Found 53 Articles for Web Security

How to remove Crypto Virus?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 17-Aug-2021 06:40:53


Ransomware viruses are malicious software and are generally designed to block access to a computer system until some amount of money is paid. The makers of this software are earning a lot of money from this.Crypto-ransomware is one such type of harmful program that encrypts files stored on a computer or mobile device, or laptop and can be decrypted when you pay a certain amount of money. Unfortunately, the encryption then mixes the content of the whole file, which makes it unreadable, so if the user wants to restore it to use the context of that file, they first need ... Read More

How do Firewalls prevent computer viruses?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 17-Aug-2021 06:39:03


Firewalls are filters that keep that lousy thing out and only allow good things to come in. it works based on the inclusive and exclusive parameters, allowing few types of communication inside while keeping others away. It is guided by an access control list with a particular set of rules based on which it provides access to a specific computer. These guidelines are not firm and can be customized for any particular device based on its need.Types of FirewallsBefore directly diving into how firewalls prevent computer viruses, let's understand a bit more about firewalls. There are two types of firewalls ... Read More

What is a Fake Tech Support Scam?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 17-Aug-2021 06:37:53


Fake Tech Support is a group of people who pretend to be a support team for helping you in solving all the technical problems you have in your system. They want you to believe that you have some severe viruses in your computer, and they pretend like they will help you get rid of them. They want the user to pay them for the problems that don’t even exist in your system, and most of the time, they ask you to pay through such methods where the transaction cannot be reversed once done.How Do Fake Tech Support Interact with Users?Fake ... Read More

How to Detect Keyloggers?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 17-Aug-2021 06:36:20


The term "keylogger" means software or hardware that is generally installed on your device, which logs whatever you type or press on the keyboard, be it virtual or your system’s hardware. It can be software as well as hardware. They are generally used for surreptitiously tracking the user’s data, most often to steal their passwords, bank id’s, address, mobile number, and much such sensitive information.While most of the time, keyloggers are used for unethical purposes by cybercriminals to gather various personal details like sensitive data or passwords, very rarely, they are also used for legitimate purposes.Types of KeyloggersThere are basically ... Read More

What are some of the top Android Viruses?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 17-Aug-2021 06:31:50


As we all know, the main factor that cyber attackers use to spread their malicious viruses is a huge user base, and currently, there is no better medium than android in terms of having a huge user base. And that's why android devices have become a prime target for cyber attackers to spread malicious viruses. Also, compared to other OS like iOS, android is open-source software that makes it easier for cyber attackers to customize it according to their needs.Now since we understood why its android viruses, let's see what are different types of android viruses lately which are spreading ... Read More

What is Data Integrity?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 17-Aug-2021 06:27:51

2K+ Views

In the modern world, having a good database is the same as being a millionaire. People often compare data with money, as it is one of the most critical assets for the future. The one who has accurate data is going to rule this digital world.Quantitative data along with good quality and authenticity helps any country in boosting its revenue. Data helps any company in so many ways, be it getting data on a disease or showing personalized ads to users, or knowing their consumer base more efficiently.It is said, the more accurate data a company has, the more successful ... Read More

Is paying for an Antivirus Software worth it?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 17-Aug-2021 06:26:03


Many of us in today’s age use anti-virus software to protect our PC from viruses, but out of the ones we use, how many of them are paid? The study from 2019 says that only 18.6% of people use paid antivirus software legally. The rest all either use the free software or use pirated and cracked versions of the paid software. It’s essential to know that free antivirus software has hidden costs behind them that you may not be aware of.Is it worth paying for an anti-virus software?Like the way you invest in a good system, it’s crucial to invest ... Read More

What is a Backdoor?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 17-Aug-2021 06:23:35


As the name suggests, a "Backdoor" allows someone to enter your house, not from the legal way that is the front door. In technical terms, the backdoor is any sort of method which allows any organization, hacker, or even government to access your system without your permission.A Backdoor can be installed on your system by hackers in the form of some malware application or using your device’s software vulnerabilities.Backdoors are used mainly by hackers for using your data, invading your privacy, crypto-jacking, surveillance, etc.In recent days, hackers have discovered so many new ways to get access to user’s devices and ... Read More

Is it possible to hack a phone by Texting?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 17-Aug-2021 06:21:04

1K+ Views

Hacking someone’s phone nowadays isn’t as rare and complex as it used to be in earlier days. Anyone with a piece of good knowledge can hack others’ devices or systems, and this has been a kind of hobby for today’s kids with technical backgrounds. There are various ways of hacking someone’s system or spying into someone’s device, but in today’s article, we will mainly see-through texting to the device which needs to be hacked. And you feel everything is fine and safe in your device until you get a text message from a hacker asking for that ransom.By now, you ... Read More

Does Factory Resetting an Android Device Remove Viruses and Malware?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 17-Aug-2021 06:17:46

1K+ Views

Around 73% of all mobile users have Android devices. With such a large user base, Androids have become a prime target for cyber attackers to spread their malware quickly in user's devices. Furthermore, since everyone around us saves all their information in an Android device in one form or the other, for cyber attackers, Android has become their primary bank for stealing all the data. Hence, people are always searching for ways to remove these malicious viruses from their phones. The most common way that any average person follows is factory resetting their Android device.Does Factory Resetting Actually Remove Viruses?Does ... Read More
