Samual Sam has Published 2492 Articles

Set the minimum width that a box can be with CSS

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 04-Mar-2020 12:27:48


The min-width property is used to set the minimum width that a box can be. The value of the min-width property can be a number, a length, or a percentage.Example                            This paragraph is 100px high and ... Read More

CSS width property

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 04-Mar-2020 12:10:41


The width property is used to set the width of a box. They can take values of a length, a percentage, or the keyword auto. You can try to run the following code to set width −Example                            This paragraph is 200pixels wide and 50 pixels high          

Set outline style as a groove with CSS

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 04-Mar-2020 11:27:43


To set the outline style as a groove, use the outline-style property with the value groove. Under groove, the outline looks as though it is carved into the page.− Example                            This text is having 3px groove outline.          

CSS outline property

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 04-Mar-2020 11:23:34


The outline property is a shorthand property that allows you to specify values for multiple properties such as color, style, width of outline. Example                            This text is having thin solid freen outline.                            This text is having thick dashed green outline.                      

Set outline style as a dotted line with CSS

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 04-Mar-2020 11:13:44


To set the outline style as a dotted line, use the outline-style property with the value dotted − Example                            This text is having 7px dotted outline.          

CSS padding-left property

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 04-Mar-2020 11:06:01


The padding-left specifies the left padding of an element. It sets the left padding of an element. This can take a value in terms of length of %. Example                            This is a paragraph with a specified left padding                      This is another paragraph with a specified left padding in percent          

Using Modernizr to detect HTML5 features

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 04-Mar-2020 10:11:29


Modernizr is a small JavaScript Library that detects the availability of native implementations for next-generation web technologies.Here is the list of features that can be detected by Modernizr −FeatureCSS PropertyJavaScript Check@font-face.fontfaceModernizr.fontfaceCanvas.canvasModernizr.canvasCanvas Text.canvastextModernizr.canvastextHTML5 Audio.audioModernizr.audioHTML5 Audio[format]HTML5 Video.videoModernizr.videoHTML5 Video[format]rgba().rgbaModernizr.rgbahsla().hslaModernizr.hslaborder-image.borderimageModernizr.borderimageborder-radiusbox-shadow.borderradiusModernizr.borderradiusbox-shadow.boxshadowModernizr.boxshadowMultiple backgrounds.multiplebgsModernizr.multiplebgsOpacity.opacityModernizr.opacityCSS Animations.cssanimationsModernizr.cssanimationsCSS Columns.csscolumnsModernizr.csscolumnsCSS Gradients.cssgradientsModernizr.cssgradientsCSS Reflections.cssreflectionsModernizr.cssreflectionsCSS 2D Transforms.csstransformsModernizr.csstransformsCSS 3D Transforms.csstransforms3dModernizr.csstransforms3dCSS Transitions.csstransitionsModernizr.csstransitionsGeolocation API.geolocationModernizr.geolocationInput TypesNAModernizr.inputtypes[type]Input ... Read More

Prevent iPhone from zooming in web-app with HTML

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 04-Mar-2020 06:33:06

8K+ Views

Giving a meta tag attribute "user-scalable=no" will restrict the user from zooming elsewhere.  Prevent zooming all together by adding this meta tag to your head tag. This tells the mobile browser to use the same width scale and will not allow the user to zoom in at all, hence also disables ... Read More

Choose which option is selected on pageload of razor Html.DropDownListFor() in HTML?

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 04-Mar-2020 06:13:12


Shorthand is used to decide which option is selected on pageload of razor Html.DropDownListFor(). You can try to run the following code snippet −// return Boolean value @Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.Valeur, new List< SelectListItem > { //new list item list item1 is generated new SelectListItem { Value = "0" , Text ... Read More

What are rvalues, lvalues, xvalues, glvalues, and prvalues in C++?

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 27-Feb-2020 05:10:27


An lvalue has an address that your program can access. Examples of lvalue expressions include variable names, including const variables, array elements, function calls that return an lvalue reference, bit-fields, unions, and class members. A xvalue expression has no address but can be used to initialize an rvalue reference, which provides ... Read More
