Samual Sam has Published 2492 Articles

Safety guidelines for using a public computer

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 09-May-2022 08:04:54


Because of some reason, sometime people cannot use their personal PC or laptop . In that situation, people go to libraries, Internet cafes, airports, and coffee shops, and many-more for browsing, these all are public computer place opens for everyone. Although, anybody can use public computer, it is not so ... Read More

Responsive web design best for mobile seo strategy

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 09-May-2022 07:52:00


At present, almost every day new mobile version comes and clients every day demand for a website for a particular new version of mobile, means; one website design for the BlackBerry, another for the iPhone, the iPad, netbook, Kindle, etc. Also, website should be compatible to the screen resolutions of ... Read More

Safety tips for your kids to use social websites

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 09-May-2022 07:47:46


At present, how much social websites are growing that much insecurity level is increasing. It’s true; these sites are good for building a social relationship, marketing, chatting, playing games, downloading and sending photos and videos, blogging, uploading online profile – usually beneficial from business point of view and entertainment point ... Read More

Computer consultants end of computer illiteracy

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 09-May-2022 07:33:06


Computer consultants are experts in the field of information technology. These expert work in every sphere of business and personal world. Their main task is to tell people and businesses that how best the computer technology may be utilized for their businesses and other segments.They are very important in the ... Read More

Computer illiteracy is it a shame

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 09-May-2022 07:24:54


Digital divide is a very obvious truth today between developed and developing countries. In turn a large number of population in developing countries is illiterate in terms of computer literacy. The main reasons for this are following −Less adaptation of new technologies by the residents of these countriesPoor infrastructure and ... Read More

10 ways to solve the problem of computer illiteracy

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 09-May-2022 07:22:29


Computer illiteracy is a very major issue which must be addressed with care and sensitivity. The impact of the results in this area are manifested very widely. An empathetic approach with sufficient care may transform the very nature of the scenario overall and may benefit the common people the most.Thus ... Read More

Tips for computer illiterates to make money online

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 09-May-2022 07:20:29


There are a lot of tasks which one may perform to earn money online. This however requires a certain extent of computer knowledge and skills to operate this machine. The basic behind this is that a lot of services are now being served through web based platforms which may be ... Read More

Benefits of Learning Software Testing – For Developers

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 26-Apr-2022 13:11:06


Whenever I face a group of fresh graduates for the first session of Software Testing, I come cross this question very often while imparting trainings that, “Why a developer should undergo the training for software testing?” This is an obvious thought especially for a person who is new in the ... Read More

Empowering the Project Managers with Project Charter

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 26-Apr-2022 11:53:45


The first and foremost step to initiate a project is to prepare the project charter. It is one of the most important documents of the project, and it is being used throughout the life of the project. Once it is prepared and approved by the project initiator or the project ... Read More

Emerging Technologies of 2017

Samual Sam

Samual Sam

Updated on 26-Apr-2022 11:24:51


Technology is creating a significant impact on our lives. It is opening up opportunities for finding solutions for some of the world’s biggest challenges. Be it the new artificial intelligence technologies, immune engineering which can save the lives of cancer patients, gene editing creating sustainable methods in plants that can ... Read More
