Kristi Castro has Published 98 Articles

What are system calls in Operating System?

Kristi Castro

Kristi Castro

Updated on 01-Nov-2023 06:08:58

36K+ Views

The interface between a process and an operating system is provided by system calls. In general, system calls are available as assembly language instructions. They are also included in the manuals used by the assembly level programmers. System calls are usually made when a process in user mode requires access ... Read More

Three Level Architecture of Database

Kristi Castro

Kristi Castro

Updated on 31-Oct-2023 05:05:00

90K+ Views

The ANSI-SPARC database architecture is the basis of most of the modern databases.The three levels present in this architecture are Physical level, Conceptual level and External level.The details of these levels are as follows −Physical LevelThis is the lowest level in the three level architecture. It is also known as ... Read More

Protection and Security in Operating System

Kristi Castro

Kristi Castro

Updated on 07-Oct-2023 01:35:24

27K+ Views

Protection and security requires that computer resources such as CPU, softwares, memory etc. are protected. This extends to the operating system as well as the data in the system. This can be done by ensuring integrity, confidentiality and availability in the operating system. The system must be protect against unauthorized ... Read More

Multiprocessor Systems

Kristi Castro

Kristi Castro

Updated on 14-Sep-2023 15:32:05

30K+ Views

Most computer systems are single processor systems i.e., they only have one processor. However, multiprocessor or parallel systems are increasing in importance nowadays. These systems have multiple processors working in parallel that share the computer clock, memory, bus, peripheral devices etc. An image demonstrating the multiprocessor architecture is − Types ... Read More

Computer System Organisation

Kristi Castro

Kristi Castro

Updated on 14-Sep-2023 13:25:17

35K+ Views

The computer system is a combination of many parts such as peripheral devices, secondary memory, CPU, etc. This can be explained more clearly using a diagram.The salient points about the above figure displaying Computer System Organisation is −The I/O devices and the CPU both execute concurrently. Some of the processes ... Read More

Process Synchronization in Linux

Kristi Castro

Kristi Castro

Updated on 24-Jun-2020 12:19:48

4K+ Views

Process synchronization in Linux involves providing a time slice for each process so that they get the required time for execution.The process can be created using the fork() command in Linux. The creating process is called the parent process and the created process is the child process. A child process ... Read More

Dining Philosophers Problem (DPP)

Kristi Castro

Kristi Castro

Updated on 24-Jun-2020 12:16:40

38K+ Views

The dining philosophers problem states that there are 5 philosophers sharing a circular table and they eat and think alternatively. There is a bowl of rice for each of the philosophers and 5 chopsticks. A philosopher needs both their right and left chopstick to eat. A hungry philosopher may only ... Read More

Methods for Handling Deadlocks

Kristi Castro

Kristi Castro

Updated on 24-Jun-2020 12:06:06

12K+ Views

Deadlock detection, deadlock prevention and deadlock avoidance are the main methods for handling deadlocks. Details about these are given as follows −Deadlock DetectionDeadlock can be detected by the resource scheduler as it keeps track of all the resources that are allocated to different processes. After a deadlock is detected, it ... Read More

Different Operations on Processes

Kristi Castro

Kristi Castro

Updated on 24-Jun-2020 08:30:14

19K+ Views

There are many operations that can be performed on processes. Some of these are process creation, process preemption, process blocking, and process termination. These are given in detail as follows −Process CreationProcesses need to be created in the system for different operations. This can be done by the following events ... Read More

What is a process in Operating System?

Kristi Castro

Kristi Castro

Updated on 23-Jun-2020 15:40:10

10K+ Views

A process is an active program i.e a program that is under execution. It is more than the program code as it includes the program counter, process stack, registers, program code etc. Compared to this, the program code is only the text section.A program is not a process by itself ... Read More

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