Ankith Reddy has Published 1070 Articles

Change the color of top border with CSS

Ankith Reddy

Ankith Reddy

Updated on 03-Feb-2020 06:14:32


The border-top-color changes the color of top border. You can try to run the following code to implement the border-top-color property:Example                    p.demo {             border:3px solid;             border-top-color:#FF0000;          }                              Example showing border top color property          

Usage of border-top-width property in CSS

Ankith Reddy

Ankith Reddy

Updated on 03-Feb-2020 06:13:15


The border-top-width property changes the width of top border. You can try to run the following code to implement border-top-width property:Example                            This is demo content.          

Usage of border-width property in CSS

Ankith Reddy

Ankith Reddy

Updated on 31-Jan-2020 10:21:55


The border-width property changes the color of the right border.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to implement the border-width property:                            Example showing border width and style          

Usage of CSS table-layout property

Ankith Reddy

Ankith Reddy

Updated on 31-Jan-2020 10:07:41


The table-layout property is to help you control how a browser should render or lay out a table. This property can have one of the three values: fixed, auto or inherit.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to implement CSS table-layout property               ... Read More

Create a transparent image with CSS

Ankith Reddy

Ankith Reddy

Updated on 31-Jan-2020 06:57:33


To create a transparent image, use the CSS -moz-opacity property. You can try to run the following code to style an image and set opacity with CSS:Example                      

Usage of height property with CSS

Ankith Reddy

Ankith Reddy

Updated on 31-Jan-2020 06:53:26


The height property is used to set the height of an image. This property can have a value in length or in %. While giving value in %, it applies it in respect of the box in which an image is available.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to set ... Read More

How can we know the repetition of a value in column with the help of group function COUNT(*) and GROUP BY clause?

Ankith Reddy

Ankith Reddy

Updated on 30-Jan-2020 05:48:55


We can use COUNT(*) and GROUP BY clause to find out the repetition of a value in the column. Following is the example, using COUNT(*) and GROUP BY clause on ‘Name’ column of table ‘Student’, to demonstrate it −mysql> select count(*), name from student group by name; +----------+---------+ | ... Read More

How can we fetch one or more columns as output from a MySQL table?

Ankith Reddy

Ankith Reddy

Updated on 29-Jan-2020 06:33:57


The SELECT command can be used to fetch one or more columns as output from MySQL table. An  example is given below to fetch one or more columnsmysql> Select * from Student; +------+---------+---------+-----------+ | Id   | Name    | Address | Subject   | +------+---------+---------+-----------+ | 1    | ... Read More

What is the concept of CTAS (CREATE TABLE AS SELECTED) in MySQL?

Ankith Reddy

Ankith Reddy

Updated on 29-Jan-2020 06:20:13


CTAS i.e. “Create Table AS Select” script is used to create a table from an existing table. It copies the table structure as well as data from the existing table. Consider the following example in which we have created a table named EMP_BACKUP from an already existing table named ‘Employee’mysql> ... Read More

How can we get more details about columns of an existing table than return by MySQL SHOW COLUMNS statement?

Ankith Reddy

Ankith Reddy

Updated on 29-Jan-2020 05:29:08


If we want to get more details about the column of an existing table then we need to use SHOW FULL COLUMNS statement. Consider the example below in which SHOW FULL COLUMNS statement has been applied on ‘Employee’ table and MySQL returns result set with some extra details like Collation, ... Read More
