Nikitha N has Published 76 Articles

How to compare string and number in Python?

Nikitha N

Nikitha N

Updated on 17-Jun-2020 12:56:56

2K+ Views

Objects of different types except numbers are ordered by their type names; objects of the same types that don’t support proper comparison are ordered by their address. When you order two strings or two numeric types the ordering is done in the expected way (lexicographic ordering for string, numeric ordering ... Read More

Can i refer an element of one array from another array in java?

Nikitha N

Nikitha N

Updated on 16-Jun-2020 10:04:41


Yes, you can −int [] myArray1 = {23, 45, 78, 90, 10}; int [] myArray2 = {23, 45, myArray1[2], 90, 10};But, once you do so the second array stores the reference of the value, not the reference of the whole array. For this reason, any updating in the array will ... Read More

How to convert an array to string in java?

Nikitha N

Nikitha N

Updated on 16-Jun-2020 09:05:47


The Arrays class of the java.util package provides toString() methods for all primitive data types and object. These methods accept an array and return its string representation.Therefore, to convert an array to string pass the required array to this method.ExampleLive Demoimport java.util.Arrays; public class ArrayToString {    public static ... Read More

What is for a statement in JavaScript?

Nikitha N

Nikitha N

Updated on 16-Jun-2020 06:56:09


The for loop iterates a variable overall value of the properties of objects. Note − The “for…” is now deprecated. Do not use. SyntaxHere’s the syntax −for each (variablename in object) {    statement or block to execute }ExampleHere’s an example, which will not run on any of the web browsers, ... Read More

What is a block statement in JavaScript?

Nikitha N

Nikitha N

Updated on 15-Jun-2020 12:04:58


A block statement groups zero or more statements. In languages other than JavaScript, it is known as a compound statement.SyntaxHere’s the syntax −{    //List of statements }Variables with a block get scoped to the containing function. Block statement never introduce scope and using var to declare variables don’t have ... Read More

Execute a script when a mouse wheel is being scrolled over an element in HTML?

Nikitha N

Nikitha N

Updated on 30-May-2020 22:58:31


When a mouse wheel is being scrolled over an element, the onwheel attribute triggers.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to execute a script when a mouse wheel is being scrolled over an element in HTML −                   This is ... Read More

How to search the value of the target attribute of a link in JavaScript?

Nikitha N

Nikitha N

Updated on 23-May-2020 11:21:40


To search the value of the target attribute of a link in JavaScript, use the target property. You can try to run the following code to get the value of target attribute.Example           Qries                var x = document.getElementById("qriesid").target;          document.write("Value of the target attribute: "+x);          

What is the usage of copyWithin() method in JavaScript?

Nikitha N

Nikitha N

Updated on 23-May-2020 11:00:01


Use the copyWithin() method in JavaScript to copy array elements. You can set the index from/to where (index) the elements are copied. The following are the elements supported by − The position of the index from where the elements is to be copied.begin − The index to start copying ... Read More

Which is the best tutorial site to learn HTML?

Nikitha N

Nikitha N

Updated on 08-May-2020 11:13:35


HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, which is the most widely used language on Web to develop web pages. HTML was created by Berners-Lee in late 1991 but "HTML 2.0" was the first standard HTML specification which was published in 1995. HTML 4.01 was a major version of HTML ... Read More

Suppressing duplicate entries in classical and ALV report in SAP ABAP

Nikitha N

Nikitha N

Updated on 12-Mar-2020 12:29:12

1K+ Views

To delete adjacent duplicate entries in an internal table, you can use the below command −DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATE ENTRIES FROM                      [COMPARING ...                          |ALL FIELDS].Also, consider ... Read More
