Rishi Rathor has Published 149 Articles

Usage of Bootstrap Modal Plugins

Rishi Rathor

Rishi Rathor

Updated on 12-Jun-2020 18:50:44


A modal is a child window that is layered over its parent window. Typically, the purpose is to display content from a separate source that can interact without leaving the parent window. Child windows can provide information, interaction, or more.Toggle the modal plugin's hidden content −Via data attributes − Set ... Read More

Bootstrap thumbnail class

Rishi Rathor

Rishi Rathor

Updated on 12-Jun-2020 18:19:54


The role of .thumbnail class in Bootstrap is used to create a thumbnail for images −ExampleLive Demo           Bootstrap Example                                                                                                    

Create a navbar scrolling with the page in Bootstrap

Rishi Rathor

Rishi Rathor

Updated on 12-Jun-2020 17:25:53

1K+ Views

To create a navbar that scrolls with the page, add the .navbar-static-top class. This class does not require adding the padding to the .ExampleLive Demo           Bootstrap Example                                                       Car Accessories                                                Car Cover                Car Mobile Holder                Car Mobile Charger                                

Usage of btn-sm Bootstrap class

Rishi Rathor

Rishi Rathor

Updated on 12-Jun-2020 16:11:24


Create a small button using the btn-sm Bootstrap class. You can try to run the following code to implement the btn-sm Bootstrap class:ExampleLive Demo           Bootstrap Example                                                       Subject                                             Programming             Web Dev             Database             Networking                    

Bootstrap btn-group class

Rishi Rathor

Rishi Rathor

Updated on 12-Jun-2020 15:06:50


Use the class .btn-group to create a button group.You can try to run the following code to implement the btn-group class −ExampleLive Demo           Bootstrap Example                                 The following are the buttons:                One          Two          

Indicate a successful action to a particular table row or cell with Bootstrap

Rishi Rathor

Rishi Rathor

Updated on 12-Jun-2020 13:26:43


To indicate a successful action to a particular table row or cell with Bootstrap, use the .success class. You can try to run the following code to implement the .success class −ExampleLive Demo           Bootstrap Table                                                                                         Subject                   Marks                   Type                                                                           C                   65                   Programming Language                                                   PHP                   92                   Scripting Language                                                   jQuery                   80                   JavaScript Library                                                

What does the exclamation mark do before the function in JavaScript?

Rishi Rathor

Rishi Rathor

Updated on 12-Jun-2020 08:46:17

2K+ Views

The ! symbol shows that it is an immediately-invoked function expression.The exclamation mark won’t invoke the function alone; you can put () at the end −!function foo() {}()() has higher precedence than ! and instantly calls the function.You can also mention it like the following −(function(){})();The ! allows the expression ... Read More

What is the role of shiftKey Mouse Event in JavaScript?

Rishi Rathor

Rishi Rathor

Updated on 23-May-2020 09:29:49


The shiftkey mouse event property is used to show whether SHIFT key is pressed or not when mouse button is clicked.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to implement shiftKey Mouse event in JavaScript.           Press and hold SHIFT key and then ... Read More

How to use HTML5 Geolocation Latitude/Longitude API?

Rishi Rathor

Rishi Rathor

Updated on 18-May-2020 08:28:23


HTML5 Geolocation API lets you share your location with your favorite websites. A JavaScript can capture your latitude and longitude and can be sent to backend web server and do fancy location-aware things like finding local businesses or showing your location on a map.The geolocation APIs work with a new ... Read More

Set the language of the linked document in HTML

Rishi Rathor

Rishi Rathor

Updated on 03-Mar-2020 12:35:15


Use the hreflang attribute to set the language of the linked document in HTML.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to implement the hreflang attribute −           HTML hreflang attribute               Database Tutorial:       DBMS    

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