Found 245 Articles for World Geography

Major Volcanoes of Canada

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 07-Nov-2023 11:47:01


A remarkable number of volcanoes can be found in Canada, which have formed the country's varied topography. Major volcanoes can be found all over Canada, from the soaring peaks of the Pacific Ring of Fire to the far reaches of the Arctic. These enormous volcanoes, including Mount Garibaldi, Mount Meagre, and Mount Edziza, provide a window into Canada's geological past and demonstrate the force and splendour of the country's volcanic activity. Features of Major Volcanoes of Canada Here are some important facts and features of major volcanoes of Canada. Mount Garibaldi Mount Garibaldi is a stratovolcano located in ... Read More

Major Volcanoes of Africa

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 07-Nov-2023 11:47:54


The are many major volcanos in Africa, which are magnificent and splendid work of nature. These volcanoes are handful in Africa because they are bound to rise there due to tectonic activities caused beneath the land, as it is where the African Plate meets the Arabian Plate. From most dreadful volcano, Nyamuragira volcano to some shallow volcanoes like, Mount Muthaura and Mount Sabyinyo, Africa has always been rich in active volcanoes. Each of volcanoes are terrible enough to destroys miles of civilizations. Features of Major Volcanoes of Africa There are many active volcanoes in Africa. Here are the ... Read More

Major Soils of the United States

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 07-Nov-2023 11:51:01


There are many different types of soil in the United States, each with distinctive qualities and distribution patterns of its own. These soils are shaped by elements like vegetation, geology, and climate. Planning for agricultural, land management, and environmental concerns requires an understanding of the main soil types in the US. These soils, which range in fertility from the Midwest's fertile Mollisols to the Southeast's acidic Ultisols, are crucial in forming the nation's ecosystems and supporting a variety of land uses. Features of Major Soils of the United States Here are descriptions about different types of soils of ... Read More

Major Boundary Lines of the World

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 07-Nov-2023 11:52:13


The world's primary borders define the boundaries of nations, continents, and other geopolitical units. Political, economic, and cultural landscapes are shaped by these boundaries, which include international and national frontiers. They are essential to maintaining law and order and defining the nations' borders, rights, and authorities. Treaties, international agreements, and diplomatic talks are needed to establish and regulate these boundaries in order to promote international cooperation and peaceful coexistence. Features of Major Boundaries of the World Here is the description about major boundaries of the world United States-Canada Border It is also known as International Boundary. The ... Read More

Geography of Baffin Island

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 25-Oct-2023 15:26:33


Baffin Island, is an island lying between Greenland and the Canadian mainland. It is the fifth-biggest island in the world and the largest in Canada. It was previously known by the name James Island. The Canadian Arctic Archipelago's most easterly island, Baffin Island, is separated from Québec province by the Hudson Strait. Around 1500 BCE, it is thought that members of the Dorset culture landed on the Cumberland Peninsula in Canada. Though various possibilities exist, it is unclear where this culture originated, despite the fact that the name derives from excavations conducted at Cape Dorset on Baffin Island. ... Read More

Geography of Asia

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 25-Oct-2023 15:27:23


Asia is the world's largest and most diverse continent. It makes up the majority of the vast Eurasian landmass on the eastern side. Because Asia is more of a geographic word than a uniform continent, using the phrase to refer to such a vast territory always runs the risk of hiding the immense variation among the regions it comprises. Asia has the longest coastline of any continent, the highest and lowest points on Earth's surface, and is often subject to the widest variety of weather extremes. Asia thus sustains the widest variety of plant and animal species on ... Read More

Geography of Africa

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 25-Oct-2023 15:28:32


The second-largest continent on Earth, Africa makes up around one-fifth of the planet's land area. The Atlantic Ocean borders the continent on the west, the Mediterranean Sea on the north, the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean on the east, and the waters of the Atlantic and Indian seas on the south. The Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Indian Ocean, and Atlantic Ocean all encircle Africa. The Equator divides it almost exactly in half. It is possible to separate the physical geography, environment, resources, and human geography of Africa. Features Of all the continents, Africa is the most ... Read More

Geography of Java (Indonesia)

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 25-Oct-2023 15:30:19


In the nation of Indonesia, the island of Java has an extremely high population density. It is the 12th largest island in the globe and the fourth largest in the Indonesian archipelago. More people reside on the island of Java than any other island in the world. Its populace is multicultural, multilingual, and becoming more urbanized. The significance of Java in the area is well known despite the fact that its name's origins are uncertain. From pre-colonial times to the present, Java has historically been the political hub of Indonesia. Today, it serves as the economic engine of Indonesia, generating ... Read More

Geography of Ireland

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 25-Oct-2023 15:31:19


Ireland is the second-largest island in Europe and is known as the Emerald Isle. It is located on the westernmost tip of Europe and is a part of the British Isles. Ireland's physical attributes contribute to its beauty, and both its rocky terrain and its verdant countryside are equally well-known and esteemed. The mountains, forests, and seas of this lovely, green island are only a few of its many distinctive characteristics. Over 300 million years ago, Ireland was not far from where Egypt is today. The geography of Ireland is particularly unique. The region's most significant features include ... Read More

Geography of Iceland

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 25-Oct-2023 15:32:12


Iceland is an island nation located at the meeting point of the Arctic and North Atlantic oceans, east of Greenland, and just south of the Arctic Circle. It is perched atop the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which forms the country's natural border. The island nation is one of the least populous and the 18th largest in the world by area. When Greenland is excluded, it is the most western nation in Europe and has more glaciers than all of continental Europe combined. Physical Features Mountains, glaciers, volcanoes, and lava fields make up the majority of Iceland's topographical features (the "Land ... Read More
