Found 175 Articles for World History

Korean War

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 31-Jan-2023 14:52:56


Introduction On June 25, 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea, triggering the start of this conflict. North and South Korea had formerly existed as one nation under the name Korea before the Second World War. Korea split into two nations after the war. However, North Korea attempted to integrate the two countries under communism by invading South Korea. Maps of South and North Korea Description-The graphical created image portrays the division of a single Korean empire into two parts with their flags. The annexation of South Korea by North Korea raised concerns about the development of communism in ... Read More

Korean Democracy and IMF Crisis

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 31-Jan-2023 14:37:19


Introduction The IMF crisis of December 1997 is still fresh in the minds of the Korean population. This came as a blow for South Korea as it has been a prospering economy and had not seen any major recession in at least the fifteen years preceding the IMF crisis. The root cause was the structural problems in the financial and corporate sectors. The issues started surfacing in South Korea in the second half of 1997 when the capital inflows reversed as foreign investors began reducing their exposure to South Korea. IMF Membership On 13th August 1955, South Korea ... Read More

Israel and Palestine

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 31-Jan-2023 14:21:51


Introduction A group of people in Europe who called themselves Zionists explored invading the area in the early 19th century after Britain along with Palestine seized a portion of the Middle East, to establish a Jewish land. This immigration raised many concerns for the local population. The resulting conflict between the native inhabitants and the immigrants grew, and battles broke out among them, which in turn sparked rising waves of violence. It is one of the oldest and longest-running disputes in the world is the one between Israel and Palestine. What is the issue between Israel and Palestine? In ... Read More

How did the American Revolution influence the French Revolution?

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 31-Jan-2023 12:54:01

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Introduction The French population was significantly impacted by the American Revolt, which was a large determinant in the French Revolution's manifestation. The American Revolution set a high benchmark by offering revolutionary thoughts and diverse approaches to administer a civilization. The British Monarchy's continued tyranny was indeed the foundation of their revolt. Despite all difficulties, the Americans remained effective in obtaining liberty. However, the French Monarch, King Louis XVI, fought jointly until it came to collapsing the British Monarchy, which was crucial to the achievement of their independence. The American Revolution's financial assistance led to a political crisis and substantial debt, ... Read More

Establishing Democracy in China: 1949-65

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 31-Jan-2023 12:39:29


Introduction New Democracy, also known as the New Democratic Revolution, is a post-revolutionary Chinese concept based on Mao Zedong's Bloc of Four Social Classes theory, which originally argued that democracy in China would take a path that was fundamentally different from that of any other country. He also stated that each colonial or semi-colonial country would have its unique path to democracy, based on its own social and material conditions. Mao referred to Western representative democracy as “Old Democracy, ” and saw parliamentarians as merely a tool for promoting the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie/land-owning class through manufacturing consent. Concepts ... Read More

Unification of Italy and Europe

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 31-Jan-2023 12:21:55


Introduction In the 1800s, people in Europe were motivated to strive for more democratic forms of government by nationalism and Enlightenment ideas. In Latin America and the Caribbean, it inspired a rebellion against European control and the drive for independence. When Germany and Italy allied, this was accurate. At the start of the 1800s, neither country was present. They were split up into various smaller states that fought for independence on occasion but also occasionally cooperated. However, the majority of people in these states were united by a common language, culture, history, and religion, all of which fuelled nationalist ... Read More

The Political System of Japan

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 31-Jan-2023 12:03:37


Introduction In 1947, Japan enacted a constitution that was founded on three fundamental tenets respect for fundamental rights, popular sovereignty, and opposition to the war. The written constitution of Japan is the foundation of the Japanese political system. It was passed on May 3, 1947, and the shape of a constitutional monarchy was firmly established by this. The governmental authority has been divided into three divisions since this time: the National Diet, the Cabinet, and the judicial branch. The legislative, executive and judicial branches are each represented by one of these organisations. The Emperor Following World War II, the Japanese ... Read More

The Nagasaki Events and Hiroshima

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 31-Jan-2023 11:50:33


Introduction On August 6 and 9, 1945, consecutively, the United States deployed two atomic weapons over the Japanese cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The two strikes are the first nuclear missile to be used in a military confrontation to date, killing about 129, 000 and 226, 000 people, the majority among them being citizens. The Allies planned for an expensive assault on Japanese territory in the concluding year of the Second World War. A standard and setting off bombs operation that demolished 64 Japanese cities. When Germany fell on May 8, 1945, the conflict within the European battlefield had come ... Read More

The American Revolutionary War and its impact

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 31-Jan-2023 11:36:59


Introduction With the outbreak of the American Revolution, the American colonies formally broke ties with the British Empire. This led to the formation of the United States of America. The political upheaval which rose with the revolution was significant, as it was the first time that the colonies rejected the British Parliament and its form of rule to continue in America officially. Scholars consider the America Revolution as the culmination of independence. The Revolutionary Wars had not just political, but also, economic, social, and intellectual actors playing a crucial part in denying the existing European society to prevail in ... Read More

The age of Imperialism (1870-1914)

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 31-Jan-2023 11:26:22


Introduction The term ‘Imperialism’ may be understood as the building of a global empire by modern states. It occurs in situations where the cultural, economic, and political spheres of a nation are dominated by a stronger nation. Europe practised this foreign policy. Imperialism is not a recent phenomenon of the nineteenth century. It has dominated the world era from the sixteenth century. Under old imperialism, Europe sought successful trade ties with the Far East, exploring the New World and establishing settlements in North and South America, and also Southeast Asia. What was the age of Imperialism? The term ... Read More
