Found 175 Articles for World History

Ancient Armenia

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 15-Mar-2023 12:56:44


Introduction Ancient Armenia followed Prehistoric Armenia, lasting 1, 000 years until the Kingdom of Urartu collapsed. Then, the first Armenian geopolitical organization was established. The term "ancient Armenia" describes Armenia's past, which refers to antiquity. It spans over a long time like Prehistoric Armenian history, beginning after the Iron Age. Later the events led to the fall of the Iron age Kingdom, also a geographical region, famously known as Urartu and the development of the first Armenian geopolitical framework in the sixth century B.C. Ancient Armenia’s rise as a prominent power in Western Asia in the 4th century B.C. ... Read More

Ancient Argos

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 15-Mar-2023 12:59:18


Introduction Ancient Argos, situated in the Peloponnese of Greece, was an important Mycenaean town during the Late Bronze Age (1700-1100 BCE) and remained so until its destruction by the Visigoths in 395 C.E. The site's most well-preserved examples of ancient architecture are the theater, formerly the biggest in Greece, and the ruins of Roman baths from the second century B.C.E. It flourished as a Mycenaean center. Still, it was smaller than Mycenae and Tiryns at the time. Archaic Argo During the dynamic leadership of King Pheidon in the seventh century B.C., Argos witnessed its greatest growth and strength. Under ... Read More

Azuchi-Momoyama Period

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 13-Mar-2023 11:35:12


Introduction The Azuchi-Momoyama Period (1568-1600) was a period of political and cultural transformation in Japan. It was marked by the rise of powerful feudal lords, the unification of Japan, and the emergence of a new cultural era. This period saw the rise of three powerful leaders who played pivotal roles in shaping Japan's future: Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Tokugawa Ieyasu. The Muromachi Period Before the Azuchi-Momoyama period, Japan was ruled by a decentralized government of regional lords known as daimyos. The Muromachi period (1336-1573) was characterized by a breakdown in central authority and a period of civil unrest. ... Read More

Natives in America

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 10-Mar-2023 17:10:33


Introduction The natives in America have had a long history of subjugation and discrimination. But one must also refer to their society, culture, resistance movements, and participation in political and social aspects. At first contact with the European immigrants, the native seemed too different from the post-industrial world. The differences in cultures resulted in shifting the alliances between the two and moving towards political tension, ethnic violence, and social disruption. Natives were sidelined throughout the history of the United States. Background According to anthropologists and archaeologists, the natives first came to America via migration from Eurasia to the ... Read More

The Royal Tombs of Fontevraud Abbey

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 10-Mar-2023 16:13:42


Introduction The Royal Tombs of Fontevraud Abbey are a remarkable historical site located in the Loire Valley of France. They are the final resting place of several members of the Plantagenet dynasty. The abbey has a rich history and is of significant cultural and historical importance. The abbey was founded in the early 12th century and became one of the most powerful monastic orders in Europe. Today, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and attracts thousands of visitors every year. The tombs of King Henry II of England and his Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine at Fontevraud Abbey ... Read More

Aztec Warfare

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 10-Mar-2023 16:01:52

2K+ Views

Introduction The Aztec Empire was one of the most powerful and sophisticated civilizations of the pre-Columbian era, and their military prowess played a critical role in their success. The Aztecs had a complex system of warfare, with a well-organized army and a sophisticated arsenal of weapons and armor. Warfare in Aztec Mythology In Aztec mythology, the gods played a key role in determining the outcome of battles. For example, the god Huitzilopochtli was the patron god of war, and was believed to lead the Aztec armies into battle. The Aztecs believed that they were the chosen people of Huitzilopochtli, and ... Read More

Aztec Civilization

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 10-Mar-2023 15:41:34


Introduction The Aztecs were a pre-Columbian civilization that flourished in the Valley of Mexico in the 14th to 16th centuries. The Aztecs are often remembered for their military conquests, but they also made significant contributions to the cultural and intellectual development of Mesoamerica. They left a remarkable legacy in the form of their remarkable architecture, art, and religious practices. An Aztec calendar Origins of the Aztec people The origins of the Aztec people are shrouded in mystery. According to Aztec legend, they originated from a place called Aztlan, which is believed to have been located somewhere in northwestern ... Read More

Aztec Art

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 10-Mar-2023 15:31:32

1K+ Views

Introduction The influence of Aztec art can be seen in many different forms of art and culture around the world. From the intricate designs of Aztec textiles to the stunning architecture of their temples and pyramids, Aztec art has left an indelible mark on the world. According to research papers and books, Aztec art was heavily influenced by the natural world around them. The Aztecs were deeply connected to nature and saw the natural world as a source of inspiration for their art. This is evident in the intricate patterns and designs that can be found in their textiles, pottery, ... Read More

Aztec Sacrifice

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 10-Mar-2023 15:19:54


Introduction The Aztec sacrifice practice is often viewed with horror and shock by people today, but it was a central aspect of Aztec religion and society. The practice of human sacrifice was part of a larger system of tribute and religious offerings that helped to maintain the social order and maintain the balance of the universe. In this essay, we will explore the origins, purpose, and methods of Aztec sacrifice. Origins & Purpose The origin and purpose of Aztec sacrifice is a topic of much debate among scholars. Some historians believe that the practice has roots in earlier Mesoamerican ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 10-Mar-2023 15:11:12


Introduction Aytap is a land of many wonders, with a rich history that stretches back through the ages. Aytap, earlier known as Iotapa, is a port city in Cicilia located in Southern Turkey. King Antiochus IV of Commagene established it in 52 CE. From the ruins of ancient civilizations to the bustling markets of modern-day cities, Aytap is a land shaped by its history and enriched by its diversity. Early History of Cilicia The early history of Cilicia is a fascinating tale of a land that was shaped by the ebb and flow of empires and the migration of ancient ... Read More

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