Found 11 Articles for Writing Mechanics

What is Brainstorming?

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 12-Jan-2024 14:35:36


Introduction: What is Brainstorming? When you consciously strive to come up with new suggestions or remedies for issues, you are brainstorming. It is a helpful first step in writing that enables authors to know exactly what will be included in their work, whether they are academic, business, or artistic. Brainstorming is a critical step in the writing process since ideas are the most precious resource in any communication. However, brainstorming can be challenging or even unpleasant for those who like to wait about until inspiration strikes. How Brainstorming Helps to Write Better It is advisable to begin the entire writing ... Read More

What is a Thesis Statement?

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 12-Jan-2024 14:47:54


What is a Thesis Statement? A thesis statement is often a single line at the start of your paper (most frequently at the end of the first paragraph) that introduces your argument. The remainder of the essay, or the body of the document, gathers and arranges facts to convince the reader of the validity of your interpretation. A thesis statement describes to the reader your interpretation of the importance of the issue at hand. It is also a road map for the essay; in other words, it explains to the reader what to anticipate in the remaining portions ... Read More

Tone, Audience & Purpose in Essays

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 12-Jan-2024 14:59:46


Introduction: Paragraph in an Essay Imagine reading a single, lengthy paragraph in which one concept blends into the next. Even if you are reading a gripping book or a fascinating news story, you will probably shortly get bored with what the author has to say. It is beneficial to assume the role of a reader when writing. Consider if you can readily concentrate on each argument you make. One strategy used by skilled writers is to start a new paragraph for each new concept they provide. Ideas are divided into logical, manageable paragraphs. One paragraph contains one major topic and ... Read More

Techniques for Brainstorming Great Ideas

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 12-Jan-2024 15:01:13


Introduction There are moments when your brain is too chaotic, and you need to introduce some conscious order. Using a brainstorming technique, you can get some solid phrases or schemas that you can then organise logically by forcing the mental turmoil and random thoughts to pour out onto the page. Let’s look at some of the classic brainstorming techniques. Freewriting When you write in a freestyle, you allow your ideas to come to you as they may, placing pen to paper and recording anything comes to mind. You don't look at how good your writing is, and you don't ... Read More

Question Mark: Definition and Use

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 12-Jan-2024 15:03:21


What is a Question Mark? A question mark (?) is a punctuation mark used to signify a direct inquiry at the conclusion of a sentence or phrase. Various names for the question mark include interrogation point, note of questioning, and question point. For example − Mala asked, “are you happy to be back in London?” It is useful to know that in grammar, a question is a sort of phrase stated in a form that demands (or appears to require) a response in order to comprehend the question mark and its function. A question sentence, often referred to as ... Read More

Punctuation: Using Colons, Semicolons and Periods

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 12-Jan-2024 15:06:08


Introduction In the English language, punctuation is crucial. It demands the placement of tiny, often scarcely perceptible markers at the right places to accurately denote the precise length and content of the phrase. English writing demands the use of proper punctuation. A punctuation enables the reader to comprehend the text's meaning and an author's main point. To make your written material coherent and understandable, proper punctuation is a crucial tool. Let us look at three of the most important punctuation marks in English: Colons, Semicolons, and Period. Colons A colon is used to emphasise, begin lists of text, provide conversation, ... Read More

Parentheses and Dashes: Correct Usage

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 12-Jan-2024 15:08:45


Introduction Parentheses and dashes signify an "aside" from the point you are trying to make in your statement. Each has a particular function in your writing, although occasionally being seen as interchangeable. Parentheses subtly add information to your point whereas dashes abruptly stop your writing to inject an interjection or halt. The use of dashes in formal academic research is uncommon, despite the fact that parentheses can be used in all literary genres. Dashes are more prevalent in less formal and fiction literature. The Dash The dash is quite common in all kinds of writing. The em dash and ... Read More

Commas: Correct Usage & Basic Rules

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 10-Jan-2024 14:52:26


Introduction: What is a Comma? A comma denotes a more compact break than a period, which marks the conclusion of a sentence. A comma, which separates words, sentences, or ideas inside a sentence, is viewed by some authors as a gentle pause. Let’s look at some of the basic rules for using a comma correctly. Basic Rules for Using a Comma Correctly Comma with Subject and Verb A comma should almost never be used to separate a subject from its verb. An incorrect example for this would be − My friend Peter, is a good painter. ... Read More

Basic Essay Structure: The Five-Paragraph Essay

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 10-Jan-2024 14:51:15


Introduction: What is a Five-Paragraph Essay? A five-paragraph essay is a straightforward style for writing an entire essay since it condenses the essential elements of an article into just five paragraphs. The five-paragraph essay style is helpful for helping students and academics write simple works, even if it doesn't offer much scope for intricacy. The three fundamental sections of the five-paragraph essay are − The introduction The body, and The conclusion. Functions of an Essay’s First Paragraph The essay's first paragraph serves a number of functions. This section grabs the reader's interest, develops the fundamental ... Read More

Apostrophe: Use & Examples

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 10-Jan-2024 11:05:51


Introduction: What is an Apostrophe? An apostrophe is a punctuation mark that is mainly used to show possession or ownership of something or someone. It can also be used to form contractions and to indicate missing letters and numbers. It is indicated by the symbol ’. According to the Oxford Learner’s Dictionary, an apostrophe is defined as the mark (’) used to show that one or more letters or numbers have been left out. For example: she’s for she is and ’63 for 1963.” The Cambridge Dictionary defines an apostrophe as “the symbol ’ used in writing to show ... Read More
