Rajendra Dharmkar has Published 452 Articles

What is the difference between Python's re.search and re.match?

Rajendra Dharmkar

Rajendra Dharmkar

Updated on 22-Aug-2023 10:25:01


In the vast realm of Python programming, regular expressions stand as essential tools for text processing and pattern matching, unlocking a plethora of possibilities for developers. Within Python's re module, two prominent functions, re.search() and re.match(), emerge as the veritable champions of pattern matching within strings. While both functions share ... Read More

What does the 'U' modifier do when a file is opened using Python?

Rajendra Dharmkar

Rajendra Dharmkar

Updated on 22-Aug-2023 10:23:24


File handling plays a pivotal role in efficiently managing data in the realm of computer programming. Python, being a versatile and powerful language, equips developers with robust mechanisms for reading and writing files seamlessly. When working with files, Python offers a range of modifiers that allow for fine-tuning the behavior ... Read More

What are the modes a file can be opened using Python?

Rajendra Dharmkar

Rajendra Dharmkar

Updated on 22-Aug-2023 10:21:36

5K+ Views

In the realm of Python programming, working with files demands a thorough grasp of the various modes in which files can be opened. The mode of file opening dictates the operations that can be performed on the file, be it reading, writing, or a combination of both. Python offers a ... Read More

How to zip a folder recursively using Python?

Rajendra Dharmkar

Rajendra Dharmkar

Updated on 22-Aug-2023 10:19:52

5K+ Views

It is known that file compression is a routine task in software development and data management in Python. The act of zipping folders recursively is a valuable skill that allows you to compress not only the top-level folder but also all its subdirectories and files; this results in creating a ... Read More

How to search and replace text in a file using Python?

Rajendra Dharmkar

Rajendra Dharmkar

Updated on 22-Aug-2023 10:15:24

9K+ Views

The manipulation of files in the domain of programming plays a decisive role in data processing and management. Developers find themselves equipped with robust tools to handle files and text effectively in Python which is a multipurpose and powerful language. Among the everyday tasks involving files, one crucial operation is ... Read More

How to remove hidden files and folders using Python?

Rajendra Dharmkar

Rajendra Dharmkar

Updated on 22-Aug-2023 10:13:43

2K+ Views

In the domain of file and folder manipulation, it is found that hidden files and folders can be a source of inconvenience, chaos and confusion, particularly when they are not supposed to be accessible and visible to the end-users. It is a common practice to keep hidden files and folders ... Read More

Why substring slicing index out of range works in Python?

Rajendra Dharmkar

Rajendra Dharmkar

Updated on 11-Aug-2023 16:00:49

2K+ Views

Slicing is a technique in Python used to extract a portion of a sequence, such as a string, list, or tuple. Slicing involves specifying the start and end indices of the sequence, and the resulting slice will contain all elements from the start index up to (but not including) the ... Read More

When to use %r instead of %s in Python?

Rajendra Dharmkar

Rajendra Dharmkar

Updated on 11-Aug-2023 15:31:51

2K+ Views

In Python, %r and %s are used as string formatting operators to insert values into a string. The %s operator is used for representing strings, whereas %r is used to represent a string as it would appear in its raw form, including quotes and special characters. Use %s when you ... Read More

What is the use of import statement in Python?

Rajendra Dharmkar

Rajendra Dharmkar

Updated on 11-Aug-2023 15:10:44


The import statement in Python is used to bring code from external modules or libraries into your program. This is a powerful feature that allows you to reuse code and avoid duplicating code across multiple programs. Here are some examples of how to use the import statement: Import a single ... Read More

What is the most elegant way to check if the string is empty in Python?

Rajendra Dharmkar

Rajendra Dharmkar

Updated on 11-Aug-2023 14:58:50

3K+ Views

In Python, an empty string is a string with no characters in it. It is represented by a pair of single quotes '' or a pair of double quotes "". An empty string is different from a null value, which is a special value representing the absence of any object. ... Read More

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