Found 175 Articles for World History

Spain and Britain-Battle of the sea

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 31-Jan-2023 11:13:49


Introduction On August 8, 1588, in the Battle of Gravelines, the British Navy destroyed the Spanish Armada. A large and heavily armed ship known as the Spanish Armada aimed to act on a political and religious basis. The invasion dreams of Spain were dashed by the setback at Gravelines. The Armada's defeat dealt severe damage to Spain's reputation as the world's most powerful nation at the time. After the conflict, Spain remained a powerful nation. Background to the Invasion There was a struggle between the Catholic faith in Spain and Protestantism in England because of years of political and theological ... Read More

Rise of global Islamic terrorism

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 31-Jan-2023 10:51:50


Introduction“The unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to compel or frighten governments or communities, frequently to achieve political, religious, or ideological objectives” is what is meant by “terrorism.” Islamic terrorism, also known as Islamist terrorism, is the act of committing terror activity by Islamic extremists based on a religious basis. In eight nations with a Muslim majority, there have been the bulk of incidents and deaths related to Islamic terrorism (Afghanistan, Somalia, Pakistan, Egypt, Iraq, Nigeria, Libya, and Syria) The Islamic State (Terrorist Organization) Abu Musab al Zarqawi 2004 established a regional branch named ... Read More

Rise of Fascism in Italy & Nazism in Germany

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 31-Jan-2023 10:21:44

1K+ Views

Introduction Fascism was based on violence and brutality. Mussolini's goal was to rebuild the ancient Roman Empire. As part of this, he appropriated some old Roman administration emblems. Mussolini used Fascist policies to repress his opponents. His aggressive foreign policy led to his conquest of states such as Ethiopia and Albania. Hitler instilled in the Germans a sense of vengeance toward the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler pursued an aggressive foreign policy, capitalizing on the Germans' sense of vengeance. Later, Germany joined forces with Italy and Japan. Other countries were opposed. Ultimately, this led to the outbreak of ... Read More

Reign of Mongols

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Jan-2023 14:37:06


Introduction The Mongol empire was created in the 13th century, it is said to be one of the greatest Eurasian empires of all time. Genghis khan founded the Mongol empire. It was the largest empire to ever exist in history in terms of the land area acquired. Given their barbaric nature, they made sure that nobody does to go against the ruler. In this tutorial we will talk about how some tribes and nomadic people went on to rule the world, and become one of the strongest and largest ruling dynasties to ever exist in the world, we will also ... Read More

Modernisation in Japan

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Jan-2023 14:36:25

3K+ Views

Introduction Japan is a group of islands located on the Asian Continent. The 4 most significant small islands are Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku, and Hokkaido. The southernmost part of Japan is the Okinawan chain. Around 50 per cent of its area is covered with mountains. It lies in one of the most active, earthquake-prone areas. These are the few geographical hurdles that come in the way of architects. TUBS, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons The majority of the people living in Japan are Japanese but there is also a small number of Ainu and Koreans who were brought ... Read More

Mesopotamia and its Geography

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Jan-2023 14:35:51

6K+ Views

Introduction Mesopotamia is a Greek word that means between two rivers. It is a place surrounded by two rivers Euphrates and the Tigris rivers. This is the reason why the land of Mesopotamia is so rich in minerals and flourishing. In present times Mesopotamia comes under the Republics of Iraq. It is known for its rich literature, mathematics, City life, and astronomy. After 2000 BCE, its language was used as a communication medium in the eastern Mediterranean, northern Syria, and Turkey. The southern part which was urbanized was known as Sumer and Akkad. The major civilizations that survived over Mesopotamia ... Read More

Genghis Khan

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Jan-2023 14:34:21


Introduction Genghis Khan is undoubtedly the most brutal ruler in the history of humanity. He was a member of a Mongolian tribe, but his ambitions made him the undisputed conqueror of Eurasia. Coming from a humble background, he struggled throughout his childhood for food after being abandoned by his tribe. Earlier, his father was also poisoned to death by a rival tribe. But all those difficulties didn’t stop him from becoming the ruler of the largest empire in human history. He started making alliances via marriage and wars, eventually converting Mongols from a tribal war-waring country to an organized military ... Read More

Industrial revolution in Britain

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Jan-2023 14:32:52


Introduction The Industrial Revolution marked the transition phase of Britain’s economy, which was mostly dependent on manual methods of production, and switched to being mostly mechanized. The increased use of machines led to increased production and increased resources which then further led to unimaginable growth of the population of the nation. Out of all the new industries, the most dominant was the textile industry. It provides the most number of workers with jobs and a better investment to Profit Ratio for the Business owner and investors. In this tutorial, we will learn what is meant by the Industrial Revolution, what ... Read More

Features of Mesopotamian Civilization

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Jan-2023 14:31:42

11K+ Views

Introduction Mesopotamia is a Greek word that means between two rivers. It is a place surrounded by two rivers Euphrates and the Tigris rivers. This is the reason why the land of Mesopotamia is so rich in minerals and flourishing. In present times Mesopotamia comes under the Republics of Iraq. It is also called the grave of many civilizations. It is known for its rich literature, mathematics, City life, and astronomy. After 2000 BCE, its language was used as a communication medium in the eastern Mediterranean, northern Syria, and Turkey. Their writings are the greatest source of information that can ... Read More

Women, Caste and Reform

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 15:38:50


Introduction If we talk about the present situation of women then we can say that it is improving slowly and steadily. They enjoy all the rights in society as men. They have the right to vote, the right to be an adult before getting married, and the right to contest elections. But unfortunately, these rights are not enjoyed by the members of every stratum of society. Back in the 19th century, things were different from those now. Children were married at a very young age, and men were allowed to marry more than one wife, “Sati Pratha” was practised in ... Read More
