Found 175 Articles for World History

Egypt and Pyramids

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 16:21:52


Introduction The ancient pyramids of Egypt are one of the most famous tourist destinations in the world. Over 4, 000 years ago, these amazing structures were built as tombs for pharaohs and their consorts. Today, they continue to fascinate visitors with their intricate design and mystifying history. In this tutorial, we'll be taking a look at some of the most famous pyramids in Egypt, and explaining what makes them so special. We'll also discuss some of the theories about how they were built and why they continue to captivate people today. So whether you're interested in learning about ancient architecture ... Read More

Chalcolithic Age

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 16:22:47


Introduction After the neolithic age, many habitants began using metals like low grade iron and copper, predominantly. Thus, the age was coined ‘Chalcolithic’. The word ‘chalco’ is derived from the Greek word ‘khalkos’ and lithic is derived from ‘lithos’. The word ‘chalco’ denotes copper, and ‘lithic’ means stone. For this reason, it is also known as the Stone-Copper Age or Eneolithic period, an extensional period of Neolithic Age. The Chalcolithic Age In India, the beginning of the Chalcolithic Age can be dated back to 2000 BC-700 BC. It can be seen in the pre-harappan, harappan, post-harappan era as well in ... Read More

Augustine of Hippo

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 15-Mar-2023 11:42:19


Introduction Theologian and philosopher Saint Augustine, often known as Augustine of Hippo, was of Berber heritage and served as the bishop of Hippo Regius in Numidia, Roman North Africa. Because of the influence his writings had on the growth of Western philosophy and Christianity during the Patristic Period, he is regarded as one of the most important Church Fathers of the Latin Church. His demise on August 28th is commemorated as his memorial day. Because of his beliefs regarding salvation and divine grace, many Protestants, particularly Calvinists and Lutherans, regard him as one of the theological forefathers of the ... Read More

Augusta Raurica

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 15-Mar-2023 11:25:42


Introduction Around 44–43 BCE, Lucius Munatius Plancus (90–15 BCE) founded Augusta Raurica, which swiftly developed into a metropolis and, by the time of its brief heyday in 200 CE, had between 10, 000–20, 000 residents. The majority of Augusta Raurica's people left the city despite its rapid growth in just three centuries due to ongoing Alemanni invasions, an earthquake around 250 CE, and ongoing political upheaval in Roman Rhaetia.A well-preserved Roman-era site can be found in Switzerland close to Basel called Augusta Raurica which is situated on the south bank of the Rhine river. Around 44 BC, the ... Read More

Ancient Egyptian Warfare

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 15-Mar-2023 11:59:12


Introduction The ancient Egyptians are famous for their monumental architecture, advanced writing system, and intricate religious beliefs. However, they were also skilled warriors who engaged in frequent conflicts with neighbouring powers. Ancient Egyptian warfare was a complex and multifaceted affair that evolved over time as the Egyptians developed new weapons, tactics, and military structures. What was warfare like in ancient Egypt? Warfare in ancient Egypt was common, as the country was surrounded by hostile neighbors and faced constant threats from foreign powers. The Egyptians engaged in a variety of military campaigns, from small-scale skirmishes to full-scale invasions. However, unlike ... Read More

Ancient Celtic Sculpture

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 15-Mar-2023 12:03:28


Introduction Ancient Celtic sculpture is a fascinating subject that has intrigued scholars, art historians, and art lovers for centuries. The Celts were a diverse group of people who lived in Europe from the late Bronze Age until the Roman conquest of Gaul in the first century BC. They were renowned for their artistic expression, which was characterized by intricate and abstract designs that were incorporated into various forms of art, including sculpture. Ancient Celtic sculpture, like other forms of Celtic art, was heavily influenced by the surrounding cultures, including the Mediterranean, Roman, and Germanic cultures. Overview of Ancient Celtic Sculpture ... Read More

Ancient Celtic Pottery

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 15-Mar-2023 12:22:18


Introduction Ancient Celtic pottery refers to the pottery made by the Celtic people during the Iron Age (c. 800 BCE - 43 CE) in Europe. The Celts were a group of Indo-European peoples who spoke Celtic language. Celtic pottery required various techniques to do the pottery, including wheel-thrown, coil, and slab construction. The pottery was fired in kilns and decorated using different methods, such as incising, stamping, and painting. Celtic pottery was functional and important to Celtic religious and cultural practices. Ancient Celtic pottery provides insight into the Celtic people's material culture and artistic expression. Today, many examples of ... Read More

Ancient Celtic Religion

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 15-Mar-2023 12:26:34


Introduction to Ancient Celtic Religion Ancient Celtic religion is an intriguing and fascinating topic that has garnered interest from historians and anthropologists alike. The Celts were a group of people who lived in Europe before the Roman Empire. They were known for their warrior culture, artistic skill, and complex society. One of the most interesting aspects of their culture was their religion. The Celts believed in a vast pantheon of deities and spirits that were heavily influenced by nature and the elements. They saw their gods and goddesses in everything around them, from the trees and rivers to the sun ... Read More

Ancient Celtic Art

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 15-Mar-2023 12:37:32


Introduction Ancient Celtic art had two distinct styles: The Hallstatt and the la Tene style, which influenced art in the Mediterranean and Estuscan styles. Art describes people's thinking, which is why it is an important factor in determining history. Celtic art, as found by archaeologists, dates back to 1000 BC. Ancient Celtic Art was found in Austria but was spread across a wider region. Celtic art includes sculptures of Gods, naked warriors, forest animals and vegetal designs, and Romans and Thracians influenced it. They could also show the beauty of the smallest things in their art and convey ... Read More

Ancient Britain

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 15-Mar-2023 12:55:26


Introduction Britain or Great Britain is the largest of the British Isles that lies on the northwest coast of Europe, and the name itself is derived from a Celtic Word, which means White. The vast and diverse history enriched in British culture culminates in its various periods. It can be divided into Pre-Historic Britain, Celtic Britain, Anglo- Saxon Britain, and Viking and Norman Britain. All these periods have influenced Britain's culture and offer a fantastic insight into the past. Also, there are various archaeological findings that depict the life of the people in those times. Prehistoric Britain The year ... Read More
