Found 175 Articles for World History

Nationalism and Imperialism

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 13:40:36


Introduction Nationalism and imperialism are different but did you know both are results of the other? Firstly, what is Imperialism? Imperialism is the ideology that propounds that a single nation is the master of all and this mighty nation is able to conquer the nations by military and war aggressions. British was an imperial power with its kingdom stretched all over the globe, and Russia was also an imperial power at that time. Now nationalism is the identity that is connected with someone’s nation and heritage they are identified by their birthplace. For example, as a French or a Russian. ... Read More

First World War

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 13:43:19


Introduction Many nations took part in a large conflict known as the Great War or World War I from July 1914 to November 1918. Nearly 17 million people had died by the time the war was over. War's origins are significantly more complex than that, and they cannot be adequately explained by a concise list of factors. The struggle was the deadliest and most horrific in human history. The conflict altered the global political landscape and helped prepare the path for numerous revolutions in many of the participating countries In this tutorial, we will be briefing you on many such ... Read More

Colonialism and the Case of Indentured Labor

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 13:45:24


Introduction Colonialism was the aftermath of economic surplus because as the economy grew and trade flourished the major powers wanted to extend their control over other countries so that they could mine more profits and control the trade movements in the region. The colonialization of countries meant that their freedom was lost and their livelihood was controlled by the colonial power. In the late 19th century the major powers competed for their share of colonies in the world and this brought many economic, and social changes through which the colonized societies were to be part of the world economy. African ... Read More

Architects of Modern Vietnam

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 12:45:02


Introduction In history, when we look toward Vietnam, their visionaries and thinkers were more inclined toward the communist ideas which helped their nation function and free them from the colonial powers. Every nation has a national leader who worked for his country and dedicated his life’s work for the emancipation of his birth country and fought for his people’s rights. But have you heard of such a leader from Vietnam? Vietnam doesn’t have one such influencer but it has 3 major nationalist leaders. Phan Chu Trinh and his Works (1872 - 1926) Phan Chu Trinh born in 1872 was a ... Read More

Role of Women in the French Revolution

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 18-Dec-2023 16:40:39


Introduction was a path breaking movement in European history that introduced radical, societal, and political changes. Women’s contribution to the revolution was outstanding. Prior to the Revolution, in the initial years, participation of women was only limited to the domestic realm. However, they all wanted to voice their political opinions and grievances and participate in public life like men. Image 1 : The Women's March on Versailles, 1789 - Derivative version of a contemporary illustration (SteveStrummer, Women's March on Versailles002, CC BY-SA 4.0) The concept of equality and brotherhood resonated with women apart from family ... Read More

The Pre-modern world and its journey toward modernization

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 15:48:38


Introduction Have you ever thought about how the world became modernized? Most of us would coin the term modern world with globalization. But the fact is even before globalization, the journey toward modernization began in the Harappan civilization when the trade routes and silk routes were discovered. Travelers, traders, and pilgrims all traveled a great distance in search of opportunities and knowledge. Goods and resources were carried from one side of the globe to the other side. By 300 BCE itself coastal trade had connected west Asia with the Indus valley civilization. Disease-carrying germs could be traced to the seventh ... Read More

Modernization in Vietnam and The Rise of Communism

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 16:00:47


Introduction While the resistance grew in Vietnam there also rose a question of dilemma regarding modernization. Was it necessary to modernize? Do we have to disregard our traditions to be modern and do we have to use the scale of the west to measure modernization? Such questions crept into the minds of the natives. So let us take a look at ways of modernization. Ways of Becoming Modernized As Japan and China had a healthy relationship with Vietnam and their cultures were closely aligned, it was important to analyze and follow in their footsteps in the first half of the ... Read More

French Colonialism in Indo-China

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 16:01:29


Introduction France started its Indo-China ambitions by 1860 but what exactly does Indo-China mean? Indo-China is situated in South Asia and comprises Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. The colonization began as a reaction to the Vietnamese execution of Catholic missionaries and the French conquered Tourane, a Vietnamese port in 1860 for commercial advantage, it took over the city of Saigon (Hochi Minh city) and by 1867 the French expanded its territories and named it Cochinchine. By 1863, with an intention to protect the western frontiers of Cochinchina, French imposed Cambodia as its protectorate with the King Norodom agreeing to such ... Read More

Different Aspects That Influenced Nationalism

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 16:02:29


Introduction Have you ever thought about how nationalism came to being or what was the reason behind such an approach? The 18th century was a place of atrocities that compelled the citizens to stage a reaction and this reaction was named as nationalism. As conservatism started to expand within Europe, liberalism and nationalism took on their role as revolutionaries. Liberal-nationalist were the citizens who belonged to the educated middle-class and the elite were professors, school teachers, clerks, and commercial middle-class members labeled as revolutionaries. Their first sign of progress came when the Bourbon king who was re-established to power during ... Read More

The Neolithic Age

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 16:14:22


Introduction The Neolithic age is the third and final part of the Stone Age. It also marks the beginning of a New Stone Age. This stage started in different time frames in different regions. In the world, the Neolithic Age began around 9000 BC. In India, the New Stone Age can be dated back to 7000 BC to 1000 BC. It is during this era, the domestication of animals and agriculture began. One of the characteristics of Neolithic age that differentiate it from the Paleolithic Age and Mesolithic Age is the use of polished stones as tools and weapons. Origination ... Read More
