Found 179 Articles for Windows

Deadlock Detection Algorithm in Operating System

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 04-Apr-2023 15:24:55

18K+ Views

Introduction Deadlock is a situation that occurs in a computer system when two or more processes are blocked and waiting for each other to release resources, resulting in a stalemate. It's a serious issue in operating systems as it can cause the entire system to freeze or crash. Therefore, detecting and resolving deadlock is crucial for the smooth operation of any computer system. Deadlock detection algorithms are used to identify the presence of deadlocks in computer systems. These algorithms examine the system's processes and resources to determine if there is a circular wait situation that could lead to a ... Read More

CPU Scheduling Criteria

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 04-Apr-2023 15:09:51

15K+ Views

CPU scheduling is the process of determining which process or task is to be executed by the central processing unit (CPU) at any given time. It is an important component of modern operating systems that allows multiple processes to run simultaneously on a single processor. The CPU scheduler determines the order and priority in which processes are executed and allocates CPU time accordingly, based on various criteria such as CPU utilization, throughput, turnaround time, waiting time, and response time. Efficient CPU scheduling is crucial for optimizing system performance and ensuring that processes are executed in a fair and timely manner. ... Read More

Counting Semaphore in Operating System

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 04-Apr-2023 15:08:18

8K+ Views

Introduction A semaphore is a synchronization mechanism used in operating systems to manage access to shared resources by multiple processes or threads. There are two semaphores − Binary Semaphore − A synchronization tool that has two states (0 or 1) and is used to signal the availability of a resource or protect critical sections of code. Counting Semaphore − Counting semaphore is a synchronization tool that is used in operating systems to control the access to shared resources. It is a type of semaphore that allows more than two processes to access the shared resource at the ... Read More

Consistency Semantics for File Sharing

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 04-Apr-2023 15:01:37

1K+ Views

File-sharing services have become an integral part of modern-day communication and collaboration. These services allow users to share files with others, enabling them to work together on projects and exchange information. However, with multiple users accessing and updating the same file simultaneously, the problem of data consistency arises. Data consistency refers to the correctness and reliability of data, ensuring that all users see the same view of the data at all times. Consistency semantics is a set of rules that define how data is accessed and updated by different users in a distributed system. It is important in file sharing ... Read More

Concurrency in Operating System

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 04-Apr-2023 14:53:46

14K+ Views

Introduction Concurrency in operating systems refers to the ability of an operating system to handle multiple tasks or processes at the same time. With the increasing demand for high performance computing, concurrency has become a critical aspect of modern computing systems. Operating systems that support concurrency can execute multiple tasks simultaneously, leading to better resource utilization, improved responsiveness, and enhanced user experience. Concurrency is essential in modern operating systems due to the increasing demand for multitasking, real-time processing, and parallel computing. It is used in a wide range of applications, including web servers, databases, scientific simulations, and multimedia processing. However, ... Read More

Concept of Address Split in OS

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 04-Apr-2023 14:45:12


Introduction Address splitting is a technique used in operating systems to manage memory resources efficiently. It involves dividing the memory space into smaller logical segments, assigning unique identifiers to each segment, and allocating memory resources dynamically to processes as required. Address splitting is essential in modern operating systems as it enables improved memory utilization, increased system security, and better performance. The technique allows operating systems to manage memory resources efficiently, ensuring that each process has access to the memory resources it needs to execute efficiently. Memory Segmentation Memory segmentation is a technique used in operating systems to manage memory resources ... Read More

Web Operating System

Sumbul Gouri
Updated on 23-Mar-2023 17:17:44

2K+ Views

The web operating system is a user interface based on the internet that allows users to access computers locally and through the internet. An operating system is a software that acts as an interface between computer applications and hardware. Web operating system does not directly interact with computer hardware, it is a dummy operating system. Instead, it depends on a traditional operating system for its work. It acts as an interface for systems that are distributed, for instance, distributed cloud computing systems like a cloud. Web OS are created using AJAX and FLASH. AJAX (Asynchronous javascript And XML) ... Read More

Volatile data Collection from Window System

Sumbul Gouri
Updated on 23-Mar-2023 17:16:48

2K+ Views

Volatile data is not permanent data and this data can be lost when a computer loses its power connection or is switched off. It is usually stored in cache memory or RAM. Random access memory(RAM) is volatile memory used to hold instructions and data of currently running programs. This memory loses integrity after loss of power. Volatile memory is also referred to as temporary memory. It is the memory hardware that fetches or stores data at a high speed. RAM and cache memory are some common examples of volatile memory. Volatile information can be collected remotely or onsite. If ... Read More

Difference between Virtual Memory and Job Pool

Sumbul Gouri
Updated on 23-Mar-2023 17:15:40


Introduction Virtual memory − Virtual memory is a mechanism used to manage memory using hardware and software. It is a part of the secondary storage that gives the user an illusion that it is a part of main memory. It helps in running multiple applications with low main memory and increases the degree of multiprogramming in systems. Job pool −Job pool is a type of data structure in a batch processing system where various jobs are queued to be implemented when all the resources are made available. When a job is executed, it is fully present in memory. Job pools ... Read More

Virtual Memory in the Operating System

Sumbul Gouri
Updated on 23-Mar-2023 17:12:50

1K+ Views

Virtual memory in an operating system is a space where large programs can store themselves in form of pages while their execution and only the required pages or portions of processes are loaded into the main memory. It is a technique that allows the execution of processes that are not completely in the physical memory.This technique is useful as a large virtual memory is provided for user programs when a very small physical memory is there. It is a part of the secondary storage that gives the user an illusion that is a part of the main memory. Why ... Read More

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