Samual Sam has Published 2492 Articles

IntlChar::isspace() function in PHP

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 30-Dec-2019 07:47:57


The IntlChar::isspace() function check whether the given input character is a space character or not.SyntaxIntlChar::isspace(val)Parametersval − An integer value or character encoded as UTF-8 string.ReturnThe IntlChar::isspace()function returnsTRUE if the val is a space character.ExampleThe following is an example −OutputThe following is the output −NULL bool(true) bool(true)ExampleLet us see another example ... Read More

IntlChar::iscntrl() function in PHP

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 30-Dec-2019 07:39:32


The IntlChar::iscntrl() function is used to check the given input is a control character or not. Examples include line feed (), tab (\t), etc.SyntaxIntlChar::iscntrl( val )Parametersval − An integer values or character encoded as a UTF-8 string.ReturnThe IntlChar::iscntrl() function returns TRUE if the val is a control character.ExampleThe following is ... Read More

IntlChar::isalnum() function in PHP

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 30-Dec-2019 07:36:57


The IntlChar::isalnum() function is used to check the given input is an alphanumeric character or not. The alphanumeric character is a digit or letter.Syntaxbool IntlChar::isalnum(val)Parametersval − An integer values or character encoded as a UTF-8 string.ReturnThe IntlChar::isalnum()function returns TRUE if the val is alphanumeric.ExampleThe following is an example −OutputThe following ... Read More

tanh() function in PHP

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 27-Dec-2019 10:03:38


The tanh() function returns the hyperbolic tangent of the specified value.Syntaxtanh(val)Parametersval − A value in radiansReturnThe tanh() function returns the hyperbolic tangent of the specified value val.ExampleThe following is an example to get the hyperbolic tangent of 0 and 1: Live DemoOutput00.76159415595576ExampleLet us see an example to get the hyperbolic tangent ... Read More

srand() function in PHP

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 27-Dec-2019 10:01:04


The mt_srand() function seeds the random number generator.Note − Random number generator is seeded automatically after the release of PHP 4.2.0. This function is not needed now.Syntaxsrand(seed)Parametersseed − The seed valueReturnThe srand() function Returns nothing.Example Live DemoOutput664617053ExampleLet us see another example − Live DemoOutput4

sinh() function in PHP

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 27-Dec-2019 09:59:16


The sinh() function Returns the hyperbolic sine of a number equivalent to.(exp(num) - exp(-num))/2)Syntaxsinh(num)Parametersnum − The number for which you want to Return the hyperbolic sine. A value in radians.ReturnThe sinh() function Returns the hyperbolic sine of a number.Example Live DemoOutput01.1752011936438ExampleLet us see another example − Live DemoOutput11.5487393572582.3012989023073Read More

round() function in PHP

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 27-Dec-2019 07:05:22


The round() function rounds a floating point number. For example, 0.90 to 1, 0.35 to 0, etc.Syntaxround(val, precision, mode)Parametersval − The value to roundprecision − It sets the precision i.e. the number of decimal digits to round tomode − A constant that specify the following rounding modePHP_ROUND_HALF_UP - The constant ... Read More

rad2deg() function in PHP

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 27-Dec-2019 07:02:47


The rad2deg() function converts radian value to degree value. It Returns the equivalent of radia value val in degrees.Syntaxrad2deg(val)Parametersval − The radian value to be converted into degree.ReturnThe rad2deg() function Returns the equivalent of val in degrees.Example Live DemoOutput180ExampleLet us see another example − Live DemoOutput90ExampleLet us see another example − Live DemoOutput22.5Read More

pi() function in PHP

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 27-Dec-2019 06:57:57


The pi() function Returns the value of Pi (π).Syntaxpi()ParametersNAReturnThe pi() function Returns the approximate value of PI. This value is a floating point value.3.1415926535898Example Live DemoOutput3.1415926535898ExampleLet us see another example to get the value of PI Live DemoOutput3.1415926535898

max() function in PHP

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 27-Dec-2019 06:53:28


The max() function Returns the maximum value of an array.Syntaxmax(arr_values); or max(val1,val2,...);Parametersarr_values − The array with values.val1, val2 − The values to compare.ReturnThe max() function Returns the maximum value of an array.Example Live DemoOutput89ExampleLet us see another example − Live DemoOutput89
