Nancy Den has Published 330 Articles

What are Character Literals in C++?

Nancy Den

Nancy Den

Updated on 10-Feb-2020 12:14:28


A character literal is a type of literal in programming for the representation of a single character's value within the source code of a computer program.In C++, A character literal is composed of a constant character. It is represented by the character surrounded by single quotation marks. There are two ... Read More

How can I check the status of MySQL Server?

Nancy Den

Nancy Den

Updated on 10-Feb-2020 06:48:48


With the help of ‘mysqladmin’ along with ‘status’ option program we would be able to check the status of MySQL server. It can be used as follows on command line −C:\mysql\bin>mysqladmin -u root status Uptime: 3865 Threads: 1 Questions: 50 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 113 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: ... Read More

How can we store any other value than N in CSV file if we export the data to CSV file from a table which contains a NULL value(s)?

Nancy Den

Nancy Den

Updated on 07-Feb-2020 05:36:23


If we want to store any other value than \N in CSV file on exporting the data to CSV file from a table which contains NULL value(s) then we need to replace \N values with other value by using IFNULL statement. To illustrate it we are taking the following example ... Read More

HTML5 SVG css3 transition on fill not working when there is external link

Nancy Den

Nancy Den

Updated on 30-Jan-2020 06:13:20


This cannot be done through the visited state. The best solution is to add a random query to url so that page go unvisited.

Input type URL in HTML5

Nancy Den

Nancy Den

Updated on 29-Jan-2020 08:38:28


This accepts only URL value in HTML5. This type is used for input fields that should contain a URL address. If you try to submit a simple text, it forces to enter only URL address either in format or in format.             ... Read More

JavaScript File Drop with HTML5

Nancy Den

Nancy Den

Updated on 29-Jan-2020 08:12:03


Drag and Drop (DnD) is powerful User Interface concept that makes it easy to copy, reorder and deletion of items with the help of mouse clicks. This allows the user to click and hold the mouse button down over an element, drag it to another location, and release the mouse ... Read More

How to send a cross-document message with HTML?

Nancy Den

Nancy Den

Updated on 29-Jan-2020 07:26:04


Create a new web browsing context either by creating new iframe or new window. We can send the data using with postMessage() and it has two arguments. They are asmessage − The message to sendtargetOrigin − Origin nameLet us see an example to send a message from iframe to button:var iframe = ... Read More

In MySQL, how can we display time in other format specified by the user?

Nancy Den

Nancy Den

Updated on 29-Jan-2020 05:57:48


We can also use DATE_FORMAT() function to display the time in other formats. In this case, there would be two arguments of this function, first would be the time and second would be the format string.The following example will change the current time in specified format −mysql> SELECT DATE_FORMAT(NOW(), 'The ... Read More

Override HTML5 validation

Nancy Den

Nancy Den

Updated on 28-Jan-2020 10:05:05

1K+ Views

To ignore HTML validation, you can remove the attribute on button click using JavaScript.Uer removeAttribute() to remove an attribute from each of the matched elements.                    First Name:                                function display(id) {             document.getElementById(id).value = document.getElementById(id).removeAttribute('required');          }          

How to show prompt dialog box using JavaScript?

Nancy Den

Nancy Den

Updated on 08-Jan-2020 10:34:24


The prompt dialog box is very useful when you want to pop-up a text box to get user input. Thus, it enables you to interact with the user. The user needs to fill in the field and then click OK.This dialog box is displayed using a method called prompt() which ... Read More
