Ankith Reddy has Published 1070 Articles

C++ Program to Multiply two Matrices by Passing Matrix to Function

Ankith Reddy

Ankith Reddy

Updated on 24-Jun-2020 09:55:04

2K+ Views

A matrix is a rectangular array of numbers that is arranged in the form of rows and columns.An example of a matrix is as follows.A 3*4 matrix has 3 rows and 4 columns as shown below.8 6 3 5 7 1 9 2 5 1 9 8A program that multiplies ... Read More

C++ Program to Perform Preorder Recursive Traversal of a Given Binary Tree

Ankith Reddy

Ankith Reddy

Updated on 24-Jun-2020 09:49:39

7K+ Views

Tree traversal is a form of graph traversal. It involves checking or printing each node in the tree exactly once. The preorder traversal of a binary search tree involves visiting each of the nodes in the tree in the order (Root, Left, Right).An example of Preorder traversal of a binary ... Read More

C++ Program to convert Decimal Numbers to Octal

Ankith Reddy

Ankith Reddy

Updated on 24-Jun-2020 09:44:02

1K+ Views

In a computer system, the octal number is expressed in the octal numeral system while the decimal number is in the decimal numeral system. The octal number is in base 8 while the decimal number is in base 10.Examples of decimal numbers and their corresponding octal numbers are as follows.Decimal ... Read More

C++ Program to Perform Matrix Multiplication

Ankith Reddy

Ankith Reddy

Updated on 24-Jun-2020 09:41:13

8K+ Views

A matrix is a rectangular array of numbers that is arranged in the form of rows and columns.An example of a matrix is as follows.A 3*2 matrix has 3 rows and 2 columns as shown below −8 1 4 9 5 6A program that performs matrix multiplication is as follows.Example Live ... Read More

How to display deleted text in HTML?

Ankith Reddy

Ankith Reddy

Updated on 24-Jun-2020 08:49:13


Use the tag to display the deleted text. The following are the attributes −AttributeValueDescriptionCiteURLDefines a URL to another document which explains why the text was deleted.DatetimeYYYYMMDD HH:MM:SSDefines the date and time the text was deleted.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to display deleted text −   ... Read More

Create a command/menu item that the user can invoke from a popup menu in HTML5

Ankith Reddy

Ankith Reddy

Updated on 24-Jun-2020 07:54:05


Use the tag to create a command/ menu item that the user can invoke from a popup menu in HTML5. The HTML tag is used for defining a menu item for a menu.The following are the attributes of the tag −AttributeValueDescription  checked  checked defines that a menuitem should ... Read More

Selects all

Ankith Reddy

Ankith Reddy

Updated on 24-Jun-2020 07:04:40


To style, more than one element, use a comma. Separate each element with the comma to achieve this. You can try to run the following code to select and elements, ExampleLive Demo                    div, p {     ... Read More

Usage of CSS transition-timing-function property

Ankith Reddy

Ankith Reddy

Updated on 24-Jun-2020 06:55:46


Use the transition-timing-function property to set the speed curve of the transition effect. The values you can set are ease, ease-in, ease-out, linear, etc.You can try to run the following code to set the speed curve of the transition effect with CSSExampleLive Demo           ... Read More

Is their a negative lookbehind equivalent in JavaScript?

Ankith Reddy

Ankith Reddy

Updated on 24-Jun-2020 06:45:12


For a negative look-behind in JavaScript, use the following −(^|[^\])"To replace double quotes, you can use the following −str.replace(/(^|[^\])"/g, "$1'")

Select elements whose attribute value begins with a specified value with CSS

Ankith Reddy

Ankith Reddy

Updated on 24-Jun-2020 06:33:03


To select elements whose attribute value begins with a specified value, use the [attribute^=”value”] selectorYou can try to run the following code to implement the [attribute^=”value”] selector,ExampleLive Demo                    [alt^=Tutor] {             border: 5px solid blue;             border-radius: 5px;          }                              
