Lakshmi Srinivas has Published 315 Articles

Use of SPATIAL function in SAP HANA

Lakshmi Srinivas

Lakshmi Srinivas

Updated on 17-Feb-2020 08:11:42


In SAP HANA, geospatial data types are not defined as such and you need to use scalar values like a.ST_X().You can create a table like this −CREATE COLUMN TABLE MYSCHEMA.SpatialShapes_GEOMETRIES (    ShapeID integer,    SHAPE1 ST_Point,    SHAPE2 ST_GEOMETRY );SAP provides a complete guide to handle Geospatial data in ... Read More

How to Find out the source code of a transaction in SAP?

Lakshmi Srinivas

Lakshmi Srinivas

Updated on 17-Feb-2020 06:47:01

3K+ Views

First, go to System → Status to find the program name. Now use the transaction SE38 or SE80 to view the source code.Alternatively, you can activate the debugging mode before running your transaction by keying in /h.

Different ways to interact with SAP system from a web application

Lakshmi Srinivas

Lakshmi Srinivas

Updated on 14-Feb-2020 09:59:21


Using any of above method depends on what you are connecting, and version of your SAP system. You can use Standard BAPI’s to read or update a service order. BAPI is a Remote Function Call RFC with a standard API.In latest releases of SAP ERP, many of Function Modules are ... Read More

What are global variables in C++?

Lakshmi Srinivas

Lakshmi Srinivas

Updated on 11-Feb-2020 09:57:02

7K+ Views

Global variables are defined outside of all the functions, usually on top of the program. The global variables will hold their value throughout the lifetime of your program.A global variable can be accessed by any function. That is, a global variable is available for use throughout your entire program after ... Read More

What are C++ Floating-Point Constants?

Lakshmi Srinivas

Lakshmi Srinivas

Updated on 11-Feb-2020 08:19:04

2K+ Views

Floating-point constants specify values that must have a fractional part.Floating-point constants have a "mantissa, " which specifies the value of the number, an "exponent, " which specifies the magnitude of the number, and an optional suffix that specifies the constant's type(double or float).The mantissa is specified as a sequence of ... Read More

What are different types of constants in C++?

Lakshmi Srinivas

Lakshmi Srinivas

Updated on 11-Feb-2020 08:09:49


There are no types of constants in C++. It's just that you can declare any data type in C++ to be a constant. If a variable is declared as constant using the const keyword, you cannot reassign its value. Example#include using namespace std; int main() {    const int i = ... Read More

What are auto and decltype in C++?

Lakshmi Srinivas

Lakshmi Srinivas

Updated on 11-Feb-2020 07:56:41


Auto is a keyword in C++11 and later that is used for automatic type deduction. Type inference or deduction refers to the automatic detection of the data type of an expression in a programming language. It is a feature present in some strongly statically typed languages. For example, you want ... Read More

What would be the output of MySQL SUM() function if a column having no values has been passed as its argument?

Lakshmi Srinivas

Lakshmi Srinivas

Updated on 07-Feb-2020 05:46:24


When MySQL SUM() function got a column, having no values, as an argument then it will return NULL, rather than 0, as output. The column can be of any data type. Following the example, using a table named ‘social’ having only one column named ‘id’ with no values, will illustrate ... Read More

How can we use MySQL LPAD() and RPAD() functions in the same query for padding the string to both sides, left and right, of the original string?

Lakshmi Srinivas

Lakshmi Srinivas

Updated on 06-Feb-2020 06:15:59


For achieving this, we must have to use one of the functions as the 1st argument of the other function. In other words, either RPAD() function would be the 1st argument of LPAD() function or LPAD() function would be the 1st argument of RPAD() function. It can be understood with ... Read More

What is the difference between MySQL INSTR() and FIND_IN_SET() functions?

Lakshmi Srinivas

Lakshmi Srinivas

Updated on 04-Feb-2020 06:03:15


As we know, both the functions are used to search a string from the arguments provided in them but there are some significant differences between them as followsFIND_IN_SET() function uses the string list that is itself a string containing the substring separated by commas. Whereas, INSTR() function contains a string ... Read More
