Artificial Intelligence and Laws in India

Machines can now learn from their mistakes, adapt to new inputs, and carry out jobs that humans do. This is made possible by artificial intelligence (AI). Deep learning and natural language processing are significantly utilized in the majority of AI instances you hear about today, from chess-playing machines to self-driving cars. By processing vast volumes of data and identifying patterns in the data, these technologies allow computers to be taught to carry out specific jobs.

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the term used to describe the emulation of human intelligence in devices that have been designed to act and think like people. The phrase can also be used to refer to any machine that demonstrates characteristics of the human mind, such as the capacity for learning and problem-solving.

Artificial intelligence's ability to reason and choose actions that have the best possibility of succeeding in a particular objective is its ideal quality. The idea that computer programs can automatically learn from and adapt to new data without human assistance is known as machine learning (ML), which is a subset of artificial intelligence. By ingesting vast quantities of unstructured data, including text, photos, and videos, deep learning algorithms make it possible for this autonomous learning to take place.

Types of AI

Depending on its stage of development or the tasks being carried out, artificial intelligence can be arranged in a variety of ways.

For instance, it's well knowledge that AI development occurs in four stages −

  • Reactive machines − AI with limited capabilities that merely respond to various inputs in accordance with predefined rules. does not employ memory, hence it is unable to learn from new information. An example of a reactive machine is IBM's Deep Blue, which defeated world chess champion Garry Kasparov in 1997.

  • Limited memory − Modern AI is largely regarded as having limited memory. Typically through the use of an artificial neural network or another training model, it may be taught with fresh data to get better over time. Limited memory artificial intelligence is referred to as deep learning, a form of machine learning.

  • Mental models − mental models There isn't any AI yet, but study into its potential is ongoing. It depicts artificial intelligence (AI) that can mimic human thought processes and make decisions on a par with those of a person, including identifying and remembering emotions and functioning socially in the same way.

  • Self aware − A step up from theory of mind is being self-aware. the self-aware AI The term "AI" refers to a fictitious machine with self-awareness and reasoning abilities.

Considering the capabilities of the machine is a more helpful way to broadly classify different kinds of artificial intelligence. As all of what we now refer to as artificial intelligence can only carry out a limited range of tasks thanks to its programming and training, it is called artificial "narrow" intelligence. Natural language processing cannot be done by an AI system that is used for object classification, for example. Virtual assistants, predictive analytics, and Google Search are all examples of narrow AI.

A machine's capacity to "detect, think, and behave" exactly like a person is referred to as artificial general intelligence (AGI). Currently, there is no AGI. A machine with artificial superintelligence (ASI) would be able to function in all areas of human cognition, which would be the next level.

Application of Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence has a plethora of uses. The technique can be used in a wide range of industries and areas. AI is being tested and deployed in the healthcare sector to provide medication dosages, disperse various treatments suited to individual patients, and support surgical procedures in the operating room.

Some instances of artificially intelligent machines include chess-playing computers and self-driving automobiles. Each of these machines must consider the effects of every decision they make because every action has an effect on the outcome. The goal in chess is to win the game. In order for self-driving cars to function in a way that avoids collisions, the computer system must calculate all external data and take it into consideration.

Artificial intelligence is used in the banking and finance sectors to identify and flag suspicious behaviour, such as odd debit card use and significant account deposits, all of which are beneficial to a bank's fraud department. AI applications are also being utilized to facilitate and ease trade. This is accomplished by simplifying the estimation of securities' supply, demand, and pricing.

Law and Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a swiftly advancing technology and every day bringing some new development; in such a case, the legal aspects are very important to deal with.

By the time, following are a few laws that govern and regulate the provisions related to artificial intelligence −

Intellectual Property Law

All the new development done in the name of AI is protected under the intellectual property law.

Information and Technology Act (Criminal Law & Cyber Law)

anyone commits crime through such AI technology, then such crime will be filed under IT Act, Criminal Law and other cyber law.

Besides, there are some grey areas that need to be taken care by the legislators such as −

Data Protection Law 

AI systems rely on vast amounts of data to function. Since, these data are very sensitive; therefore, it must be taken care through some specified law that can regulate the collection, processing, storage, and sharing of data to protect individuals' privacy and prevent data misuse.

Liability Law 

AI technology can cause harm or errors, which raises questions about who is responsible for the damages caused by such advanced technology. So, an exclusive law needs to determine liability for AI-based harm or errors, including whether the responsibility lies with the AI system creator, user, or both.


There is a rising fear that the widespread application of AI will undermine human jobs. Not just regular people but also businesspeople like Elon Musk are raising concerns about the increasing pace of research being done in the field of AI. They also believe that the development of AI systems could lead to an increase in global violence. Yet that viewpoint is really limited!

Recent decades have seen a quick and enormous growth in technology. Throughout the entire course, new and exciting job responsibilities were constantly emerging to replace any jobs that were lost to technology. The majority of people on the planet would already be out of work if a new technology had succeeded in replacing all human employment.

Even the Internet had received a lot of bad press when it first came out. Nonetheless, it is clearly clear that the Internet cannot be replaced. If it were the case, you wouldn't be reading this blog right now. Similar to this, even though it automates many human abilities, it will increase in potential and benevolence and help all people.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Who invented AI in India?

Ans. In 1956, John McCarthy and Marvin Minsky led a workshop at Dartmouth College where the idea of artificial intelligence (AI) was first addressed. In the 1960s, professor H.N. Mahabala's writings on AI brought it to India.

Q2. How is AI useful in daily life?

Ans. AI technology is applied in a variety of daily functions. This technology reduces the need for human effort. In several industries, people are leveraging this technology to create autonomous robots that can carry out a variety of tasks. The equipment has the ability to expedite operations and processes while producing precise results.

Q3. Which programming language is used for AI?

Ans. Both Python and Java are well-known for their applications in AI. Depending on how you intend to use AI, you can choose among various programming languages. You may choose Python, for instance, if you were doing data analysis.

Q4. Who is the father of AI?

Ans. John McCarthy was one of the most influential people in the field. He is known as the "father of artificial intelligence" because of his fantastic work in Computer Science and AI. McCarthy coined the term "artificial intelligence" in the 1950s.

Q5. What is artificial intelligence with example?

Ans. Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, notably computer systems. Expert systems, natural language processing, speech recognition, and machine vision are some examples of specific AI applications.

Updated on: 31-Mar-2023


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