Anvi Jain has Published 629 Articles

Does HTML5 allow you to interact with local client files from within a web browser?

Anvi Jain

Anvi Jain

Updated on 25-Jun-2020 06:09:11


No, HTML5 does not allow you to interact with local client files directly. You can use drag and drop or FileSystem API for this.ExampleLet us see an example of drag and drop on a web browser using HTML5 −                   ... Read More

Role of CSS flex-direction property column value

Anvi Jain

Anvi Jain

Updated on 24-Jun-2020 15:40:05


Use the flex-direction property with column value to set the flex-items verticallyYou can try to run the following code to implement the column value:ExampleLive Demo                    .mycontainer {             display: flex;         ... Read More

Optimizing SVG-based sprite-sheets for CSS3 HW GPU acceleration in the mobile browser with HTML

Anvi Jain

Anvi Jain

Updated on 24-Jun-2020 14:23:27


For optimization, change the zindex of the frame. This layer the images on top of each other to solve the flickering because while redrawing the last frame is still visible.Keep incrementing the zindex value of the latest frame.Note − You need to reset the zindex again, and it may have ... Read More

How do we add glossary definitions in HTML?

Anvi Jain

Anvi Jain

Updated on 24-Jun-2020 08:31:31

2K+ Views

Use the tag in HTML to add the glossary definitions. The HTML tag is used for declaring a definition list. This tag is used within tag.A definition list is similar to other lists but in a definition list, each list item contains two entries; a term and ... Read More

Role of CSS Grid Container

Anvi Jain

Anvi Jain

Updated on 24-Jun-2020 08:06:57


Grid Container in CSS has grid items. These items are placed inside rows and columns. Let us create aCSS Grid container and set the number of columns in a Grid:ExampleLive Demo                    .container {             ... Read More

Selects specific elements like with CSS

Anvi Jain

Anvi Jain

Updated on 24-Jun-2020 06:56:23


To select elements, use the element selector. You can try to run the following code to select elements:ExampleLive Demo                    p {             color: blue;             background-color: orange;          }                     Demo Website       Learning       Tutorials on web dev, programming, database, networking, etc.       Every tutorials has lessons with illustrations and figures.    

Why is it faster to process a sorted array than an unsorted array in C++?

Anvi Jain

Anvi Jain

Updated on 23-Jun-2020 13:43:58


In C++, it is faster to process a sorted array than an unsorted array because of branch prediction. In computer architecture, a branch prediction determines whether a conditional branch (jump) in the instruction flow of a program is likely to be taken or not.Let’s take an example −if(arr[i] > 50) ... Read More

How to set the page-break behavior inside an element with JavaScript?

Anvi Jain

Anvi Jain

Updated on 23-Jun-2020 12:35:33

2K+ Views

Use the pageBreakInside property in JavaScript to set the page-break behavior inside an element. Use the auto property to insert page break inside an element. Use auto or avoid property value to automatically insert page break inside an element, if needed, or avoid a page break, respectively.Note − The changes would be visible while ... Read More

How to create a new img tag with JQuery, with the src and id from a JavaScript object?

Anvi Jain

Anvi Jain

Updated on 23-Jun-2020 12:06:14

1K+ Views

To create a new img tag in JavaScript, pass an HTML string to the constructor, var myImg = $(''); $(document.createElement(myImg)); myImg.attr('src', responseObject.imgurl);You can also use the following code to create a new img tag with the attributes like src, id, etc −var myImg = $('', {    id: 'id1', ... Read More

How to set the left padding of an element with JavaScript?

Anvi Jain

Anvi Jain

Updated on 23-Jun-2020 11:19:22


Use the paddingLeft property in JavaScript to set the left padding. You can try to run the following code to return the left padding of an element with JavaScript −Example                    #box {             border: 2px ... Read More

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