Found 175 Articles for World History

Evolution of Man

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction The most renowned species on the planet, Homo sapiens, is the consequence of almost 7 million years of civilization. Human evolution has been traced via fossil records as well as morphological, physiological, and embryological research. Man is a member of the order Primates' Hominidae family. Apes that look like humans belong to the very same order. Their forefathers and mothers developed through time, becoming increasingly distinct. The lower jaw is less projecting and the face is flatter. Long hair grows continuously on the head, but it is sparse and short on the body. Long legs with a non-opposable ... Read More

Importance of History

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction History allows us to understand how events shaped the world we live in today. We not only understand about ourselves and how humanity came to be by studying history, but we also gain the capacity to prevent errors and chart better courses for our communities. Influence of History on Our Lives Today Families and groups have been moved in the past, altering the composition of areas and sparking conflicts. Such occurrences have also resulted in the creation of governing structures that have endured for decades. And it all has an impact on everyone alive today. For ... Read More


Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction History is the study of the past (from the Greek word historia, which means "enquiry" or "knowledge gained by research"). History is a broad phrase that refers to both historical events and the gathering, organisation, presentation, and interpretation of knowledge about them. It is split into three sections: Prehistory, Proto-history, and History. Prehistory: Prehistory refers to events that took place before the introduction of writing. The three stone eras reflect prehistoric times. Proto-history: It is the time between pre-history and history when a culture or organisation has yet to exist but has been recorded in the ... Read More

Chronology BC and CE

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction Since the first beginnings of human existence, the chronology of Indian history is punctuated by wars, religious births, and the collapse of major empires. The chronology of Indian history is divided into three sections: ancient history, mediaeval history, and contemporary history. The chronology of ancient Indian history gives an overview of the nation's early civilizations, agriculture, and civilisation. Pre-Aryans, Indo-Aryans, Greeks, Hunas, Scythians, and other persons invaded India and made it their homeland throughout this time. The chronology of Indian mediaeval history begins in the ninth century, when political turmoil erupted in several parts of ... Read More

Cave paintings (France)

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction Cave paintings in France are famous for their ethereal beauty and aesthetics. The paintings are so well structured and depict the tiniest of details mostly of the animals that were native to the area. The famous and oldest French cave is named Lascaux. French: Grotte de Lascaux (Lascaux Cave). It is a network of caves at Montignac in the Dordogne department of south-western France. The cave's inner walls and ceilings are covered in about 600 parietal wall murals. The paintings generally depict huge creatures that are representative of current local fauna and correspond to the Upper Palaeolithic fossil ... Read More
