Rajendra Dharmkar has Published 452 Articles

How can we change the id of an immutable string in Python?

Rajendra Dharmkar

Rajendra Dharmkar

Updated on 10-Aug-2023 12:51:49


In Python, a string is a sequence of characters. It's a type of data that represents text values, such as words, sentences, or even entire documents. Strings in Python are enclosed in either single quotes ('...') or double quotes ("..."), and can include alphanumeric characters, symbols, whitespace, and more. As ... Read More

How can I concatenate str and int objects in Python?

Rajendra Dharmkar

Rajendra Dharmkar

Updated on 10-Aug-2023 12:11:24


Concatenating a string and an integer in Python is a common task in programming. Here are three different ways to do it: Using the str() function to convert the integer to a string Example In this method, we define a string called my_string and an integer called my_number. We use ... Read More

Does Python have a string 'contains' substring method?

Rajendra Dharmkar

Rajendra Dharmkar

Updated on 10-Aug-2023 12:02:36


In Python, a substring is a sequence of characters that appears within a larger string. For example, in the string "Hello, world!", the substring "world" appears within the larger string. A substring can be a single character, or it can be a longer sequence of characters. Substrings are useful when ... Read More

Can we do math operation on Python Strings?

Rajendra Dharmkar

Rajendra Dharmkar

Updated on 10-Aug-2023 11:54:19

2K+ Views

You can perform some math operations on Python strings technically, but it may not work the way you expect it to. Here are a few examples: Concatenating Strings with + Example In this example, we concatenate two strings by using the + operator. This works because the + operator is ... Read More

How to share common data among multiple Python files?

Rajendra Dharmkar

Rajendra Dharmkar

Updated on 03-Aug-2023 13:21:27

1K+ Views

In the domain of Python programming, organization and modularity are pivotal in crafting efficient and maintainable code. As your Python projects grow in complexity, the necessity to disseminate common data across multiple files becomes paramount. Gratefully, Python furnishes several techniques to accomplish this seamlessly. Within this article, we shall embark ... Read More

How to setup VIM autoindentation properly for editing Python files?

Rajendra Dharmkar

Rajendra Dharmkar

Updated on 03-Aug-2023 13:05:35

1K+ Views

As seasoned practitioners in the programming domain, we grasp the significance of a seamless coding experience. Configuring VIM auto-indentation for editing Python files can notably boost productivity, readability, and maintainability of your code. Within this article, we will explore a few indispensable techniques to tailor VIM for auto-indentation, personalized to ... Read More

How to safely open/close files in Python?

Rajendra Dharmkar

Rajendra Dharmkar

Updated on 03-Aug-2023 12:50:29

2K+ Views

When it comes to file operations in Python, adhering to best practices is crucial to ensure the security and integrity of your data. Mishandling files can lead to data corruption, resource leaks, and even security vulnerabilities. This article aims to delve into the best practices for safely opening and closing ... Read More

How to read a file from command line using Python?

Rajendra Dharmkar

Rajendra Dharmkar

Updated on 03-Aug-2023 12:04:12

10K+ Views

For Python developers, acquiring the ability to extract information from files through the command line is a fundamental skill. Python arms us with potent tools to seamlessly read data from files via the command line, be it for data analysis, information extraction, or file processing. In this article, we embark ... Read More

How to monitor Python files for changes?

Rajendra Dharmkar

Rajendra Dharmkar

Updated on 03-Aug-2023 11:49:45

1K+ Views

In the realm of developers, staying alert to file alterations is of utmost importance for streamlining debugging, automation, and real-time updates in our Python projects. The act of monitoring Python files for changes equips us with the ability to remain in sync and act promptly when modifications arise. In this ... Read More

How to find difference between 2 files in Python?

Rajendra Dharmkar

Rajendra Dharmkar

Updated on 03-Aug-2023 11:42:42

8K+ Views

When you venture into the realm of file processing, the need to discern disparities and differences between two files arises frequently. Python equips us with an array of potent tools to accomplish this task with ease and precision. In this article, we shall navigate a few distinct methodologies to reveal ... Read More
