Rishi Raj has Published 127 Articles

How to delete all records from a table in Oracle using JDBC API?

Rishi Raj

Rishi Raj

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:26

2K+ Views

The SQL TRUNCATE statement is used to delete all the records from a table.SyntaxTRUNCATE TABLE table_name;To delete all the records from a table from using JDBC API you need to −Register the Driver: Register the driver class using the registerDriver() method of the DriverManager class. Pass the driver class name to it, as ... Read More

Can we return Result sets in JDBC?

Rishi Raj

Rishi Raj

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:26

1K+ Views

Yes, just like any other objects in Java we can pass a ResultSet object as a parameter to a method and, return it from a method.Let us create a table with name MyPlayers in MySQL database using CREATE statement as shown below −CREATE TABLE MyPlayers(    ID INT,    First_Name VARCHAR(255),   ... Read More

What is RSVP (Resource Reservation Protocol)?

Rishi Raj

Rishi Raj

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:26

6K+ Views

RSVP is a transport layer protocol that is used to reserve resources in a computer network to get different quality of services (QoS) while accessing Internet applications. It operates over Internet protocol (IP) and initiates resource reservations from the receiver’s end.FeaturesRSVP is a receiver oriented signalling protocol. The receiver initiates ... Read More

C-style parser for command line options in Python

Rishi Raj

Rishi Raj

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:26


Python’s sys module provides access to any command-line arguments via the sys.argv. sys.argv is the list of command-line arguments and sys.argv[0] is the program ie. the script name.Save following code as args.pyimport sys print ('argument list', sys.argv)Execute above script from command line as follows:C:\python37>python args.py 11 22 argument list ['args.py', ... Read More

POP3 protocol client in Python

Rishi Raj

Rishi Raj

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:26


The poolib module from Python's standard library defines POP3 and POP3_SSL classes. POP3 class encapsulates a connection to a POP3 server and implements the protocol as defined in RFC 1939. POP3_SSL classsupports POP3 servers that use SSL as an underlying protocol layer.POP3 protocolis obsolescent as its implementation quality of POP3 ... Read More

Interpreter base classes in Python

Rishi Raj

Rishi Raj

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:26


Python's interactive mode works on the principle of REPL (Read - Evaluate - Print - Loop). The code module in Python's standard library provides classes nd convenience functions to set up REPL environment from within Python script.Following two classes are defined in code module:InteractiveInterpreter: This class deals with parsing and ... Read More

Java sql.Timestamp toString() method with example

Rishi Raj

Rishi Raj

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:26

5K+ Views

The toString() method of the java.sql.Timestamp class returns the JDBC escape format of the time stamp of the current Timestamp object as String variable.i.e. using this method you can convert a Timestamp object to a String.//Retrieving the Time object Timestamp timestampObj = rs.getTimestamp("DispatchTimeStamp"); //Converting the Time object to String format ... Read More

Java sql.Timestamp valueOf() method with example

Rishi Raj

Rishi Raj

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:26


The valueOf() method of the java.sql.Timestamp class accepts a String value representing a time stamp in JDBC escape format and converts the given String value into Timestamp object.Timestamp timeStamp = Time.valueOf("timeStamp_string");ExampleLet us create a table with name dispatches_data in MySQL database using CREATE statement as shown below:CREATE TABLE dispatches_data(    ProductName VARCHAR(255),   ... Read More

Java sql.Date toString() method with example?

Rishi Raj

Rishi Raj

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:26

4K+ Views

The toString() method of the java.sql.Date class returns the JDBC escape format of the time of the current Date object as String variable.i.e. using this method, you can convert a Date object to a String.//Retrieving the Date object Date dateObj = rs.getDate("DispatchDate"); //Converting the Date object to String format String ... Read More

Java DatabaseMetaData getDriverMajorVersion() method with example

Rishi Raj

Rishi Raj

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:26


The getDriverMajorVersion() method of the DatabaseMetaData interface returns the major version of the JDBC driver used.To get the major version of the JDBC driver used to connect with the database −Make sure your database is up and running.Register the driver using the registerDriver() method of the DriverManager class. Pass an ... Read More

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