SAP Developer has Published 85 Articles

Process to get SAP HANA license key from SAP Marketplace

SAP Developer

SAP Developer

Updated on 17-Jun-2020 09:13:41


To request a license key from SAP Marketplace, you require an S-ID and the “Request License Key” authorization for the installation number or customer number you require. To request your license key, you need to open SAP Service Marketplace − is to launch license key application → It will prompt ... Read More

Requirements to use a text join in SAP HANA

SAP Developer

SAP Developer

Updated on 17-Jun-2020 09:10:32


When you use a Text join in SAP HANA, following condition should be met −You should have Text table always on the right side in joinThere should be a Language columns definedBelow shows an example of Attribute join where Language column is used in text join −

Inserting data in table in SAP HANA

SAP Developer

SAP Developer

Updated on 17-Jun-2020 09:09:28

6K+ Views

Like other database, you can insert rows in column based table in SAP HANA using Insert statement. Insert statement can be written in SQL editor in HANA.To open SQL editor, you can select HANA system and click on SQL sign at top.Below SQL statements can be used to insert the ... Read More

Show creator name in SAP WEBI report

SAP Developer

SAP Developer

Updated on 12-Jun-2020 12:21:46


WEBI provides you a lot of functions which you can let you perform a wide range of operations ranging from fetching data to doing some complex calculations. You can get the entire list at your requirement you can use from the following functions:DocumentOwner()DocumentAuthor()These will not give you directly the ... Read More

Add Authentication details in the AJAX request in SAPUI5

SAP Developer

SAP Developer

Updated on 12-Jun-2020 12:20:58


Basically you need to exploit the beforeSend function of JQuery AJAX to sort out your requirement.Here is a basic code snippet −function AddToHeader(xhr) {     var pwd = // get the password;     xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + btoa(user + ":" + pwd)); } $.ajax({    type: "GET",   ... Read More

Apply CSS on a table cell based on the content in SAPUI5

SAP Developer

SAP Developer

Updated on 12-Jun-2020 12:08:05


You are having one of the most common requirements in the case of the table. You can achieve the end result using formatter function exposed on the cells of a table.Here is a code snippet for your reference which you can alter as per your use case:cells: [    new ... Read More

Commit changes on SAP BAPI Transaction

SAP Developer

SAP Developer

Updated on 12-Jun-2020 12:05:35


You are correct that in order for the changes done by BAPI to come into effect, you need to call the commit function.It will commit all the changes which are uncommitted not only the last transaction. You can refer below link to know more about BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT and COMMIT WORK:BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMITRead More

Change no data text for Search in SAPUI5

SAP Developer

SAP Developer

Updated on 12-Jun-2020 11:42:15


You just need to use the noDataText property to sort out your requirement.You have two options, either you can change in controller or you can change in the XML.Option 1:Call the setNoDataText method in the init methodthis.byId(“”).setNoDataText(“”)Option 2:Add the noDataText property in the XML

Port number for SAP HANA Cockpit offline administration

SAP Developer

SAP Developer

Updated on 13-Mar-2020 08:17:06


Following perquisites should be met for accessing SAP HANA cockpit for offline administration −To access this, you need credentials of the operating system user (adm user) that was created when the system was installed.Communication port 1129: As this Port 1129 is required for communication with the SAP Host Agent in ... Read More

Accessing SAP HANA Cockpit for offline administration via HANA Cockpit

SAP Developer

SAP Developer

Updated on 13-Mar-2020 08:15:09


First open SAP HANA cockpit by using below URL- https://:43/sap/hana/admin/cockpit or http://:80/sap/hana/admin/cockpit2Next is to navigate to SAP HANA Database Administration group → Select SAP HANA Cockpit for Offline Administration
