Jennifer Nicholas has Published 329 Articles

What are common HTML Events supported by JavaScript?

Jennifer Nicholas

Jennifer Nicholas

Updated on 23-Jun-2020 06:45:25


The following are some of the common HTML events supported by JavaScript −AttributeValueDescriptiononclickscriptTriggers on a mouse clickoncontextmenuscriptTriggers when a context menu is triggeredondblclickscriptTriggers on a mouse double-clickondragscriptTriggers when an element is draggedondragendscriptTriggers at the end of a drag operationondragenterscriptTriggers when an element has been dragged to a valid drop targetondragleavescriptTriggers ... Read More

How can we create a MySQL table by using PHP script?

Jennifer Nicholas

Jennifer Nicholas

Updated on 22-Jun-2020 13:28:25


As we know that PHP provides us the function named mysql_query to create a MySQL table. To illustrate this we are using the following example −In this example, we are creating a table named ‘Tutorials_tbl’ with the help of PHP script inExample           Creating MySQL Tables                  

How can we simulate the MySQL INTERSECT query?

Jennifer Nicholas

Jennifer Nicholas

Updated on 22-Jun-2020 12:50:41


Since we cannot use INTERSECT query in MySQL, we will use IN operator to simulate the INTERSECT query. It can be understood with the help of the following example −ExampleIn this example, we are two tables namely Student_detail and Student_info having the following data −mysql> Select * from Student_detail; +-----------+---------+------------+------------+ ... Read More

How MySQL evaluates the statement written on different lines?

Jennifer Nicholas

Jennifer Nicholas

Updated on 22-Jun-2020 11:53:48


Actually, MySQL determines the end of the statement when it got termination semicolon. Suppose if we are writing a single statement in different lines then after writing the first line, MySQL changes promptly from ‘mysql>’ to ‘->’ which indicates that MySQL has not seen a complete statement yet and is ... Read More

How can I query for all the tables having a particular column name?

Jennifer Nicholas

Jennifer Nicholas

Updated on 22-Jun-2020 08:31:31


For writing MySQL query to get all the tables having a particular column name, we can use LIKE operator. It can be understood with the help of an example as follows −ExampleFollowing is the MySQL query to get all the tables having columns name ‘ID’ in it −mysql> Select Column_name ... Read More

What do you mean by Scope of variables inside MySQL stored procedure?

Jennifer Nicholas

Jennifer Nicholas

Updated on 22-Jun-2020 07:38:09


Suppose if we declare a variable inside a BEGIN/END block then the scope of this variable would be in this particular block. We can also declare a variable with the same name inside another BEGIN/END block which will be totally legal but its scope would be inside its BEGIN/END block. ... Read More

What is the use of CHECK TABLE statement in maintaining the MySQL tables?

Jennifer Nicholas

Jennifer Nicholas

Updated on 20-Jun-2020 12:54:54


There may be something wrong which can happen to the database server e.g., the server was shutdown unexpectedly, error while writing data to the hard disk, etc. These situations could make the database operate incorrectly and in the worst case, it can be crashed.With the help of CHECK TABLE statement ... Read More

How DIFFERENCES between tables can be implemented with the help of MySQL joins?

Jennifer Nicholas

Jennifer Nicholas

Updated on 20-Jun-2020 11:11:04


We can get the differences between the tables by unioning exclusion joins from 1st table to 2nd table and from 2nd table to 1st table. To understand it, we are taking the example of following two tables −mysql> Select * from value1; +-----+-----+ | i   | j   | ... Read More

Why should we not store a number into a MySQL ENUM column?

Jennifer Nicholas

Jennifer Nicholas

Updated on 20-Jun-2020 08:59:29

1K+ Views

MySQL stores ENUM values internally as integer keys (index numbers) to reference ENUM members. The main reason for not storing the integer values in ENUM column is that it is very obvious that MySQL ends up referencing the index instead of the value and vice-versa.ExampleFollowing example can clarify it −mysql> ... Read More

What would be the effect on the output of MySQL LAST_INSERT_ID() function in the case on multiple-row insert?

Jennifer Nicholas

Jennifer Nicholas

Updated on 20-Jun-2020 07:39:34


As we know that MySQL LAST_INSERT_ID() function returns the latest generated sequence number but in case of multiple row-insert it would return the sequence number generated by the foremost inserted row.Examplemysql> Insert into Student(Name) values('Ram'), ('Mohan'), ('Aryan'); Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.03 sec) Records: 3 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0The query ... Read More

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