Found 262 Articles for Web Services

Case of Incorrect Requirement Gathering – How to Overcome?

Samual Sam
Updated on 26-Apr-2022 05:44:18


Mr. X is working as a Project Manager with a mid-level Software development company. His company recently won a contract to develop a software application for a renowned bank. And, Mr. X is assigned to work on that project.The customer wants the company to design a banking software application which will create and update customers profile by listening to their voice, also customer can update their details with manual editing, it will trigger automatic calls between bank and the customers in case of any alert or notification. The application should keep track of all transactions, and maintain the records. It ... Read More

Career Opportunities in Digital Marketing

Samual Sam
Updated on 25-Apr-2022 12:58:20


Traditional Marketing or Orthodox Marketing was once a reigning phenomenon. However, it slowly started marching towards its death as it failed to re-invent itself. Market research experts and analysts propound that traditional marketing has become irrelevant in today’s digitized world. The place is now being usurped by Digital Marketing. True to form, digital marketing encompasses a healthy mix of attractive banner ads, mobile apps, videos, email campaigns, informative blog posts and a host other such intriguing pursuits to promote and sell products.Pursuing a career in digital marketing can be a turning point to many as many companies are reaching higher ... Read More

Biometric Identification Techniques

Samual Sam
Updated on 25-Apr-2022 12:36:21

1K+ Views

The word “Biometrics” means “life measurement” which is usually related to the use of distinctive physiological characteristics to identify an individual. A biometric system is a pattern recognition system which makes a personal identification by determining the authenticity of a specific physiological or behavioral characteristic possessed by the user.Biometric technologies are defined as the “automated method of identifying or authenticating the identity of a human based on physiological or behavioral characteristics”. A number of biometric technologies have developed and are used to authenticate the person’s identity.Common examples areFingerprint scanningRetinal scanningFacial recognition andVoice analysisWhy only Biometrics!!!Biometrics offers unique benefits for identifying ... Read More

Best Skylines of the World

Samual Sam
Updated on 16-Jan-2020 07:31:28


Pick up a dictionary and a skyline is defined as the outline of a group of buildings seen against the sky. In the last century, cities from around the world have not only grown to cover enormous swaths of land spaces horizontally but have grown upwards as if to touch the sky , in a human effort to make stairways to heaven.These high-rises are the business centers of modern cities and appear to keep a watchful eye on the city life below, all round the clock. In this article we bring you the best sky grazing skylines from across the ... Read More

BBC is Reinventing iPlayer to contend With Netflix and Amazon

Samual Sam
Updated on 25-Apr-2022 11:28:35


In today’s fast paced life, we hardly get enough time to relax at our home to watch our favorite shows on television. Forget about the weekdays, even many of us are occupied on weekends too as there are some works always left for those days. Also, a lot of time we normally spend in traveling from one place to another in order to complete those works. And due to those busy schedules, the fun elements are missing somewhere; and we are compelled to live in a dull and monotonic life without the basic entertainments that we deserve.Not to worry, the ... Read More

Top 10 Technologies related to Artificial Intelligence

Samual Sam
Updated on 16-Jan-2020 07:13:49


One of the most captivating branches of Computer Science – the Artificial Intelligence (AI) – has been thriving on technological fronts. AI is currently used in the programming of computer games, understanding of natural human languages (Apple’s Siri and Microsoft Cortana), neural networks and robotics (eg. Sophia – the most advanced human-like robot).Companies are investing in AI and the percentage is increasing year on year – 38% in 2016 to 62% in 2018, with an expected increase in market growth from $8 billion in 2016 to $47 billion in 2020 as per Forbes recent publication.Here the hottest technologies that ride ... Read More

Appium – A Wonderful Testing Tool for Your Mobile Applications

Samual Sam
Updated on 25-Apr-2022 11:01:38


While looking for any automation tool to test your mobile applications, the first impressions should be – It should be less complicated, user-friendly and under your project budget. But when your application runs on more than one platform such as Android and iOS, then you need a tool which can be used on both the platforms. Though you have the choice to use separate tools for each platform, but that may incur project cost in term of maintenance and resource utilization. So, isn’t a great idea to choose a platform independent tool to test your application on multiple platforms.It’s better ... Read More

Anyone Can Upload Files In Your Dropbox

Samual Sam
Updated on 25-Apr-2022 10:30:20


We find, class teachers asking students to submit their homework at the end of the week, companies asking designers to send their design drafts and mock-up for review. The easy solution would be sending e-mail and then they can use the attachment script so that it automatically download these files to their computer. The major problem is that, you cannot receive large files via email and secondly it takes some work to organize stuff that arrives in email.It would be easier if one can create a public folder on the internet, where individuals could go and simply upload the files ... Read More

Ancient Technology you never heard of!

Samual Sam
Updated on 16-Jan-2020 07:05:58


We live in a new world where our lives largely depend on technology. Technology is all pervasive and seeps into each and every part of our personal and professional life. And here, I bring to you a list of items, which would both surprise you and ignite a newfound appreciation for technology of a bygone eraAn Ancient Earthquake DetectorWe still cannot measure earthquakes accurately, but you will be surprised that Zhang (‘Chang’) Heng, a Chinese astronomer, engineer, mathematician, and inventor invented the first seismoscope in 132 AD. The device was noticeably precise in detecting earthquakes. Secondly, this device was capable ... Read More

Amazing images that capture you

Samual Sam
Updated on 14-Jul-2020 06:31:29


Many times a day we see images around us, but not all lure our attention towards them. But some do, they entice us, they teach us something new, they change our perspective and they draw us into a new world of beauty. We have a set of images here, that take you on a new journey, and make you see things that aren’t visible, things that you never knew existed, and things that one would have assumed impossible to create.The InvisibleGalaxy’s Magnetic Field − When you see it the first time, it makes no sense at all. This iconic image ... Read More
