Found 21 Articles for XML

What is the difference between HTML sitemaps and XML sitemaps?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 18-Aug-2023 17:27:47


Both HTML and XML sitemaps have uses for search engine optimization and website navigation. A list of website pages with clickable links is presented in an HTML sitemap, which is intended for human visitors and helps with navigation. It enhances user experience and makes it simple for visitors to find pertinent stuff. An XML sitemap, on the other hand, is created specifically for search engines and includes an organized list of all website URLs to aid in crawling and indexing. XML sitemaps improve website ranking and inclusion in search results as well as search engine visibility. While XML sitemaps help ... Read More

Difference Between HTML, XML and DHTML

Nikhilesh Aleti
Updated on 04-Aug-2023 18:48:18


HTML, XML, and DHTML are web technologies. HTML or HyperText Markup Language is a primary markup language that is used to design web pages. XML or extensible language, is a markup language that focuses on data description that is both human-readable and machine-readable. DHTML or Dynamic HyperText Markup Langauge combines HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to responsive web pages. These three technologies are essential to design a webpage that is user-engaging and visually appealing. In this article, we will discuss each technology one by one with appropriate examples. HTML HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is a standard markup language ... Read More

Parsing and Converting HTML Documents to XML format using Python

Premansh Sharma
Updated on 25-Jul-2023 12:08:43


Introduction Parsing and converting HTML files to XML format are regular activities that frequently emerge in the field of web development and data processing. In contrast to XML, which is a flexible markup language that makes data sharing and storage easier, HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the industry standard language for structuring and presenting information on the web. Data extraction, data transformation, and system compatibility are just a few uses for which it might be advantageous to convert HTML to XML. The importance of parsing and converting HTML to XML There are several reasons why parsing and converting ... Read More

Difference between cheerio and puppeteer

Updated on 26-Apr-2023 14:22:17


Cheerio and Puppeteer are two prevalent JavaScript libraries utilized for web scratching and computerization, but they have distinctive functionalities and utilize cases. Cheerio could be a lightweight library utilized for parsing and manipulating HTML and XML records, whereas Puppeteer may be a more strong library utilized for controlling headless Chrome or Chromium browsers and mechanizing web browsing errands. Cheerio is utilized for web scratching and information extraction, whereas Puppeteer is utilized for web computerization, testing, and scratching. The choice between Cheerio and Puppeteer depends on your particular needs and necessities. What is Cheerio? Cheerio could be a quick and lightweight ... Read More

Create XML Documents using Python

Tamoghna Das
Updated on 25-Apr-2023 17:24:11

19K+ Views

What are the requirements of XML Documents? XML documents are used extensively in the process of data communication between various computer systems. Python comes with a number of built-in libraries that may be used for the processing and manipulation of XML files. In this piece, we will investigate the use of Python in the process of generating XML documents. First, we will look at a simple illustration, and then we will go to more complex illustrations. Prerequisites Python 3.0 An understanding of XML syntax Steps and processes Step 1: Creating a basic XML document To create an XML ... Read More

Importance of XML Sitemap And Why Should You Have One

Biswaindu Parida
Updated on 03-Apr-2023 14:00:31


Have you ever heard of an XML sitemap? Maybe you noticed the term being used in conversations about SEO but weren't quite sure what it meant. Well, have no fear! In this blog post, we'll unpack exactly what an XML sitemap is and why having one is so important for your website's success. We'll answer questions like: What does an XML sitemap do? Why should I have one? And how can I make a good quality one that gets results? So if you've been scratching your head over XML sitemaps or just want to get better at understanding how they ... Read More

What are the differences between DTD and XSD?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 17-Mar-2022 10:56:57


Let us understand the concepts of XML Schema Definition (XSD) and Document Type Definition (DTD) before learning the differences between them.XML Schema Definition (XSD)XML is called an Extensible markup language which is used for the representation and manipulation of the data elements. It is a language which is used to communicate the data in the form of structures on the internet.XSD is called as XML scheme definition is the more extended version of the data definition language and is used to explain the structure of the XML schema. The XML features are that it explains the document in a more ... Read More

Difference Between URL and URI

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 21-Dec-2022 11:25:38

1K+ Views

A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) and a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) are both standardized web addresses that are used to identify and locate resources on the Internet. They are often used interchangeably, but there is a subtle difference between the two. A URL is used to specify the address of a resource on the Internet, whereas a URI can specify both the URL and URN of the web resource. Read this article to find out more about URL and URI and how they are different from each other. What is URL? A URL represents the specific location of a web ... Read More

Difference Between XML and HTML

Updated on 21-Dec-2021 07:38:09


In this post, we will understand the difference between HTML and XML.HTMLIt refers to Hyper Text Markup Language.It helps create web pages and applications.It is a markup language.It helps create static pages as well.It helps display data.It doesn’t transport data.HyperText helps define link between multiple web pages.Markup Language helps define text document using tags, which gives a structure to the web page.It helps annotate the text so that a system can understand it and use it.It ignores minor errors.It is not case sensitive.There are specific number of tags in HTML.These tags are predefined.It doesn’t preserve white spaces.Closing tags are not ... Read More

How to combine multiple groups to single Test in TestNG?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 11-Jun-2020 12:59:31

1K+ Views

We can combine multiple groups to single Test in TestNG with the help of test group feature.ExampleTestng xml files with groups.                                                                                                           To run a group of test cases from the collection of test cases, we have to define in the testng xml file. Here the testNG xml contains multiple groups QuestionAnswer and Jobs to be associated to a single Test.Example@Test(groups={"QuestionAnswer"},{"Jobs"}) public void preparation(){    System.out.println("Preparation module is verified"); }In the Java class file the test methods with group as QuestionAnswer and Jobs are associated with the test method preparation().
