Jennifer Nicholas has Published 329 Articles

How can we take a backup of a particular table from a database by using mysqldump client program?

Jennifer Nicholas

Jennifer Nicholas

Updated on 07-Feb-2020 06:42:55


By using mysql dump client program we can take the backup of a particular table from the databases into a file having the extension ‘.sql’. It can be understood with the help of the following example −ExampleIn this example, with the help of mysql dump client program, we are taking ... Read More

Composition attribute in HTML5 Canvas?

Jennifer Nicholas

Jennifer Nicholas

Updated on 29-Jan-2020 10:16:39


HTML5 canvas provides compositing attribute globalCompositeOperation that affect all the drawing operations.                    var compositeTypes = [             'source-over', 'source-in', 'source-out', 'source-atop',             'destination-over', 'destination-in', 'destination-out',           ... Read More

DataTransfer object in HTML5

Jennifer Nicholas

Jennifer Nicholas

Updated on 29-Jan-2020 08:20:22


The event listener methods for all the drag and drop events accept Event object that has a readonly attribute called dataTransfer. The event.dataTransfer returns DataTransfer object associated with the event as follows:function EnterHandler(event) {    DataTransfer dt = event.dataTransfer;    … }You can try to run the following code to ... Read More

How to get the total number of seconds from a MySQL DATETIME instance?

Jennifer Nicholas

Jennifer Nicholas

Updated on 29-Jan-2020 06:06:20


The MySQL DateTime instance can be converted into seconds with the help of UNIX_TIMESTAMP() function in the following way −mysql> Select UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2017-05-15 04:05:30') AS 'NUMBER OF SECONDS'; +-------------------+ | NUMBER OF SECONDS | +-------------------+ |        1494801330 | +-------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)Above query will ... Read More

How to send a file and parameters within the same XMLHttpRequest

Jennifer Nicholas

Jennifer Nicholas

Updated on 28-Jan-2020 10:34:09


To send a file and parameters within the same XMLHttpRequest:var myForm = new FormData(); myForm.append('param1', 'demo'); myForm.append('param2', 6767); myForm.append('myDir', 'public-data'); myForm.append('demofile', file); xhr.send(myForm);

What is the way to find business days between two specified dates in MySQL?

Jennifer Nicholas

Jennifer Nicholas

Updated on 28-Jan-2020 10:00:44


With the help of DATEDIFF(expr1, expr2) we can find the business days between two specified dates.For example, if we want to find business days between ‘2017-05-27’ and ‘2017-05-23’ then following would be MySQL query −mysql> Select DATEDIFF('2017-05-27', '2017-05-23') AS 'Total Business Days'; +----------------------+ | Total Business Days  | +----------------------+ | ... Read More

HTML5 / JS storage event handler

Jennifer Nicholas

Jennifer Nicholas

Updated on 28-Jan-2020 09:21:54


Storage event handlers only fire if the storage event triggered by another window. You can try to run the following code:// event handler window.addEventListener('storage', storageEventHandlerFunc, false); function storageEventHandlerFunc(evt) {    alert("Storage event called key: " + event.key );    switch(event.key){       case 'one':       case ... Read More

Using HTML5 Server-Sent Events in a web application

Jennifer Nicholas

Jennifer Nicholas

Updated on 20-Dec-2019 10:49:19


To use Server-Sent Events in a web application, you would need to add an element to the document.The src attribute of the element should point to an URL that should provide a persistent HTTP connection that sends a data stream containing the events.The URL would point to a ... Read More

Issue regarding JCo SAP Server out of Network

Jennifer Nicholas

Jennifer Nicholas

Updated on 18-Dec-2019 10:03:48


You need to perform the below actions when you are stopping the JCO server instanceDelete all the references of your server from ServerDataEventListener instance. If you need to use the reference, then you can use registered ServerDataProvider object to fetch reference of ServerDataEventListener instance.Delete all the references of your destination ... Read More

Second approach to fetch data from SAP tables without using SAP JCo

Jennifer Nicholas

Jennifer Nicholas

Updated on 18-Dec-2019 08:01:48


If you need to access the SAP Tables with the help the table name and column names, then you can use the RFC RFC_READ_TABLE. It also provides external access to R/3 tables with the help of remote function calls.RFC requires following details:table name (required parameter)number of rows to skip (optional ... Read More

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