Samual Sam has Published 2491 Articles

Instruction type SPHL in 8085 Microprocessor

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:23

4K+ Views

In 8085 Instruction set, SPHL is an instruction with the help of which Stack Pointer will get initialized with the contents of register pair HL. It is an indirect way of initializing the stack pointer. But it is not a very common and regularly usable instruction as well. It occupies ... Read More

Instruction type INX SP in 8085 Microprocessor

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:23


In 8085 Instruction set, INX SP instruction is used to increment the SP contents by 1. INX SP instruction is a special case of INX rp instruction which increases the content of the register pair. This instruction occupies only 1-Byte in memory. Mnemonics, Operand Opcode(in HEX) Bytes ... Read More

Instruction type DAD SP in 8085 Microprocessor

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:23

5K+ Views

In 8085 Instruction set, DAD SP instruction is a special case of DAD rp instruction. In this instruction contents of HL and SP will get added and sum thus produced will get stored onto HL register pair. It occupies only 1-Byte in memory. Mnemonics, Operand Opcode(in HEX) Bytes ... Read More

8085 program to move blocks of bits from source location to a destination location

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:23

5K+ Views

Problem Statement − Move a block of 16 data stored from 8050H to 805FH to a target location from 8070F to 807FH. Address Hex Codes Label Mnemonic T-States Comment 8000 21 50 80 START: LXI H, 8050H 10 Setup HL pair as a pointer for ... Read More

Java program for removing n-th character from a string

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:23


The n-th character from a string can be removed using the substring() function. An example of this is given as follows − String = Happy The 3rd character is removed = Hapy A program that demonstrates this is given as follows − Example Live Demo public ... Read More

Introduction to Miscellaneous Problems

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:23


We have seen different problems in different sections. There are some other problems which are not categorized. In this section we will see some of the random problems. In this Section We are going to cover. Adding base n numbers Babylonian method to find the square root Factorial of ... Read More

The Best C++ IDE or Editor for Windows

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:23


The following are some of C++ IDEs for Windows. 1.Eclipse Galileo with CDT Plugin Eclipse is a well-known open source and cross platform IDE. It provides full functional C/C++ IDE with the following features − Code editor with support for syntax highlighting Support for folding and hyperlink navigation Source ... Read More

Introduction to Pattern Searching Algorithms

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:23

3K+ Views

Pattern Searching algorithms are used to find a pattern or substring from another bigger string. There are different algorithms. The main goal to design these type of algorithms to reduce the time complexity. The traditional approach may take lots of time to complete the pattern searching task for a longer ... Read More

Introduction to Searching Algorithms

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:23

8K+ Views

The searching algorithms are used to search or find one or more than one element from a dataset. These type of algorithms are used to find elements from a specific data structures. Searching may be sequential or not. If the data in the dataset are random, then we need to ... Read More

Extracting MAC address using Python

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:23

2K+ Views

We know that the MAC address is a hardware address which means it is unique for the network card installed on our PC. It is always unique that means no two devices on a local network could have the same MAC addresses. The main purpose of MAC address is to ... Read More
