Found 175 Articles for World History

Apartheid- Elaborate on the end of the System

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 28-Feb-2023 12:43:58


Introduction The apartheid program, which empowered systemic racism and political and financial exclusion against non-whites, tightly controlled interactions seen between the white minority in South Africa and the non-white bulk across a whole massive proportion of later decades of the 20th generation. Despite most of the limitations that sustained apartheid ceased to exist by the early 1990s, the devastating economic and social consequences of the racist system persisted into the 20th century. Apartheid system Description: Non-Whites only -reconstructed apartheid bench in Cape Town Apartheid Legislation Before 1948, racial discrimination in South Africa was obligated. But after Daniel F. Malan's ... Read More

Ancient Civilization and the use of Weapons

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 28-Feb-2023 12:40:42

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Introduction Ancient civilizations are the first known organized societies, classes, and communities that starts from Mesopotamian civilization. Ancient civilizations developed weapons by using different materials starting from stone and wood to different materials such as Bronze. The development of human civilization is believed to have occurred between 4000-3000 BCE. These civilizations were not only characterized by settlement and development of agriculture but were also blessed by the technological development that lead to the development of artefacts and warfares. These civilizations developed different types of weapon for hunting, self-defence, and war. The Major Ancient Civilizations of the World The ... Read More

Soviet Union (USSR)

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 28-Feb-2023 12:33:42


Introduction The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), a federation made up of Russia, Belorussia, Ukraine, and the Transcaucasian Federation, was founded on December 30, 1922, in post-revolutionary Russia. This new communist state, the Soviet Union, succeeded the Russian Empire and was the 1st nation in the world to be established on Marxist socialism. MOSCOW, USSR - APRIL 13: Front page of the Soviet newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda with reporting about first manned flight in Space and Yury Gagarin s portrait, on April 13, 1961 in Moscow, USSR. Revolution and Foundation Two things happened in 1917 that are frequently referred ... Read More

Opium Wars

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 23-Feb-2023 12:36:35


Introduction The opium wars were the conflict between Britain and china for free travel and trade right. The Chinese government ceased the trade licences of Britain to prohibit opium trafficking. China was failed and dominated by Britain and France. They compelled china to sign the treaties and approved favourable tariffs and concessions of trade. China was also compelled to pay the reparation to Britain. The whole century was the most humiliating century for china. The war affected their economy too. The first Opium War In 1839, the first opium war broke out between China and Britain. They fought for ... Read More

Nuclear Arms Race-Post World War II

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 23-Feb-2023 12:33:26


Introduction The United States and the Soviet Union engaged in fierce military competition during the post-World War II nuclear weapons race. Through the development of larger and more potent nuclear arsenals, both sides strove to surpass one another. This expensive endeavour produced many lethal weapons as well as an increased level of mistrust and dread. As a result, the Cold War turned into one of the most important wars in recent history. In addition, the arms race gave rise to the idea of “mutually assured destruction, ” which postulated that the two superpowers were so well-armed that neither would risk ... Read More

Integration of Europe post-Cold War

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 23-Feb-2023 12:21:15


Introduction Europe was divided for more than 40 years during the Cold War, or more precisely the “Era of Cold Wars, ” from 1947 and 1991. Europe was split between Western Europe and Eastern Europe by the Iron Curtain after World War II concluded in 1945. While the Soviet Union's communist influence spread to Eastern Europe, Western Europe backed capitalist democracies. Eastern Europe started moving toward Western European ideas when the Soviet Union fell apart in 1991. This led to democratic governments, a free-market economy, private property, and the EU. A growing number of nations with democratic governments and promising ... Read More

History of fashion women's fashion in the 18th

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Feb-2023 10:17:02


Introduction Fashion in the 18th century was not only inspired by the styles of the 17th century but also created styles that still inspire today's fashion. Historians find it difficult to define or categorise the fashion of this century. In “Dress in Eighteenth-Century Europe, 1715-1789” fashion historian Aileen Ribeiro laments that when people think of fashion in the 18th century, they mostly refer to fashion in Paris or France. They do not mention the fashion evolving in different parts of the world or even in England or Italy. This portrays how popular the fashion of 18th-century France was. She also ... Read More

Great Wall of China and its convict-built protection

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 23-Feb-2023 12:00:26


Introduction To safeguard his recently established Qin dynasty (221-206 BC) against invasions by nomads from Inner Asia, the first dynasty of China, Qin Shi Huang, joined defences made by numerous nations throughout the Warring States eras (475-221 BC) and Spring and Autumn (771-476 BC). By 212 BC, the walls were already finished from Gansu to the shore of southern Manchuria utilising compacted clay and bonded labour. Though some places have been repaired or have been demolished for altruistic reasons, others are destroyed to the outcomes of time or have been levelled for their construction products. The wall which used to ... Read More

Communities of the Caribbean and Brazil

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 23-Feb-2023 11:56:43


Introduction The Caribbean and Brazil have a long and diverse history of cultural and social development, with a variety of different communities developing over time. The Caribbean is a melting pot of cultures and people, with many ethnicities and backgrounds converging in the region. Brazil, on the other hand, is mainly populated by the descendants of African slaves and European immigrants but has a growing number of indigenous people and other ethnicities. Both regions have a rich history of cultural exchange and development, and their communities are reflective of this exchange. Historical Background The Caribbean and Brazil have a ... Read More

Civil wars of China

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 23-Feb-2023 11:45:08


Introduction The Chinese Civil War of 1946-49, which lasted most of the twentieth century, accounted for the deaths of over five million soldiers and citizens. Despite being not a new conflict, it was the most recent stage of a two-decade battle. The Kuomintang (GMD or Nationalists) and the Chinese Communist Party fought for control of the country and its people during this conflict (CCP or Reds). Chinese Civil War In July 1926, Chiang Kai-shek launched a year-long war against the north, the so-called Northern Expedition, and a year later would unite much of China under a regime stationed in Nanjing, ... Read More
