Found 10710 Articles for Web Development

UI & UX Developer – Education, Skills, Salary, and Career

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 11-May-2023 14:01:38


User experience (UX) and user interface (UI) have become critical for organizations to remain competitive in today's digital era. A UI & UX developer is essential in developing user-friendly websites and apps. This post will examine the education, skills, income, and job opportunities for UI and UX developers. Education A degree in computer science or a related discipline is typically necessary to work as a UI & UX developer. Some firms, however, may consider people with a design, marketing, or psychology background. Human-computer interface, web development, and graphic design courses may also be advantageous. In addition to formal schooling, ... Read More

Sorting Function in SASS

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 11-May-2023 13:58:32


In this article, we will learn about the sorting function in Sass, but before moving forward, let’s have a basic idea about Sass; so sass is a powerful and popular preprocessor language for CSS that allows developers to write more efficient and maintainable stylesheets. One of the best advantages of Sass is the ability to use functions to streamline the development process. However, one function that Sass does not provide out of the box is a sorting function. Sorting is a common task in all programming languages and can be useful in many different contexts when working with stylesheets. Unfortunately, ... Read More

Online Group Chat application Using PHP

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 16:42:24

3K+ Views

A web-based tool called an online group chat application enables users to text, phone, or video chat with one another in real-time. Many people are using these programs because they are simple and convenient. A popular server-side programming language, PHP, can create web-based applications like group chat programs. PHP offers comprehensive functionality for managing user input, communicating with databases, and integrating web-based services. Creating an online group chat application using PHP can be a terrific project idea for ambitious web developers or companies wishing to provide an online communication platform for their staff or clients. Various capabilities, including group ... Read More

NeumorphismUI Form

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 11-May-2023 13:53:14


NeumorphismUI is a design trend that has gained popularity recently, combining skeuomorphism with a modern twist. When applied to forms, NeumorphismUI is a design style worth considering. It can make the user interface feel more tangible and interactive, ultimately improving the overall usability of the form. In this article, we'll explore the different types of NeumorphismUI forms and provide examples and best practices for each. Example In this example, we created a login form to enhance the enhanced experience. First, we started by designing the form with a neumorphic style, which gives it a modern and elegant look. We ... Read More

Last-child and last-of-type selector in SASS

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 11-May-2023 13:50:11

3K+ Views

The SASS provides various features over the normal CSS to write easy and maintainable code, and advanced selectors are one of them. A SASS contains the last-child, and last-of-type selectors, which we will discuss in this tutorial. Last-child Selector in SASS The ‘last-child’ selector allows developers to select the last element inside the parent element. Also, it allows you to select the last HTML element regardless of the type of the element. If the last element contains the nested child elements, it also applies style to the nested element as they are a part of the last child element. Syntax ... Read More

How to limit character input in textarea including count in jQuery?

Saba Hilal
Updated on 10-May-2023 18:11:42

2K+ Views

Suppose the total permitted character is N and the user has entered M characters in the textarea, where N>M. Now only (N-M) characters are left to be entered. After this (N-M) becomes 0, the characters should not be allowed to be entered. In this article, using JQuery, in three different examples, this process of limiting the character input in the textarea is given. In the first example, the maxlength attribute of textarea is used. In example two, the text area is disabled after the required limit is reached and in the third example, the preventDefault is used for the ... Read More

How to make a display in a horizontal row?

Saba Hilal
Updated on 10-May-2023 18:08:27


In this article, the user will understand how to make a display in a horizontal row in the HTML. This can be easily done by using “display: inline” feature while setting the style or by using the table row feature. This process of displaying some elements of a webpage in a row is demonstrated. First, the method is given where the unordered list items are displayed in a row. In the second example, the paragraph lines are displayed in a row. In the third example, images of different sizes are used to display these in a row. Example 1: ... Read More

How to make a vertical line using HTML?

Saba Hilal
Updated on 10-May-2023 18:00:16

2K+ Views

Sometimes, the task is to display a vertical line on the web page and to set the style for that vertical line. Using the HTML, this process of creating a vertical line on the webpage is demonstrated in this article. First the method is given where the border style is specified for the div tag to display a vertical line. In the second example, the keyboard characters “|” and “!’ are filled as table cell contents to create a vertical line made up of dashes or dots. In the third example a small width rectangle is created that looks ... Read More

How to make an empty div take space?

Saba Hilal
Updated on 10-May-2023 17:22:23

3K+ Views

HTML is one of the most popular language to create interactive web pages. The space inside the div tag is marked by either enclosing it with a border or coloring it up. First, the method is given where the height and width are specified for the div tag to create the empty area. In the second example, the pre tags are used with line-height numbers, within the div tags to create the empty space. In the third example, the tags are used with line-height numbers, within the div tags. Example 1: By using height and width values Step ... Read More

A Game Using Javascript – Fire the bullets

Saba Hilal
Updated on 10-May-2023 17:01:18


This game is made using JavaScript and the game lab of The game Story/Rules/Intrroduction The player has to move the commando by pressing the UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys and make the commando escape the walled area. To go out of the door the commando needs to find the right key. One of the key is of the door. The keys are placed in the protected area. The commando needs to reach the door while picking the right key. Lots are fire tanks are seen in the walled area. If the commando is in range of any ... Read More
