we might get there sooner than we think. While the idea of a cashless society is appealing, the challenges of implementation are huge.Today various modes of digital payments for cashless transactions are available such as Internet Banking ... Read More

Gadgets You Can Control Just With Your Mind

Sharon Christine

Sharon Christine

Updated on 24-Jan-2020 07:42:22


In sci-fi movies and literature we come across thought-controlled devices, UFOs and so on. If that technology is mind-blowing, be ready to use it as it is already here. You can move just about anything with just your mind using these cutting edge devices.In this article, we will learn about ... Read More

Five Signs That You Should Quit Your Job!

Sharon Christine

Sharon Christine

Updated on 24-Jan-2020 07:34:53


In any industry, you will find people who are spontaneous and do not leave any opportunity, whereas there will be people who are loyal and remain with the Organization for more than a decade. The idea of change scares them, despite the conditions in the present Organization. Here is a ... Read More

Fireball – The Virus Which Can Hijack Your Browser

Sharon Christine

Sharon Christine

Updated on 24-Jan-2020 07:30:46


Beware of all the internet surfers; the Fireball virus is coming to compromise your security!! Your internet browser is at high risk, as the browser attacking nasty virus can take control of your browser and do whatever it want without your consent. It can even run malicious codes, download files ... Read More

Features that Matter in an Effective Mobile Anti-Virus!!

Sharon Christine

Sharon Christine

Updated on 24-Jan-2020 07:26:54


The usage of the smartphone has witnessed exponential growth in recent times. The benefit of using a smart device coupled with an active internet connection is endless. However, with multiple advantages, there is a possibility of unwanted suspicious threats. These threats are regarding the fall of your sensitive data which ... Read More

Face Detection and Recognition Systems

Sharon Christine

Sharon Christine

Updated on 24-Jan-2020 07:19:10


Imagine standing in front of the entrance door to your office and see your face flash up on a large screen. If the screen identifies you, it opens the doors; if it doesn’t the doors don’t open. Your face is your digital ID. It allows you to enter your office ... Read More
