Nikitha N has Published 76 Articles

Getting MIN and MAX dates in table in SAP Web Intelligence while using a Break

Nikitha N

Nikitha N

Updated on 12-Mar-2020 12:27:12


This can be achieved by creating an Indicator as per condition you are looking for- minimum drawn date time for POST-Test and Maximum drawn date time for PRE-Test. Once you create this indicator, it will show “Y” for the rows highlighted in yellow as per condition and “N” for other rows.=If ... Read More

Loading External Libraries in SAP UI5

Nikitha N

Nikitha N

Updated on 12-Mar-2020 12:26:25

1K+ Views

External libraries can be inserted using a file in a normal script tag. SAP UI5 also supports JQuery so it can be done by extending your heading from the controller.var s = document.createElement("script"); s.type = "text/javascript"; s.src = ""; $("head").append(s);You can also add any external file using the following command ... Read More

Difference between SAP PI/PO and ESB

Nikitha N

Nikitha N

Updated on 12-Mar-2020 10:22:32


SAP PI/PO is more relevant to use when your entire landscape is of SAP modules. SAP Process Integration is a part of the SAP NetWeaver platform. It is called SAP NetWeaver Exchange Infrastructure XI in NetWeaver 7.0 ehp2 and older versions. SAP NetWeaver Process Integration is a part of the ... Read More

5 different ways to create objects in Java

Nikitha N

Nikitha N

Updated on 06-Mar-2020 06:12:45

4K+ Views

Consider a class Tester which has implemented Cloneable interface. Now you can initialize an object using following five ways:1. Using new keyword.Tester tester1 = new Tester();2. Using Class.forName() methodTester tester2 = (Tester)Class.forName("Tester").newInstance();3. Using clone method.Tester tester3 = tester1.clone();4. Using Constructor.forName() methodTester tester4 = Tester.class.getConstructor().newInstance();5. Using DeserializationObjectInputStream objectInputStream = new ObjectInputStream(inputStream ... Read More

New keyword in Java

Nikitha N

Nikitha N

Updated on 06-Mar-2020 06:08:28


Yes, it is similar to a new keyword of C++. a new keyword is used to initialize/create an object. See the following example −Employee employee = new Employee();Here new keyword is used to create an object of class Employee() invokes the constructor of the class keyword can also ... Read More

How to find Kaprekar numbers within a given range using Python?

Nikitha N

Nikitha N

Updated on 05-Mar-2020 11:13:49


A modified Kaprekar number is a positive whole number n with d digits, such that when we split its square into two pieces - a right hand piece r with d digits and a left hand piece l that contains the remaining d or d−1 digits, the sum of the ... Read More

What are common programming errors or 'gotchas' in Python?

Nikitha N

Nikitha N

Updated on 05-Mar-2020 07:58:40


Here are some of the most common python programming mistakes/gotchas that programmers commit:Scope name lookups: Python follows scoping rules in order of LEGB(Local, Enclosing, Global, Built-in). Since python has no strict type binding, programmers can reassociate an outer scope variable to another value that might be used in the outer ... Read More

Set the text wrap in a form in HTML

Nikitha N

Nikitha N

Updated on 03-Mar-2020 12:27:38


Use the wrap attribute to set the text wrap in HTML. You can try to run the following code to implement wrap attribute −Example                              This is demo text This is demo text This is demo text This is demo text                    

Execute a script when the length of the media changes in HTML?

Nikitha N

Nikitha N

Updated on 03-Mar-2020 10:18:52


The ondurationchange attribute triggers when the length of the audio/ video changes in HTML.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to implement ondurationchange attribute −                                        Your browser does not support the video element.                      function display(vLength) {             alert("Video Length: " + vLength.duration + " seconds");          }          

How do we define the start of a term in a definition list in HTML?

Nikitha N

Nikitha N

Updated on 03-Mar-2020 07:05:35


The HTML tag is used to define the start of a term in a definition list. A definition list is similar to other lists but in a definition list, each list item contains two entries; a term and a description.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to define ... Read More
