Found 262 Articles for Web Services

The Electricity-Free Air Conditioner Which Saves Money

Samual Sam
Updated on 21-Jan-2020 08:01:49


Many people love summers but most hate the heat. Therefore, air conditioners have been one of the most favourite electrical appliances in the dog days of summer. Nonetheless, air conditioners consume enough electricity and manufacturers have been fiercely fighting to diminish the electricity consumption of air conditioners.If you notice carefully, you’d find many air conditioner advertisements that focus on low electricity consumption. It is important because saving energy is not only important for environmental sustainability, but electrical appliances also need to be light on the pocket.Now, if we say air conditioners can run without electricity too, will you be impressed? ... Read More

The best and the cheapest 360 degree cameras

Samual Sam
Updated on 21-Jan-2020 08:00:18


In a world where big-screen devices are all the craze, how about getting a camera that comfortably fits one’s palms, and yet manages to click pictures large enough to give even the widest screens in the world a run for their money? Yes, you guessed it right! We are talking of 360-degree cameras that- as per their names- can take a 360-degree view snapshot.Ricoh Theta- $399The feature about Ricoh Theta that immediately arrests your attention has, interestingly, got to do with not the specifications but the price. Keeping in mind what this camera can do, it comes at a jaw-dropping ... Read More

Tesla: Changing the Fossil Fuel Economy for a Cleaner Planet

Samual Sam
Updated on 21-Jan-2020 07:52:36


To provide energy for nearly 7.2 billion people on earth itself is a huge task, and most of the energy needs today is met through the use of fossil fuels. The International energy agency estimated that in 2012, the world energy consumption was 13, 371 Mtoe , or 5.6 × 1020 joules. Oil is still the primary source of energy. However, during the period of 2000–2012, coal was the source of energy with the largest growth in terms of usage. The use of other fossil fuels and electricity followed that trend.We can see the disadvantages of using too much fossil ... Read More

Techniques To Resolve Workplace Conflicts

Samual Sam
Updated on 21-Jan-2020 07:37:38


Have you ever faced such situations where two of your subordinates indulged in infighting on most of the matter? Whether taking the work or discussing any important stuff, they always pointed out each other’s mistakes and do not hesitate to complain you on every occasions. And when those resources are vital to the project then those situations can double your worries, isn’t it?Workplace conflicts are common and inevitable as each employee has their own attitude, ideas, and style of working. So while working together often their differences clashes and when that goes beyond the tolerance limit the conflict erupts.Conflicts may ... Read More

Know what Ad Size is Optimum for your Website?

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 21-Jan-2020 05:37:02


Google advises its Adsense Publishers to switch ad formats as more number of Adwords advertisers tend to target these ad sizes. Hence, more competition will be there among the advertisers and it will lead to higher eCPMs, thus translating it into increased earning to the owners of the website.As per the statistics, the best performing banner size is 300×250 medium rectangle and 336×280 large rectangle. That’s not all, in addition to standard IAB units, the Adsense program does support the custom sized ads which may be bigger than large rectangular ads. But, the big question is – will they perform ... Read More

Install and Configure Elasticsearch in Ubuntu -14.04

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 13:11:41


Elasticsearch is an open source search engine that uses Apache Lucene as its engine and released under an Apache license. Elastic search provides a platform for distributed search and analysis of data in real time. Elasticsearch is the most popular for its ease of use, powerful features. Using elastic search you can easily search, explore and analyze your data with an HTTP web interface.FeaturesSome of the general features of Elasticsearch are as follows:Elasticsearch is scalable up to hundreds of servers and petabytes of structured and unstructured data.Elasticsearch can be used as a replacement of MongoDB and RavenDB document store.Elasticsearch is ... Read More

How to Use SFTP to Secure File Transfer with a Remote Server

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 12:42:12

2K+ Views

In this article, you can learn about – how to setup SFTP (Secured File Transfer Protocol) which will help us to transfer the files from local machine to remote server secure. FTP (File Transfer protocol) is a very popular method used to transfer files from one machine to another or from remote servers.SFTP stands for Secure File Transfer protocol, is a separate protocol, which uses SSH to secure the connection and makes the file transfer which traverses the file system on both remote server & local machine.How to Connect using SFTPSFTP uses the SSH protocol to connect and establish a ... Read More

Gmail Productivity Tips

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 10:04:56


In this super busy world of professional environment, it makes it challenging for each one of us to organize and use our emails effectively and efficiently. Whether it’s customizing, sorting, searching, automating your emails, Gmail offers dozens of ways to managing your inbox easily. Gmail is simple enough to use and to make you become a Gmail power user. We bring you some tips which will help you get to the next level of productivity.Labeling your EmailsLabeling your emails makes it easy and effective in organizing your inbox. Emails can be automatically given a label and you can also create ... Read More

9 Best Free Blogging Sites

Sharon Christine
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 05:44:14


Online blogging and digital marketing has turned out to be exponentially more important in a period of social media and networking. Blogging is one of the most effective approaches to connect with the world, whether you blog to connect on an individual level with others or blog to help promote a business. There are many free blogging sites which offers better opportunities for better development, exposure, and monetization.Here’s a list of some of the best blogging sites that are currently available for you to choose the right platform if you want to be an active blogger.WordPressWordPress is the most popular ... Read More

Simple Steps to make your Google Contacts upto Date

Sharon Christine
Updated on 17-Jan-2020 13:01:46


Do you have numerous incomplete entries in your Google Contacts? If your answer is yes, you might be aware that, you do not have either complete mailing address or new phone numbers of people with whom you are associated; they may be your colleagues, relatives or close friends. When you are in this situation, you might feel miserable because you do not have a record of your close one’s anniversaries and birthdays.Know about Google Contacts?I am sure all those who are reading this article would like to know, what is Google Contacts, in any case if you do not know ... Read More
