Assigning arrays in Java.

While creating variables first of all we will declare them, initialize them, assign/re-assign values to them.

Similarly, while creating arrays −

  • You can declare an array just like a variable −

int myArray[];
  • You can create an array just like an object using the new keyword −

myArray = new int[5];
  • You can initialize the array by assigning values to all the elements one by one using the index −

myArray [0] = 101;
myArray [1] = 102;

Assigning values to an array

When we assign primitive values of one type to a variable of other (datatype) implicitly they are converted.

But, when you try to assign a higher datatype to lower, at the time of compilation you will get an error saying “incompatible types: possible lossy conversion”

Therefore while assigning values to the elements of an array you can assign any value which will be cast implicitly.


public class ArrayExample {
   public static void main(String args[]){
      //Declaring an array
      int[] myArray = new int[5];
      //Assigning values to the array
      myArray[0] = 2020;
      myArray[1] = 'h';
      byte by = 4;
      myArray[2] = by;
      short sh = 8;
      myArray[3] = sh;
      myArray[4] = 465;


[2020, 104, 4, 8, 465]

But, if you try to assign incompatible types (higher types) to a variable a compile-time error will be generated saying “possible lossy conversion”.


 Live Demo

import java.util.Arrays;
public class ArrayExample {
   public static void main(String args[]){
      //Declaring an array
      int[] myArray = new int[5];
      //Assigning values to the array
      myArray[0] = 2020;
      myArray[1] = 'h';
      byte by = 4;
      myArray[2] = by;
      short sh = 8;
      myArray[3] = 152L;
      myArray[4] = 465;


Compile-time error error: incompatible types: possible lossy conversion from
long to int
   myArray[3] = 152L;
1 error

If you have an array of objects while assigning values to the elements of it, you need to make sure that the objects you assign should be of the same or, a subtype of the class (which is the type of the array).


 Live Demo

import java.util.Arrays;
public class ArrayExample {
   public static void main(String args[]){
      //Declaring an array
      Number[] num = new Number[5];
      //Assigning values to the array
      num[0] = 2020;
      num[1] = 125L;
      num[2] = 2545.F;
      num[3] = 152L;
      num[4] = 465;


[2020, 125, 2545.0, 152, 465]

But to an array of objects if you assign a value which is neither the declared type nor its subtype a compile-time error will be generated.


 Live Demo

import java.util.Arrays;
public class ArrayExample {
   public static void main(String args[]){
      //Declaring an array
      Number[] num = new Number[5];
      //Assigning values to the array
      num[0] = 2020;
      num[1] = 125L;
      num[2] = 2545.F;
      num[3] = 152L;
      num[4] = "hello";

Output error: incompatible types: String cannot be converted to N
   num[4] = "hello";
1 error

If you have created an array of objects of an interface type you need to make sure that the values, you assign to the elements of the array are the objects of the class that implements the said interface.

Updated on: 06-Sep-2019

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