Found 175 Articles for World History

The Attitude Towards Women During the Early 19th Century

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 15:14:23


Introduction Brahmans and Kshatriyas were regarded as members of the "higher castes" in accordance with the caste system. After them, they have put others like merchants, and money lenders (commonly referred to as Vaishyas). Peasants and Shudra (artisans) including weavers and potters, then arrived. The lowest caste consisted of those who laboured to maintain towns and villages clean or who were employed by upper castes. These groups were viewed by the upper castes as "untouchable." Very few women had the same possibilities for education as males before the 19th century, mostly because of these conventional expectations for women. In fact, ... Read More

Socialism in Europe

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 15:11:37


Introduction The start of the 19th century brought many changes. With the end of the French revolution, the whole world saw the impact of modern ideas and a wave of modern thought spread over the world. Multiple inventions happened in the field of science and many modern ideas came flocking in. From this wave of modern ideas, two became the most famous. One was liberal and another one was Radical. These ideas were the outcome of the mechanization of production during the industrial revolution. The liberal idea was in support of the accumulation of property with the help of increased ... Read More

Roman Empire

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 15:09:21


Introduction The Ancient Roman republic reigned from the year 509 BCE to 27 BCE. The republic was ruled by a senate, a group of nobles. In the year 27 BCE, the adopted son of Julius Caesar, Augustus established the Roman Empire. He established the first empire and his reign was known as the ‘Principate’. Elliot Schroeder, CC BY-SA 4.0 lt;>, via Wikimedia Commons Augustus became the sole authority and power in the empire, but out of respect towards the Senate, he declared himself only the leading citizen. In Ancient Rome the Senate had all the powers but after Augustus’s ... Read More

Pastoralism in Africa

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 15:01:12


Introduction The African continent was a long-serving colony of Britishers and other European countries. The sole aim of these colonial powers was to drain as much wealth as they could from the colonies. The most significant source of income was the revenue generated from agriculture. For that purpose, the colonial masters always sought to increase the agricultural land and encouraged natives to cultivate those lands so they could generate more revenue. Pastoral tribes moved across the country according to season and in search of food and water for themselves and their cattle. The new rules and regulation introduced by colonial ... Read More

Effects of Colonial Rule

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 14:13:15


Introduction With the arrival of British rule in India, the nomads were badly affected. They were restricted from moving from one place to another and they were denied the use of forest products. The nomads and Pastorals were not allowed to let their animals in protected forests. The only source of their livelihood which was cattle was badly impacted due to these new laws. Colonialism in 1898 No machine-readable author provided. Roke~commonswiki assumed (based on copyright claims)., CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons There are various records which depict the movements of these Pastoral tribes across the ... Read More

Early Humans and Their Lifestyle

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 16:36:40

6K+ Views

Introduction The human evolution from early humans to modern ones underwent several changes. This process witnessed different lifestyles of humans. They advanced from huntergatherers to food producers. They discovered many things which are still in use in a modified version. Subsequently, with the development of farming, they began to develop shelters for an extended stay in a place. Initially, they are believed to have originated in Africa and slowly spread to other parts of the world. Earlier these people lived in small groups and then shifted to large ones. With that, the concept of villages was formed and cultural adaptation ... Read More

The Agenda for National Education

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 26-Dec-2022 17:21:51


Introduction The British came to India with the motive of expansion and exploitation. The many European powers before the Britishers colonised the part of Asia and Africa such as the Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, French, etc, these countries were preceded by the Britishers that has ruled the world in such a way that an Indian nationalist commented that the British empire is such a large that sun never sets in the empire. The British entered India through trade but established their rule with the sword(violence). The expansion of the British empire was so great that it needed effective administration as well ... Read More

Urbanism in Mesopotamian Civilization

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 26-Dec-2022 17:15:02

6K+ Views

Introduction Mesopotamia was a region that existed between two famous Rivers named Tigris and Euphrates dating back to 3500 BCE. Present day, this region is covered by the whole of Iran and some parts of Syria. The word Mesopotamia originated from the words Mesos (greek word) which means middle and second word potamos means river. Mesopotamia is located between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers in what is now part of Iraq. This civilization is vastly known for its wealthiest, urban life, vast literature, mathematics and astronomy. There are three basic things that one can expect the urban transition to happen. ... Read More

The Umayyads

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 26-Dec-2022 16:54:34


Introduction The institution of the Caliphate started after the demise of Prophet Mohammad. The reason for the innovation of the institution of the Caliph was that Muhammad never named his successor and after his death, the power was transferred to Ummah. Ummah decided to name a Caliph, who will be considered the successor and deputy of Muhammad. The Caliph was the sole sovereign of the Caliphate and Muslim Ummah all over the world. The Caliph acted as the spiritual as well as the political leader of the Muslim world. The Caliph aimed to include the tribes in the Muslim world. ... Read More

The Rise of Islam in Arabia

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 26-Dec-2022 16:45:46

4K+ Views

Introduction Muhammad was born in 570AD, in Macca. He belonged to the Quraysh Tribe of Arabia. In the 6th century, Arabs consisted of the Arabian Peninsula, Syria and Mesopotamia. Muhammad was Arab with culture and language and he was a merchant. Before the emergence of Islam, the Arabs lived in tribes known as Quabilas. Every tribe had a separate leader. Prophet Muhammad preaching- A Russian Painting 1840-1850 Grigory Gagarin, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Leaders were made not only based on inheritance but also their courage, generosity and wisdom. Every tribe had their own God and Goddesses. They were ... Read More
