Found 262 Articles for Web Services

What is the FTP?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 17-Mar-2022 11:38:34

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The full form of FTP is File Transfer Protocol. It is a standard internet protocol provided by TCP/IP which is used for transmitting the files from one system to another system.The main purpose of FTP is for transferring the web page files from one system to the computer which acts as a server for other computers on the internet. It is also helpful for downloading the files to compute from other servers.ObjectivesThe objectives of FTP are as follows −FTP provides file sharing.FTP helps us to encourage the use of remote computers.FTP used to transfer the data reliably and efficiently.FeaturesThe features ... Read More

What are the differences between Cloud Computing and Cluster Computing?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 17-Mar-2022 06:42:46

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In order to understand cluster computing, we have to know what a cluster is.Cluster ComputingA cluster is a collection of computers or groups of computers and to utilize performance of these groups of computers when we start processing problems with these sets of computers is called cluster computing.Cluster computing is a part of parallel computing. In cluster computing we increase processing of our system by connecting computers according to our needs.By the help of Cluster computing we can easily solve complex problems with high speed. In cluster computing utilization of all resources is better than others.Cluster computing design contrasts depending ... Read More

How to create a Phishing page of a website?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 17-Mar-2022 06:29:14

5K+ Views

Phishing is a type of social engineering attack which is often used to steal user data, including login credentials and credit card numbers and sensitive information without their knowledge that it is being extracted from them.The goal of a phishing attempt is to trick the recipient into taking the attacker’s desired action, such as providing login credentials or other sensitive information.Phishing TechniquesThere are different types of phishing techniques which are as follows −Deceptive PhishingA phisher sends bulk email with a message. Users are influenced to click on a link. These emails are broadcast to a wide group of recipients with ... Read More

What do you mean by interfaces and services?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 17-Mar-2022 06:26:58

3K+ Views

Generally a network service is an application which runs at application layer and above and is used in computer networking.Network service provides data Storage, manipulation, presentation, communication. This is implemented using client-server architecture or peer-to-peer architecture.Service Interface is used to implement a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). This is implemented to achieve interoperability among the applications among various technologies.The basis of functions of each and every layered structure is to provide a service to the layer above it.Types of interface’s servicesThe types of interface’s services are as follows −Entities and peer entitiesAn entity is an active element in each and every layer, ... Read More

Freeware v/s Shareware

sudhir sharma
Updated on 01-Feb-2022 10:25:12

6K+ Views

Softwares are a set of programs that are created in order to perform a specific computer task. Generally, the software is created by developers to solve the needs of its users. And based on the restrictions that are imposed on software. Basically, there are a few categories based on licensing. Here, we will compare two types: Freeware and Shareware.Freeware SoftwareThese softwares are the softwares that are available to the users free of cost to use and distribute. The source code of the software is not available to use and cannot be modified.Shareware SoftwareThese softwares are the softwares that are initially ... Read More

What is Win32:PUP-gen?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 12-Jul-2021 07:52:09

9K+ Views

If you use antimalware programs such as Avast or AVG, you might get a warning of the presence of Win32:PUP-gen on your system.In this post, we would discuss what Win32:PUP-gen is and how to remove it from the device after its detection.What is Win32:PUP-gen?Win32:PUP-gen is a generic term used for describing the presence of a malicious program or code in the system. It is not a particular virus or malware but a general title given to the programs that possess similar malicious behavior. Such malware gets unknowingly installed on the victim's system without their knowledge; therefore, they are categorized as ... Read More

What is URL Blacklist?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 12-Jul-2021 07:48:06


While browsing the internet, you might notice that some of the websites you try to visit are blocked by your browser or antivirus programs. The blocked URLs will be shown as "URL: Blacklist."Google blocks about 10, 000 suspicious URLs every day because of numerous reasons. In this post, we would know what URL Blacklist is, why a URL is blacklisted, and how to prevent a URL from getting blacklisted.What is URL Blacklist?Major search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, and others block URLs or remove them from their indexes on the ground of being malicious or conducting suspicious activities. By backlisting ... Read More

What is IDP.Generic virus?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 12-Jul-2021 07:45:25


If you use antivirus applications like AVG, Avast, or TotalAV, you might be surely aware of the term IDP.Generic. You might get its warning while scanning for viruses.In this post, we will discuss what IDP.Generic is and how to remove it from the system.What is IDP.Generic?IDP.Generic is a common term given to the threat detected by antivirus programs. It notifies users about the presence of the malicious program in the system. IDP.Generic is not a particular malware or virus but a common threat that users can find anywhere on the device, such as in any documents, game folders, python files, ... Read More

What is IDP.ALEXA.51 virus?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 12-Jul-2021 07:43:08


Many antivirus program users, especially that of Avira, Avast, and AVG, have reported that their security programs are reporting a unique threat named IDP.Alexa.51 during scanning.In this post, we will learn about IDP.Alexa.51, how it got infiltrated into your device, and how to get rid of it completely.What is IDP.Alexa.51?IDP.Alexa.51 is a term given to suspicious threat which is not limited to a particular malware, but malicious files that possess similar threatening nature. The threat was first observed in 2016, and it often enters the system during the installation of flash games such as Plant vs. Zombies, SeaMonkey, and others.Since ... Read More

What is Identity Theft?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 12-Jul-2021 07:40:51


Identity Theft is one of the growing crimes in the modern internet world. In this post, we would know what Identity Theft is, how it happens, and prevent it from happening to you.What is Identity Theft?Identity Theft happens when cybercriminals get your personal information illegally and use it to conduct various illicit activities without your knowledge. The identity thief uses various ways such as Phishing tricks, fake emails, fake calls, and more to gain confidential information like credit card details, name & address, banking credentials, social security number, medical insurance number, and many such data.Cybercriminals can use all such information ... Read More

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