Found 10710 Articles for Web Development

How to set the content as a counter?

Naveen Singh
Updated on 20-Nov-2023 15:06:46


In general, we use JavaScript to set the dynamic content as counter for the content on the web page. But in this article, we are going to learn how we can set the content as counter using the CSS counter properties. It is possible to set content as counter by using the counter properties inside the before or after pseudo selectors. Let us now see the counter properties we can use to set the content as counter using CSS. The CSS counters are just like the variables in other languages. We can increment their values using CSS rules or properties. ... Read More

How to set position of an image in CSS?

Naveen Singh
Updated on 20-Nov-2023 14:54:33


In general, the default position of an image is left aligned on the web page. But you can change the position of an image according to your needs and set the position of an image manually on the web page where you have to show that particular image. Let us now discuss about the ways of positioning an image on the webpage using CSS. There are two methods or approaches in general to position an image on the web page using CSS that are listed below − Using the float property of CSS Using the object-position property of CSS ... Read More

How to set padding inside an element using CSS?

Naveen Singh
Updated on 20-Nov-2023 14:46:07


Padding in CSS is used to give some space around the content of the element. You can add the space around the any type of content that is contained by the element. The content can be direct text, or any other nested elements inside it. You can easily add the space you want to set between the content and the boundaries of the element. Padding is the inner space, that is set only around the content and between the boundaries and content of element. Let us see how you can add padding inside an element around its content using CSS. ... Read More

How to set padding around an element using CSS?

Naveen Singh
Updated on 20-Nov-2023 14:32:18


The padding property in CSS is used to set the inner space between the content and the boundaries of the container. The space defined using the padding property will be set around the content of the container not around the container itself. It will set the space inside the container not outside it. Let us see the different ways or methods of applying the padding around an element using CSS. There are two ways in which we can set padding around the content of an element using CSS as listed below − Using the individual padding property for each ... Read More

How to set one column control over height in Bootstrap?

Naveen Singh
Updated on 20-Nov-2023 13:07:39


In this article, we will learn how we can set one column control over height in bootstrap? To solve this problem, first we make two different columns on the web page using Bootstrap classes, then we will use a div element inside one of those columns with position absolute to set the control of that particular column over height in bootstrap. Let us now practically understand the above approach or the process in details by implementing it inside the different code examples. Steps Step 1 − In the first step, we will define two different bootstrap columns inside a ... Read More

How to use UseFormControl() hook in Material UI?

Naveen Singh
Updated on 01-Nov-2023 13:16:44


In React MUI, managing form states or validating them is a big task. To solve this issue, we have the useFormControl() hook available in MUI. This hook allows to customize the state according to different project requirements, etc. In this article, we'll explore the usage of the UseFormControl() hook in the Material UI in React. useFormControl API The useFormControl API or hook returns the context value of the parent FormControl component. It gives an abstraction layer that allows to manage of the form state and validation of the given form controls. API returnable objects There are different useFormControl hook returns, ... Read More

How to use the scale prop to represent the value on a different scale in Material UI?

Naveen Singh
Updated on 01-Nov-2023 13:13:11


In this article, we will explore how to utilize the "scale" prop in Material UI to represent values on a scale. The "scale" prop in Material UI's Slider component enables you to map the range of values of the slider onto a scale. The usage of this property is very simple and easy to implement. Also, the prop is useful when there is a need to display and manipulate values on a scale that differs from the default linear scale of the slider. If we talk about the value it accepts, then it acts as a function that takes ... Read More

How to use Select Props in Material UI?

Naveen Singh
Updated on 01-Nov-2023 13:10:48


This article will cover the usage of features in Material UI. The "Select" component, an element of Material UI allows users to choose options from a menu. To customize the behavior and appearance of the Select component various props are available. Select API − This API is used to add the Select component to select data from a list of options in Material UI. Props autoWidth − This property is used to set the width. children − This property defines the options, for the menu items. classes − This property is used to customize or add ... Read More

How to handle multiple selection of Toggle Button in Material UI?

Naveen Singh
Updated on 01-Nov-2023 13:09:16


In this article, we are going to handle multiple selections of the toggle button in Material UI. To ensure a seamless and understandable user experience, handling the selection of multiple toggle buttons within a Toggle Button Group requires careful implementation. What is a Toggle Button? Toggle buttons are a very popular component not only in MUI but also in various other CSS frameworks like Bootstrap, etc., and it provide a way to choose between two or more options. These buttons are collectively referred to as the ToggleButtonGroup in MUI. A group of connected Toggle buttons should be highlighted by sharing ... Read More

How to handle multiple select in Material UI?

Naveen Singh
Updated on 01-Nov-2023 13:07:52


Material UI is a used React UI framework that offers a robust Select component, which allows users to make selections, from a dropdown menu. In certain situations, you may require the ability to select items from the dropdown. Similar to selection, you can retrieve the value by accessing within the onChange callback, and it will always be in array format. In this article, we will explore how to manage options using the Material UI. The Select component supports multiple selections by enabling the "multiple" prop. Steps to Handle Multiple Select Items Here are the steps for using various props ... Read More
