Found 262 Articles for Web Services

Integrating JSession in a Web-Service in SAP

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 10-Dec-2019 10:20:40


You need to configure the soap manager transaction.First, specify the proxy that you have created in the configurationSpecify the portSet the access path from transport settings. The SAP is making use of ‘cl_http_client’ which has a method ‘create_by_destination’ to make an HTTP call. You can extend that to induce your logic there.

Error in XML document while processing SOAP response

Johar Ali
Updated on 17-Dec-2019 06:46:33


Yes, you should use your SOAP extension into your client app.ExampleTry adding the below code:               DebugTools.SOAP.SOAPTrace is the namespace of the SoapTraceExtension.DebugTools.SOAP is the name of the assembly containing the soap trace code.
