Nitya Raut has Published 271 Articles

How to apply a function simultaneously against two values of the array from right-to-left?

Nitya Raut

Nitya Raut

Updated on 23-Jun-2020 08:31:18


Use the reduceRight() method in JavaScript to apply a function simultaneously against two values of the array from right-to-left as to reduce it to a single value.The following are the parameters −callback − Function to execute on each value in the array.initialValue − Object to use as the first argument to the ... Read More

How to list down all the plug-in installed in your browser?

Nitya Raut

Nitya Raut

Updated on 23-Jun-2020 06:55:20


To list down all the plug-on installed in the web browser, use the JavaScript navigator object. The JavaScript navigator object includes a child object called plugins. This object is an array, with one entry for each plug-in installed on the browser.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to list ... Read More

How can we delete an existing MySQL table by using PHP script?

Nitya Raut

Nitya Raut

Updated on 22-Jun-2020 13:43:01


As we know that PHP provides us the function named mysql_query to delete an existing MySQL table.ExampleTo illustrate this we are deleting a table named ‘Tutorials_tbl’ with the help of PHP script in the following example −           Creating MySQL Tables                  

What is the meaning of ‘empty set’ in MySQL result set?

Nitya Raut

Nitya Raut

Updated on 22-Jun-2020 11:53:16

4K+ Views

If there is ‘empty set’ in the result set of MySQL query then it means that MySQL is returning no rows and no error also in the query. It can be understood with the help of the following example −mysql> Select * from Student_info WHERE Name = 'ABCD'; Empty set ... Read More

In MySQL, how we can write Multiple-line statement?

Nitya Raut

Nitya Raut

Updated on 22-Jun-2020 08:46:50

4K+ Views

We can write multiple-line statements because MySQL determines the end of a statement by looking for the termination semicolon, not by looking for the end of the input line.Examplemysql> Select *     -> from     -> stock_item; +------------+-------+----------+ | item_name  | Value | Quantity | +------------+-------+----------+ | Calculator ... Read More

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using MySQL stored procedures?

Nitya Raut

Nitya Raut

Updated on 22-Jun-2020 05:19:43

2K+ Views

There are numerous advantages and disadvantages of using MySQL stored procedures which are as follows −MySQL Stored Procedure AdvantagesFollowings are the advantages of using MySQL Stored Procedures −Increasing the performance of applications − As we know that after creating the stored procedure it is compiled and stored in the database. ... Read More

Which MySQL query can be used with the help of which we can see the list of MySQL databases?

Nitya Raut

Nitya Raut

Updated on 20-Jun-2020 12:56:32


With the help of following MySQL query, we can see the list of MySQL database −mysql> SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata; +--------------------+ | schema_name        | +--------------------+ | information_schema | | gaurav             | | mysql              | | ... Read More

How MySQL LEFT JOIN can be used to simulate the MySQL MINUS query?

Nitya Raut

Nitya Raut

Updated on 20-Jun-2020 11:31:04


Since we cannot use MINUS query in MySQL, we will use LEFT JOIN to simulate the MINUS query. It can be understood with the help of the following example:ExampleIn this example, we are two tables namely Student_detail and Student_info having the following data −mysql> Select * from Student_detail; +-----------+---------+------------+------------+ | ... Read More

How can we store a value in user-defined variable?

Nitya Raut

Nitya Raut

Updated on 20-Jun-2020 09:09:22


We can store a value in a user-defined variable in a statement and then refer to it afterward in other statements. Followings are the ways to store a value in user-defined variable −With SET statementwe can store a user-defined variable by issuing a SET statement as follows −SyntaxSET @var_name = ... Read More

What MySQL returns when we alter AUTO_INCREMENT value which is less than current sequence number?

Nitya Raut

Nitya Raut

Updated on 20-Jun-2020 07:49:38


When we use AUTO_INCREMENT on a MySQL column, the sequence number always increases in ascending order starting from the default value 1 or from the value we specify.That is the reason, MySQL does not allow changing the AUTO_INCREMENT value to a value which is less than the current sequence number. ... Read More

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