Nikitha N has Published 76 Articles

How can I create a MySQL stored procedure that returns multiple values from a MySQL table?

Nikitha N

Nikitha N

Updated on 22-Jun-2020 05:56:02

1K+ Views

We can create a stored procedure with both IN and OUT parameters to get multiple values from a MySQL table. To make it understand we are taking an example of a table named ‘student_info’ having the following data −mysql> Select * from student_info; +------+---------+------------+------------+ | id   | Name    | ... Read More

What are the prerequisites for starting writing and using MySQL stored procedure?

Nikitha N

Nikitha N

Updated on 22-Jun-2020 05:06:06


We must have the following prerequisites before starting writing and using MySQL stored procedures −MySQL VersionAs we know that MySQL 5 introduced stored procedures, hence first of all we need to check for the version of MySQL before staring writing and using stored procedures. It can be done with the ... Read More

Emphasis text and color with CSS

Nikitha N

Nikitha N

Updated on 20-Jun-2020 13:42:36


Use the text-emphasis property to emphasis text and color with CSS.Let us see an example:text-emphasis: text-emphasis-style text-emphasis-color;Here,text-emphasis-color: foreground color of the emphasis marktext-emphasis-style: emphasis marks on the element's text

What is the use of OPTIMIZE TABLE statement in maintaining the MySQL tables?

Nikitha N

Nikitha N

Updated on 20-Jun-2020 12:51:37


While working with the database, we have a tendency to do plenty of changes like insert, update and delete data within the table which will cause the physical storage of the table fragment. As a result, the performance of database server is degraded.MySQL provides us with OPTIMIZE TABLE statement that allows you ... Read More

How can I start MySQL Server?

Nikitha N

Nikitha N

Updated on 20-Jun-2020 11:21:06


There are following two methods to start MySQL server −Using Command LineWe need to run ‘mysqld’ program to run MySQL server. It can be started using the command line with the help of the following command −C:\mysql\bin>mysqldWe will see nothing after entering the ‘mysqld’ command because it will not print ... Read More

How can we use prepared statements in MySQL?

Nikitha N

Nikitha N

Updated on 20-Jun-2020 10:45:58


MySQL server supports prepared statements, which are useful when we want to run many queries that differ only in very small details. We can prepare a statement and then execute it multiple times and each time with different data values. Basically, prepared statements in MySQL take advantage of client/server binary ... Read More

How to convert from Unix timestamp to MySQL timestamp value?

Nikitha N

Nikitha N

Updated on 20-Jun-2020 06:35:33

2K+ Views

MySQL converts Unix timestamp to timestamp data type value with the help of  FROM_UNIXTIME() function.Examplemysql> Select FROM_UNIXTIME(1508622563); +-----------------------------+ | FROM_UNIXTIME(1508622563)   | +-----------------------------+ | 2017-10-22 03:19:23         | +-----------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

How do I generate days from the range of dates in MySQL?

Nikitha N

Nikitha N

Updated on 20-Jun-2020 06:05:33

1K+ Views

It can be done with the help of following query which uses adddate() function and we are generating the days between ‘2016-12-15’ and ‘2016-12-31’ −mysql> select * from     -> (select adddate('1970-01-01', t4*10000 + t3*1000 + t2*100 + t1*10 + t0) gen_date from     -> (select 0 t0 ... Read More

How to create a two dimensional array in JavaScript?

Nikitha N

Nikitha N

Updated on 19-Jun-2020 13:21:23


A two-dimensional array has more than one dimension, such as myarray[0][0] for element one, myarray[0][1] for element two, etc. To create a two-dimensional array in JavaScript, you can try to run the following code −ExampleLive Demo                                        var myarray=new Array(3);                  for (i=0; i

What is onmouseout event in JavaScript?

Nikitha N

Nikitha N

Updated on 19-Jun-2020 11:16:12

1K+ Views

It is an event that triggers when the mouse pointer moves out of an element.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to work with onmouseout event in JavaScript −                                         This is demo text for mouseover event.    
