Asana vs Jira: Which Tool Is Right for Your Team?

The world has changed. Now we do not have a clutter of documents on our desks, and we do not do manual filing of the projects. We check the typing speed of the candidate, not their beautiful calligraphy. With digital infrastructure coming into place, the different fancy stationeries like note pads, highlighters, paper pins, files, ink, and paper cutters have lost their importance. We check the organizational skills of an employee not by looking at their desk but at their computer screens. The world is moving toward working from home or in your comfort space instead of in office buildings. This helps the company reduce costs and hire talent from around the world. This gives birth to the need for online project management tools for efficient online work.

Overview of Project Management Applications

The need of the hour for digital working is digital platforms that can help employees keep their computer screens and minds clutter-free. In this article, we will be discussing two such applications that can help employees organize their work and manage projects. Understand the pros and cons of each of the applications so an organization can make the best decision for itself.

Asana Application: General Project Management Software

Asana is a general project management tool that helps employees with workflow management. Asana has cloud storage. With Asana, employees can work easily. It provides personalized dashboards to its users so they can have a unique view of the project's progress. Asana can also be integrated with different other platforms like Google, Microsoft, Salesforce, and others to make working easier.

Jira Application: Advanced Platform for the Software Team

Jira is an application that focuses on tracking issues and bugs for software developers during the development process, as well as assisting them with agile methodologies. Jira also helps the developer track the project through different creation stages.

Now we are going to discuss the various pros and cons of Asana and Jira as project management tools −

Asana Application Jira Application
Asana is known as an application for general project management. It provides its users with a bounty of features to automate and fast-track their work. Employees can save a lot of time while using Asana and invest this time in more managerial parts of their job. Jira as an application is mainly known for software developers’ project management. It is free for the first 10 users of an organization. It has more agility-related features.
Asana is costly compared to Jira. Asana is available for $10.99 per month. Jira is a more affordable application for project management as compared to Asana. It costs around $7.50 per month.
Asana can be integrated with only 160+ applications. Jira can be integrated with more than 250 applications.
Asana provides users with a personalized dashboard. This helps them understand the progress reports of each of the projects they are involved in. Agile is the core of Jira. The agile methodology ensures that the scrum board and the Kanban board are easily accessible to Jira users.
Asana has a lot of filtering options available, so it makes sure that the user has a unique experience while searching and that they are not lost in the flood of information. Jira is very efficient when it comes to tracking a project and its updates in the different stages of project implementation.
The security protocols at Asana are quite strict, hence the confidentiality of the data. Jira can also be accessed on mobile phones. Hence, it is more convenient for users to access work-related documents and updates.
The user interface of Asana is very user-friendly. One can easily navigate from one task to another. Jira is lightweight compared to the Asana application.
Asana makes it easy for users to collaborate with themselves and their teams. This ensures that for a project, different functional teams can easily be connected. Jira assists the PMO in developing a roadmap for project delivery or product creation for the general public. Developers, designers, quality control teams, and other internal stakeholders can have access to the project roadmap and its updates.
There is no time-tracking feature available on Asana. This creates a problem for the organization. There is a high chance that an employee might just get lost in the flow of work and miss other important tasks. Users cannot download the Jira reports in the form of PDFs or images.
Asana becomes highly overwhelming for its users because of the amount of information available. Users are generally suggested to be well-equipped with the Asana bot and other tutorials available on the internet. Jira, though functional on mobile phones, is generally not preferred because of the slow usage and difficulties in navigating.
Unlike the Trello application, Asana has a limitation when it comes to assigning tasks to different individuals. One task can be assigned to only one person, prolonging the process and making it difficult for the PMO to understand the true status of the work. Jira has a limit on the file size that can be uploaded. Which makes it difficult for the project team to deal with bundles of worksheets and presentations.
Asana as a project management team is generally preferred by medium-scale organizations. Jira as a project management team is generally preferred by large-scale organizations or organizations with a team size of less than 10.

Both the Asana and Jira applications are project management tools. It is difficult to have a clear winner between the two because of their differences in usage and purpose of creation. Some make an optimal decision. One should go with Jira if it is a software development company or is highly reliant on agile and related methodologies. Organizations can also access Jira if they are large enough. Asana should be the optimal choice when the focus is more on meeting the project team’s requirements. It is preferable for organizations that have to deal less with agile, scrum, and other related technologies. It is preferable for a medium-sized organization looking to effectively manage the non-technical aspects of a project or deal with the non-technical ones.

Updated on: 02-Dec-2022


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