Samual Sam has Published 2491 Articles

Template matching using OpenCV in Python

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:23


The Template matching is a technique, by which a patch or template can be matched from an actual image. This is basically a pattern matching mechanism. In Python there is OpenCV module. Using openCV, we can easily find the match. So in this problem, the OpenVC template matching techniques are ... Read More

Instruction type ORI d8 in 8085 Microprocessor

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:23

1K+ Views

In 8085 Instruction set, ORI is a mnemonic that stands for “OR Immediate with Accumulator” and “d8” stands for any 8-bit data. This instruction is used to OR 8-bit immediate data with the Accumulator. The result of ORing will be stored in the Accumulator itself. As it is a logical ... Read More

Instruction type XRI d8 in 8085 Microprocessor

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:23

1K+ Views

In 8085 Instruction set, XRI is a mnemonic that stands for “eXclusive OR Immediate with Accumulator” and “d8” stands for any 8-bit data. This instruction is used to Ex-OR 8-bit immediate data with the Accumulator. The result of Ex-ORing will be stored in the Accumulator overwriting its previous content. As ... Read More

Send mail with attachment from your Gmail account using Python

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:23

10K+ Views

In this article, we will see how we can send email with attachments using Python. To send mail, we do not need any external library. There is a module called SMTPlib, which comes with Python. It uses SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) to send the mail. It creates SMTP client ... Read More

Instruction type STC in 8085 Microprocessor

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:23

2K+ Views

In 8085 Instruction set, STC stands for “SeT the Carry flag”. It sets the cy flag to the 1 state, immaterial of its earlier value. It performs set operation on the cy flag, and the result is stored back in the cy flag. Mnemonics, Operand Opcode(in HEX) ... Read More

Instruction type CPI d8 in 8085 Microprocessor

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:23

5K+ Views

In 8085 Instruction set, CPI is a mnemonic that stands for “ComPare Immediate with Accumulator” and here d8 stands for any 8-bit data or 1-Byte data. This instruction is used to compare Accumulator with 8-bit immediate data. The result of the comparison will be stored in an internal register not ... Read More

Instruction type RAL in 8085 Microprocessor

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:23

5K+ Views

In 8085 Instruction set, there is another mnemonic RAL, which stands or Rotate Accumulator Left and also involving Cy flag in rotation. It rotates the Accumulator contents to the left by 1-bit position. The following Fig. is depicting the execution logic of the instruction.From the Fig. we can see that ... Read More

Instruction type RAR in 8085 Microprocessor

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:23

5K+ Views

In 8085 Instruction set, RAR stands for “Rotate Accumulator Right involving Cy flag in rotation”. It rotates the Accumulator contents to the right by 1-bit position. From the following Fig. we are getting the operation details. From the Fig. we can see that, during right rotate the least ... Read More

Send mail from your Gmail account using Python

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:23

16K+ Views

In this article, we will see how we can send email with attachments using Python. To send mail, we do not need any external library. There is a module called SMTPlib, which comes with Python. It uses SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) to send the mail. It creates SMTP client ... Read More

Instruction type PUSH rp in 8085 Microprocessor

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:23

9K+ Views

In 8085 Instruction set, PUSH rp instruction stores contents of register pair rp by pushing it into two locations above the top of the stack. rp stands for one of the following register pairs. rp = BC, DE, HL, or PSW As rp can have any of the ... Read More
